If you’re seeing this interview draft, it means you’ve recently published on HackerNoon a story that the community found interesting and/or valuable. For this reason, we would like to help the community get to know you better as well as find out some writing tips from you.
While this template is automatic, our interest in the answers below is genuine and our human editors (and some cyborg wannabes) will review it before publishing.
My name is Emmanuel Nwaka. I'm a Content Marketing Professional curating experiences and advancements in Marketing, Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency, and Business.
I have been working in the writing industry for several years now and have a wealth of experience in these niches and their impact on the world. My role started as that of a freelance writer, moved to that of a content professional, and now I am a co-founder.
I also have a passion for entrepreneurship, which is what made me stumble on HackerNoon.
In my free time, I enjoy reading about new technology, traveling to new locations, and finding ways to make my life more purposeful and enjoyable.
My Hackernoon Top Story was about Web3 Technical Writing. It was part of my series called the Web3 Career Guide.
It explored the meaning of Web3, the career opportunities as a writer in Web3, and unique insights from 10 Web3 Technical Writers on how to go about the field.
The article was well received by the HackerNoon community and even ranked on Google among the top three results for that query.
I have a broad range of writing experiences, but I choose to focus on marketing, business, and blockchain technology.
I am interested in marketing and how companies can use technology to connect with their audience and achieve their goals. The decentralized nature of Web3 interests me too because it makes technology programmable, secure, immutable, and timestamped on a blockchain.
Well, I am still flexible and eager to explore different interests in writing.
My writing routine involves three main steps: Research, Write, and Edit.
Research involves looking through the work of others, checking for their viewpoints, asking subject matter experts, and formulating the outline.
Writing just involves pouring out my thoughts onto the screen. While editing involves using various tools to check for grammatical and structural errors, making sure the SEO is intact, adding graphics, and giving it finesse.
These I do before I hit publish!
My latest challenge is staying informed about the trends in the tech industry. Apart from that, handling client demands while meeting personal responsibilities can be an issue.
Well, I've found that setting priorities and communicating clearly my responsibility keeps me in check.
My goal is to gain a much deeper understanding of the tech industry and clearly communicate that knowledge with my audience.
Also, I hope to get my stories onto bigger platforms that will help my craft reach a wide audience, land amazing clients, and become a thought leader in the blockchain ecosystem.
Moreover, I'm building Blockroll to become the number one payroll and invoicing firm in Africa.
Playing musical instruments and hanging out with friends is a great way to fuel my engine.
I have a lot of hobbies by the way, but I am exploring storytelling.
The HackerNoon community can expect to read a range of topics from blockchain technology, business, and marketing.
I will continue to expand my content creation journey by making podcasts, newsletters, and video content that explores these topics and publish them on the internet. More of these are explored in my social media channels.
Simplicity and authenticity are what amaze me with the HackerNoon platform.
The fact that every article is reviewed for quality means that people trust what gets on the platform, and the content stays consistent with the rules of the writing game.
To aspiring writers, stay on course!
It took me two years to get my first writing client. Keep adding new knowledge, don't be afraid to reach out if you need help, and keep being the best!