Technology Impact on the CBD Business and Healthcare

Written by faizan4it | Published 2022/02/12
Tech Story Tags: healthcare | technology-trends | ai-trends | cbd-tech | cbd | technology | healthtech | ai

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Consumer CBD sales are expected to reach $1.8 billion by 2022, an amazing increase from their 2018 total of $500,000, according to Statista. More than a decade from now, the market for CBD products is expected to be worth an incredible $75 billion, according to other studies.CBD farming, in contrast to conventional farming, necessitates the use of sophisticated machinery and equipment capable of doing numerous functions at once, such as plowing, seeding, and excavating. They also have devices that assist in collecting hemp flowers since CBD growing requires precise measurements in water and air quality as well as soil moisture and temperature. In this article, we will explore the role that technology is playing in promoting CBD and Healthcare businesses around the world.
This is how mechanization has helped the healthcare industry and the CBD business in general:

Applied Artificial Intelligence in the CBD Industry

In today's world, big data helps every company by reducing operating costs and using resources in the most efficient manner possible. No business is immune to this law, and the CBD industry is no exception. More and more organizations are turning to artificial intelligence, or AI, as a means of expanding their reach into the growing CBD industry. Big data and machine learning are two examples of procedures that may be used by AI to get insights into a company's target audience. These insights can be used to improve the effectiveness of consumer touchpoints. All marketing operations, including content development, site design, advertising, monitoring market risk, and even enhanced customer service, maybe assisted by AI.
Automated systems are currently being used by businesses and individuals to develop stronger Marijuana plants. Every marijuana product you ingest, your body only absorbs 10% of it. This is well-known. Machines summarise the enzymes found in marijuana herbs, but this is being done by corporations and growers to improve the efficiency of cannabidiol products.
When researchers sum up cannabis molecules, they can overcome cell membranes, allowing the cannabinoid compound to get through without being screened by the body. As a result, manufacturers store the majority of marijuana's cannabinoid chemicals throughout the plant's development.

High Tech Extraction Technology

Farming hemp and cannabis using drones is shaping the future of the industry. Crop management makes use of cutting-edge technologies to boost yields and quality in the agricultural industry as a whole. In addition, it provides farmers and businesses with access to a wide range of GPS, data management, soil scanning, and IoT technologies. In order to improve the efficacy of fertilizers and pesticides, it is possible to use data to target their application more precisely to specific areas of a field. In addition, drones in agriculture can reduce a variety of dangers while providing useful information to farmers.
Pure CBD extraction is important, and extractors are also focusing on how they can keep up with the FDA's rules on how to keep their products safe. Every state has its own rules about purity, but those who are most concerned about making the best CBD are using the most popular and cutting-edge method of extracting cannabis. Also, the FDA has approved supercritical CO2 extraction as one of the healthiest and most effective ways to extract health, food, and skin products. This method has multiple advantages when it comes to making CBD oil. To make the product safe for use and consumption, a solvent leaves no residue and isn't harmful to the environment. Using CO2 enables extractors to choose the specific substance they want to extract, making CBD with only a small amount of THC (if any) and meeting all of the FDA's rules.


Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the hallucinogenic ingredient contained in marijuana and is referred to as "dabbing" in the marijuana community. It's becoming more and more popular, despite the potential hazards. Condensed varieties of butane hash oil (BHO) that are strong in THC are known as dabs (wax, shatter, amber, honeycomb, or budder). Butane oil is used in a chemical procedure to extract the cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. Compared to regular cannabis, which has a THC content of 10–15%, research shows that dabs or BHO may have a THC concentration of up to 80%. People usually smoke joints or use vape pens to smoke Dabs, on the other hand, are heated to a very high temperature and then inhaled.


The CBD and hemp sectors, like many others, are constantly evolving in response to the introduction of new technology. Innovative agricultural methods, the use of artificial intelligence, and other types of technology will continue to have an impact on the CBD business by introducing fundamentally new ways of production and delivery. Aside from improving safety and lowering operating costs, technology will also assist organizations to better serve their consumers.

Written by faizan4it | I love HN authors, publishing, and talking incessantly about AI, Tech,Startup,Blockchain & etc.
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/02/12