The Dos and Don'ts of Designing Chat Messaging UIs for Your App

Written by mundiazm | Published 2023/02/09
Tech Story Tags: chat | ui | ui-design | ux | ux-design | webdev | web-design | web-development

TLDRChat messaging has become a crucial aspect of modern-day communication. A well-designed in-app chat UI can enhance the overall user experience and drive engagement for your app. In this blog, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of designing in- app chat UIs.via the TL;DR App

Chat messaging has become a crucial aspect of modern-day communication, especially with the growing popularity of mobile apps. A well-designed in-app chat UI can enhance the overall user experience and drive engagement for your app. On the other hand, a poorly designed chat UI can lead to frustration, confusion, and ultimately result in users abandoning your app.

In this blog, we will discuss the dos and don'ts of designing in-app chat UIs to help you create an effective and user-friendly interface for your app. Whether you're a designer, developer, or simply interested in user experience, this blog will provide you with valuable insights and best practices for designing in-app chat UIs.


Designing an intuitive and user-friendly in-app chat UI can be the difference between a successful app and one that fails to engage users. In the world of instant gratification and instant communication, having an effective chat UI is crucial to keeping users interested and coming back for more.

But where do you start? What makes a chat UI truly great?

Keep it simple and intuitive

One of the most important principles of chat UI design is to keep it simple and intuitive. A cluttered or overly complicated interface can be confusing and frustrating for users, causing them to abandon your app. Instead, aim for a clean and straightforward design that makes it easy for users to navigate and find what they are looking for.

This can be achieved by limiting the number of features and elements on the screen, using clear and concise language, and organizing information in a logical and easy-to-understand manner. Additionally, ensure that all buttons and call-to-actions are clearly visible and labeled, so that users know exactly what they are doing at all times. By keeping your chat UI simple and intuitive, you will create a positive user experience that encourages users to continue using your app.

Enhance User Experience with Appropriate Color Schemes, Typography, and Icons

Using appropriate color schemes, typography, and icons can greatly enhance the user experience in a chat app UI. The right color scheme can help create a sense of visual hierarchy, making it easy for users to distinguish between different types of messages and information. Similarly, appropriate typography can help improve readability, making it easier for users to quickly scan and understand messages.

Icons can also be used to add visual interest and clarify the purpose of buttons and other elements in the UI. When choosing colors, typography, and icons, it is important to consider factors such as accessibility and contrast to ensure that your in-app chat UI is accessible to all users. By using appropriate color schemes, typography, and icons, you can create a chat UI that not only looks great, but is also easy to use and enhances the overall user experience.

Proper Button and Call-to-Action Placement

Proper placement of buttons and call-to-actions is an important aspect of message UI design. These elements are crucial for enabling users to take action within the app, such as sending messages or accessing additional features. To ensure that buttons and call-to-actions are effective, they should be placed where users can easily find them. This could be at the bottom of the screen for easy reach on mobile devices or on the right side for desktop users.

Additionally, it is important to use clear and descriptive language on buttons and call-to-actions so that users know exactly what will happen when they are clicked. By paying attention to the placement and labeling of buttons and call-to-actions, you can create a chat UI that is easy to use and helps users achieve their goals.

Make sure messages are easily readable and distinguishable

Making sure that messages are easily readable and distinguishable is crucial for creating an effective in-app chat UI. This can be achieved by using appropriate typography, font sizes, and color schemes. For example, you can use a larger font size for incoming messages and a smaller font size for outgoing messages to create a clear visual hierarchy.

You can also use different colors for different types of messages, such as notifications or error messages, to help users quickly distinguish between them. It's also important to consider the readability of the messages in different lighting conditions and on different devices. By making messages easily readable and distinguishable, you can create a chat UI that is easy for users to understand and navigate, resulting in a better overall user experience.

Ensure a consistent look and feel across all platforms

Ensuring a consistent look and feel across all platforms is essential for creating a cohesive and professional chat messaging UI. This means using consistent colors, typography, and visual elements across all devices and platforms, including desktop and mobile. Consistency helps to create a sense of familiarity and ease of use for users, regardless of the device they are using.

It also helps to maintain your brand identity and strengthens the overall user experience.

Additionally, when designing a chat UI, it's important to consider the unique constraints and limitations of each platform and adjust the design accordingly. By ensuring a consistent look and feel across all platforms, you can create a chat UI that is professional, easy to use, and provides a positive user experience no matter what device it is being used on.


While there are many things you can do to create an effective in-app chat UI, there are also many things you should avoid. In this section, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes that designers and developers make when designing chat UIs, and how to avoid them.

Overcomplicate the UI with too many features or elements

Overcomplicating the chat UI with too many features or elements can be a major roadblock to a positive user experience. A cluttered or overly complicated interface can be confusing and overwhelming for users, causing them to abandon your app. Instead, aim for a clean and straightforward design that makes it easy for users to navigate and find what they are looking for.

Limit the number of features and elements on the screen, and prioritize the most important and frequently used features. Keep in mind that users typically come to a chat UI to communicate with others, so the messaging experience should be the main focus. By avoiding overcomplication, you can create a chat UI that is easy to use and helps users achieve their goals.

Neglect the importance of proper spacing and padding

Neglecting the importance of proper spacing and padding can greatly impact the overall look and feel of a chat messaging UI. Spacing and padding help to create visual separation between different elements, making it easier for users to distinguish between messages, buttons, and other elements. Proper spacing and padding also help to create a sense of hierarchy, allowing users to easily identify the most important information on the screen.

When designing a chat UI, it's important to consider the optimal amount of spacing and padding for each element to ensure that the design is visually balanced and easy to use. Neglecting proper spacing and padding can result in a cluttered and confusing design that detracts from the overall user experience. By paying attention to the details of spacing and padding, you can create a chat UI that is visually appealing and easy to navigate.

Use a color scheme that makes it difficult to read messages

Using a color scheme that makes it difficult to read messages can significantly detract from the user experience of a chat messaging UI. When choosing colors for your chat UI, it's important to consider the readability of messages, especially in different lighting conditions and on different devices. Colors that are too light or too dark, or that have low contrast with the background, can make it difficult for users to read messages and navigate the app.

It's also important to consider color blindness and other visual impairments, and to ensure that your color scheme is accessible to all users. Using a color scheme that is easy on the eyes and provides good contrast between elements can help to create a chat UI that is easy to use and provides a positive user experience. By paying attention to the readability of messages, you can ensure that users are able to communicate effectively and enjoy using your chat app.

Neglect Accessibility in Chat UI Design

Neglecting accessibility in chat UI design can have serious consequences for users with disabilities. It's important to ensure that your chat UI is accessible to all users, including those with visual, auditory, and motor impairments. This means incorporating features such as high contrast modes, larger text sizes, and alternative text for images to make the chat UI usable for users with visual impairments. It also means providing keyboard navigation and alternative ways to interact with the chat UI for users with motor impairments.

By incorporating accessibility considerations into your chat UI design, you can ensure that all users are able to use your chat app and communicate effectively. Neglecting accessibility can result in a chat UI that is unusable for a significant portion of users, negatively impacting the overall user experience and limiting the reach of your app.

Skip User Testing of Chat UI

Skipping user testing of the chat UI can lead to a design that fails to meet the needs and expectations of real users. User testing is a critical part of the design process, as it allows you to gather feedback and make improvements based on the real-world experiences of your target audience. By testing your chat UI with real users, you can uncover potential issues and areas for improvement, and make changes to ensure that the final design meets their needs.

Without user testing, it's difficult to know how the chat UI will perform in real-world situations, and if it will meet the needs and expectations of your users. Skipping user testing can result in a chat UI that is less effective and less enjoyable to use, potentially causing users to abandon your app. Incorporating user testing into your design process can help to ensure that your chat UI is effective, user-friendly, and provides a positive experience for all users.


designing a great chat messaging UI is crucial for enhancing the user experience and driving engagement for your app. The key principles of a successful chat UI include keeping it simple and intuitive, using appropriate color schemes, typography, and icons, proper button and call-to-action placement, making messages easily readable and distinguishable, and ensuring a consistent look and feel across all platforms. By following these dos and avoiding the don'ts outlined in this blog, you can create an effective and user-friendly chat messaging UI that will provide users with a positive experience and keep them coming back for more.

Need a free open-source Chat UIKit? have a look at the React Chat UI library.

You can also read the tutorial on Building a React Native Chat App for a step by step guide on how to create a chat application. Thank you for following this guide, and we hope that you found it helpful in designing your chat messaging UIs for your app.

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Written by mundiazm | Founder ,an api that enables you to build chat functionality into your app or website within minutes
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/02/09