Meet ForestVPN, Startups of the Year Winner in Dubaiby@suquant
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Meet ForestVPN, Startups of the Year Winner in Dubai

by George K.January 30th, 2024
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George Kutsurua, the founder of ForestVPN, discusses the company's triumph as the 'Startups of the Year 2023' winner in a HackerNoon interview. He emphasizes their unique approach to VPN services, focusing on user satisfaction, cutting-edge technology, and a strong commitment to sustainability. Kutsurua highlights their initiatives in green crypto mining and distributed cloud computing, aiming to reduce electronic waste and carbon emissions. He values his team's passion, innovation, and community-driven development, particularly in enhancing their open-source library, "wgrest". Kutsurua looks forward to further growth, innovation, and collaboration in 2024.
featured image - Meet ForestVPN, Startups of the Year Winner in Dubai
George K. HackerNoon profile picture

This interview series celebrates all the phenomenal Startups of the Year Winners. Congratulations! Well-Deserved, Champion.The HackerNoon community is excited to learn more about you!

ForestVPN is the Startup of the Year in Dubai.

What does it mean for you to win this title?

For me, it's a mix of pride and a whole lot of gratitude. I'm proud of my team – they're the real MVPs here. And I'm incredibly thankful to our users. Their feedback, support, and trust in what we're building is why we're here today.

But don't get me wrong, this isn't just a victory lap for us. It's more like a turbo boost into what's next. It's about taking what we've learned, the momentum we've gained, and channeling it into making ForestVPN even better. We're talking about stepping up our game in privacy tech, rolling out new features – the works.

In a nutshell, winning this title is a mix of 'Wow, we did it!' and 'Okay, what's next?'. It's an amazing recognition, but also a reminder that we've got more mountains to climb. And honestly, we can't wait to see what's at the top of the next one.

What sets you apart from the competition?

I'd say it's our unique approach to the whole VPN game. We're not just stopping at providing top-notch VPN services. We're pushing the envelope with our work in distributed cloud computing. This is where it gets really exciting – we're enabling users worldwide to sell unused resources from their handheld, home, office, and even gaming devices. It's a game-changer.

We like to call this 'green crypto mining'. It's a term people can easily wrap their heads around, but it's so much more than that. This approach is all about sustainability and making the most of what we already have. Imagine the sheer amount of resources we save and the significant impact we make on reducing electronic waste and cutting down carbon emissions.

By tapping into the unused capacity of devices that people already own, we're creating a more efficient, more sustainable model. It's not just about making extra cash; it's about contributing to a bigger cause – the health of our planet. We're turning everyday devices into a force for good, reducing the need for dedicated mining hardware, which is often energy-intensive and contributes to electronic waste.

So, when you think about what sets ForestVPN apart, it's this vision of a greener, more sustainable future in the tech world. We're not just providing privacy solutions; we're pioneering a movement towards a more responsible use of technology, where everyone benefits – our users, the community, and the planet.

What do you love about your team, and why are you the ones to solve this problem?

Oh, my team? They're the real rockstars behind ForestVPN. What do I love about them? Where do I even start? They're a bunch of brilliant, quirky, dedicated folks who bring their A-game every single day. They're not just colleagues; they're like a second family, each with their own superpowers.

First off, they're incredibly passionate. These guys don't just clock in and clock out; they live and breathe what we do. They're always buzzing with new ideas, always pushing the boundaries of what's possible. It's like they've got this endless well of energy and creativity that keeps the rest of us going.

And their skills? Top-notch. We've got coders who can whip up complex algorithms like it's child's play, designers who can turn the most mundane interface into a work of art, and strategists who can see ten steps ahead. They're like a well-oiled machine, but with more personality.

But what really sets them apart is their commitment to our mission – to make the digital world a safer, more sustainable place. They truly believe in the impact of what we're doing with ForestVPN, especially our work in distributed cloud computing and 'green crypto mining'. It's not just a job for them; it's a cause.

And why are we the ones to solve this problem? Because we've got the perfect blend of passion, expertise, and belief in our mission. We're not just chasing profits; we're chasing a vision. A vision of a world where privacy is a given, where technology works for the planet, not against it. And when you have a team that's this driven and skilled, backed by a mission that's this important, there's really nothing you can't achieve.

If you weren’t building your startup, what would you be doing?

That's a fun one to think about. I've always had a bit of an adventurous streak, so I'd probably be off chasing some wild, out-of-the-box venture. Maybe I'd be trekking through remote corners of the world, exploring uncharted territories, or diving into some kind of extreme sport – something that gets the adrenaline pumping.

But knowing me, I couldn't stay away from the tech world for long. I'd likely be tinkering with some new tech innovation or another. Maybe working on AI projects, exploring the depths of machine learning, or playing around with some futuristic tech that's just a concept right now. I love the thrill of turning 'what-ifs' into 'why nots'.

Or, maybe I'd channel my inner educator. I've always had a passion for sharing knowledge, for lighting that spark of curiosity in others. Hosting workshops, giving talks, mentoring up-and-coming tech enthusiasts – that sort of thing. There's something incredibly rewarding about helping others unlock their potential and watching them bring their own ideas to life.

In a parallel universe, you could probably find me doing any of these things. But at the end of the day, I'm here, with ForestVPN, living out one of my wildest dreams. And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, the road less traveled might have its allure, but the path we're carving out here – it's unique, it's impactful, and it's exactly where I'm meant to be.

At the moment, how do you measure success? What are your core metrics?

Measuring success, huh? That's always an interesting one. For us at ForestVPN, it's not just about the usual metrics like revenue or user numbers – though don't get me wrong, those are important. But we like to dig a bit deeper.

One of our core metrics? User satisfaction. Are people happy with our product? Do they feel safer online because of it? We keep a close eye on feedback, reviews, and support tickets. It's like taking the pulse of our user base – if they're happy, we know we're doing something right.

Then there's innovation. Are we pushing the envelope? Are we staying ahead of the curve in terms of technology and privacy solutions? This isn't something you can easily quantify, but it's crucial for us. We track our progress on new features, updates, and how well we're adapting to the ever-changing tech landscape.

Another big one is our impact on sustainability, especially with our 'green crypto mining' initiative. How much are we contributing to reducing electronic waste? What's our effect on carbon emissions? These are newer metrics for us, but they're becoming increasingly central to how we define success.

And of course, there's growth. Not just in terms of numbers, but the right kind of growth. Are we expanding our user base sustainably? Are we building a community, not just a customer base? We're looking for steady, organic growth that's aligned with our values.

In short, our measure of success is a blend of user happiness, technological innovation, sustainable growth, and our environmental impact. It's all about creating a balance – making sure we're moving forward, making a difference, and staying true to what we believe in.

Tell us how your startup is changing the world.

Changing the world, that's a big statement, right? But here at ForestVPN, that's exactly what we're aiming to do, one byte at a time. It's not just about offering a VPN service; it's about reshaping how people interact with the digital world.

First off, we're ramping up online privacy. In this age where your data can be more valuable than gold, we're giving people the tools to protect it. We're not just keeping their data safe from prying eyes; we're empowering them with the knowledge and technology to take control of their digital footprint. It's about making online privacy accessible and understandable for everyone, not just the tech-savvy.

Then there's our push towards sustainability with our distributed cloud computing and green crypto mining. We're turning the narrative around tech and the environment on its head. Instead of contributing to electronic waste and high energy consumption, we're using existing resources more efficiently. We're showing the world that technology can be part of the solution to environmental issues, not just the problem.

But it's not just about what we're building; it's about how we're building it. We're fostering a community-driven approach. Our users aren't just users; they're collaborators, contributors to a movement towards a safer, more sustainable digital world. Their feedback, their insights – that's what shapes our path forward.

So, how are we changing the world? By making online privacy a norm, not a luxury. By proving that tech can be green and sustainable. And by building not just a product, but a community, a movement. We're not just changing how people connect to the internet; we're changing how they think about their place in the digital world and their impact on the planet. It's ambitious, sure, but that's what makes it so exciting.

How do you or your company intend to embrace the responsibility of this title in 2024?

That's a big one for us at ForestVPN. It's like we've been handed this baton, and now we've got to run with it. And let me tell you, we're ready to sprint.

First up, we're doubling down on innovation. This title isn't just a pat on the back; it's a call to action. We're planning to introduce even more cutting-edge features to our VPN service, pushing the boundaries of what a VPN can do. We're talking about not just staying ahead of the curve but setting the curve.

Then there's our commitment to sustainability, especially with our distributed cloud computing and green crypto mining initiative. We've started a conversation about sustainability in tech, and now we intend to lead it. We're exploring new ways to make our service even more eco-friendly, reducing electronic waste, and cutting down on carbon emissions.

But it's not all about what we do internally. We're also looking outward, taking on a more active role in the wider community. We're planning to ramp up our educational efforts, sharing our knowledge and insights about online privacy and sustainable tech. Think workshops, webinars, community events – we want to engage with people, spark conversations, and drive awareness.

And let's not forget our responsibility towards our users. We're going all-in on transparency and trust. We want our users to know that they're in safe hands, that their privacy is our top priority. We're setting higher standards for ourselves in terms of user data protection and service quality.

In 2024, as part of embracing the responsibility of our title, we at ForestVPN are not only advancing our core services and commitments but also continuing to contribute significantly to the open-source community. A central focus of this effort is our ongoing dedication to "wgrest," one of our most popular open-source libraries. We're pushing this project even further, planning to publish open-source clients across multiple platforms including iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and Linux. This initiative goes beyond just enhancing a tool; it's about enriching the tech community with accessible, transparent, and high-quality VPN resources. By doing so, we aim to empower both developers and everyday users, fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and heightened security in the digital world. This commitment to open-source is a critical part of our mission and a key aspect of how we're leveraging our title to make a tangible, positive impact in the realm of technology.

What goals are you looking forward to accomplishing in 2024?

In 2024, our goals at ForestVPN are set high, and we're gearing up for some exciting challenges. One major aim is to significantly expand our user base. We're not just looking to grow in numbers; we want to deepen our connection with users, turning them into a community of privacy advocates. We're talking engaging content, interactive forums, and real-time support – the whole shebang.

Next up, innovation. We're planning to roll out new features that are not just cool but really push the envelope in terms of privacy and security. Think smarter encryption, more intuitive interfaces, and advanced user controls. We're aiming to make ForestVPN not just a tool, but an experience that's both secure and enjoyable.

Then there's our commitment to sustainability. We're doubling down on our 'green crypto mining' and distributed cloud computing initiatives. Our goal is to make a significant impact in reducing electronic waste and carbon emissions. We want to show the world that technology can be part of the solution to environmental issues.

And of course, our ongoing contribution to the open-source community, especially with "wgrest". We're planning to broaden its capabilities and reach, making it an even more valuable resource for developers and users across various platforms.

Lastly, we're looking to strengthen our partnerships with other tech companies and organizations. We believe that collaboration is key to making strides in technology and privacy. By working together, we can achieve much more than we can alone.

In essence, 2024 for us is about growth, innovation, sustainability, community building, and collaboration. We're setting our sights on not just achieving these goals, but exceeding them, and in doing so, making a lasting impact in the tech world.

Which trend(s) are you most excited about in 2024? Share your reasons.

There are a few on my radar, but let's dive into the ones that really get my gears turning.

First, the continued rise of distributed computing and its intersection with green technologies. This is huge for us at ForestVPN, especially with our focus on 'green crypto mining'. The idea of harnessing underutilized resources from everyday devices for a greater purpose, while being environmentally conscious, is thrilling. It's tech meeting sustainability, and it opens up a world of possibilities for reducing electronic waste and carbon emissions.

Then, there's the ongoing evolution of privacy technologies. With data breaches and online surveillance on the rise, the need for robust, user-friendly privacy solutions is more critical than ever. I'm excited to see how new advancements in encryption and anonymization technologies will shape the future of online privacy. It's about making the internet a safer place for everyone, and that's a challenge we're eager to tackle.

Another trend that's really interesting is the growing emphasis on user-centric design in tech. It's not just about building advanced technology; it's about making it accessible, understandable, and enjoyable for the end-user. This shift towards designing with the user in mind aligns perfectly with our mission at ForestVPN. We're all about creating a seamless, intuitive user experience without compromising on security or functionality.

Lastly, I'm keeping an eye on the expanding role of open-source software in driving innovation. The collaborative nature of open-source projects, like our work on "wgrest", is something that I believe will continue to revolutionize how we develop and share technology. It's a testament to the power of community-driven development, and I can't wait to see how it will continue to shape the tech landscape.

In short, the trends of sustainable tech, privacy advancements, user-centric design, and open-source collaboration are not just exciting on their own; they're interwoven into the fabric of what we're doing at ForestVPN. They represent the future we're building towards – a future that's secure, sustainable, user-friendly, and collaboratively developed.

2023 had been another crazy year, especially in tech, with layoffs and the Generative AI takeover! Which trend are you most concerned about? Be as brief or as detailed as you like.

It's the instability in the tech job market, particularly the widespread layoffs. It's more than just numbers on a spreadsheet; it's about real people, with real skills and ideas, suddenly finding themselves on shaky ground. This kind of turbulence not only impacts individual lives but can also send ripples through the entire industry, affecting innovation and growth.

Then there's the rise of Generative AI. While it's incredibly exciting and holds immense potential, it's a double-edged sword. The speed at which it's evolving and being adopted raises concerns about ethical implications, data privacy, and the potential for misuse. It's a powerful tool, but like all powerful tools, it needs to be wielded responsibly.

Both these trends highlight the need for balance – balance between innovation and ethical responsibility, between growth and stability. They remind us that as we push forward into new technological frontiers, we must also keep a keen eye on the human aspect of technology – the impact it has on people's lives, careers, and the wider society.

Share your biggest success so far and/or your biggest failure so far.

That's got to be the launch and subsequent growth of ForestVPN. From an idea scribbled on a napkin to a thriving VPN service used by thousands – it's been an incredible journey. The real win for us isn't just the numbers; it's the trust users have placed in us. Every time someone chooses ForestVPN for their online privacy, it feels like a huge vote of confidence. And then there's our pioneering work in 'green crypto mining' – it's not just a feature, it's a statement about where we stand on sustainability in tech.

As for our biggest failure – well, I'd say it's more of a learning curve than a flat-out failure. Early on, we underestimated the challenge of balancing rapid innovation with user-friendly design. We were so focused on pushing the tech envelope that we sometimes lost sight of the user experience. It was a tough lesson, but invaluable. It made us realize that the most advanced technology means little if it's not accessible to the average user. This realization reshaped our approach and has been a guiding principle for us ever since.

Both these experiences – the highs and the not-so-highs – have shaped ForestVPN into what it is today. They're reminders that success in tech is not just about groundbreaking features or flashy innovations; it's about creating something that resonates with people, something that makes their digital lives better, safer, and more sustainable.

We would love your feedback on HackerNoon as a tech publication! How has your experience been with us?

It's been nothing short of fantastic. You guys have carved out a unique space in the tech world, and it's been amazing to be a part of that. What stands out is the diversity of content – you've got everything from deep tech dives to more approachable pieces for the casual reader. It's like a tech buffet; there's something for everyone.

The community aspect is another big win. The way you engage with your readers and contributors creates a real sense of belonging. It's not just about reading articles; it's about being part of a conversation, a larger dialogue about where tech is and where it's headed.

And let's talk about the accessibility and relevance of your content. You've got a knack for breaking down complex tech topics into digestible, engaging stories. It's not easy to stay relevant in the fast-paced world of tech, but HackerNoon does it with style. You're not just keeping up with the trends; you're often ahead of them.

In short, my experience with HackerNoon has been incredibly positive. It's a go-to source for not just staying informed, but also for gaining deeper insights into the tech world. Keep doing what you're doing – it's a valuable service to the tech community, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you go next.

Any words of wisdom you’d like to share with us?

Words of wisdom, huh? Well, if there's one thing I've learned in this wild tech journey, it's the importance of staying curious and adaptable. The tech world is ever-changing, and the moment you think you've got it all figured out, that's when it flips on you. So, my advice? Embrace the chaos. Be like water – flowing, adapting, and always finding a way through the challenges.

Another thing I'd say is to never underestimate the power of community. Whether it's your team, your users, or the broader tech community, these are the people who will support you, challenge you, and help you grow. Listen to them, learn from them, and never forget that at the end of the day, technology is about people.

And finally, remember why you started. In the midst of deadlines, targets, and all the noise, don't lose sight of your passion, your vision. Let that be your north star, guiding you through the tough times and keeping you grounded during the highs.

In short, stay curious, value your community, and hold on to your why. These are the principles that have guided me, and I hope they resonate with you too. Keep pushing, keep innovating, and most importantly, keep enjoying the ride – it's a crazy one, but it's worth every moment.

Startups of The Year is HackerNoon’s Flagship community-driven event celebrating startups that survived and thrived in 2023. 30,000 startups across 4200+ cities and six continents participated this year to be crowned the best startup in their city.]

See our global winners announcement here.

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The 2023 Startups Of The Year is sponsored by: .TECH Domains. The winners will get a free .Tech Domain, a HackerNoon NFT, and a Tech Company News Page.