The Git Flow process is a proven method for managing version control and release of software. It is based on the concept of branches, which are created for different purposes such as feature development, bug fixes, release preparation and production. This ensures that changes are properly tested and deployed.
Example branches thy following Git Flow:
- feature/enhance-collection-controller
- bugfix/change-db-hydrator
- release/v1.34.0
An important aspect of this process is the creation of Git tags and releases to tag and release a particular version of your software. However, manual tagging processes can be error-prone. There is a risk that tags are accidentally applied to the wrong branches or point to an unchanged state, which can lead to serious problems in the release process.
This is where the 'git-tag-release-automator' will be a useful addition to your git flow process. This powerful shell script automates the process of creating releases, minimising the risk of errors. The 'git-tag-release-automator' supports the Git Flow process and offers seamless integration into your existing development toolchain.
If you should improve the release process of your software, you should look at the git flow process and make sure you use appropriate tools like the 'git-tag-release-automator' to minimise tagging errors. For more information on tagging and using 'git-tag-release-automator', see the project's GitHub page.
This script automates:
- 🎂 the creation of version tags.
- 🎊 the creation of release branches for major & minor versions
- 👾 Prevents the creation of version tags without relevant changes
❯ ./vendor/bin/git-tag-release-automator
Latest tag: v1.1.0
Which part of the version do you want to increase: Major (M), Minor (m) or Patch (p)? (M.m.p)
Your choice: p
Switched to existing release branch release/v1.1.0
Git tag v1.1.1 created and pushed successfully.