Satoshi Nakamoto: Finding the Bitcoin Inventor

Written by penworth | Published 2022/09/23
Tech Story Tags: satoshi-nakamoto | bitcoin | satoshi | who-is-satoshi-nakamoto | bitcoin-spotlight | bitcoin-inventor | finding-the-bitcoin-inventor

TLDRIt is 13 years since the word first went out that a mystery man had invented some bizarre technology that allows two people to exchange internet money called Bitcoin. Thirteen years of finding Satoshi Nakamoto has proved futile for over a decade with little or no information as to who he was, where he lived, what he looked like and why he is largely unknown. The world is led to believe that he would someday be found dead or alive and that his sudden appearance would dispel all conspiracy theories. Yet we are not close to unraveling his true identity.via the TL;DR App

The blare of the siren slowly died down as the police began to raid an abandoned house that was surrounded by overgrown shrubs and trees in the back of beyond. The house was a labyrinth of cobwebs and its woods were visibly weak from many years of being riddled with termite holes. It had no sign of life as it was buried in the mournful silence of the forest!

Two lightly armed policemen made their way through its bushy pathway to reach the door and once they were one yard away from it, they forced an entry with their boots — on the count of three. No sooner had they entered than they were covered in the gust of dust particles that came from the impact of the fall.

A dusty room infested with spiders revealed itself to the bemused cops whose eyes rolled past a dusty bookshelf and a 2010 Japanese calendar that was protruding from the wall. The room gave the clue that someone once lived there but it was not enough to satisfy their curiosity. They paced one part of the room to the other, upsetting nearby objects.

“Satoshi Nakamoto, D.O.B: 1975, last seen in 2010”, said an officer brandishing a sheaf of notes.

The above is a movie scene I imagined to prove that finding Satoshi has proved futile for over a decade with little or no information as to who he was, where he lived, what he looked like and why he is largely unknown. I took a flight of the imagination to a scene where Satoshi was portrayed as a fugitive to make Satoshi’s story as suspenseful as it has been.

It is thirteen years today since the word first went out that a mystery man had invented some rather bizarre technology that allows two people to exchange internet money called Bitcoin. Thirteen years of finding Satoshi Nakamoto has turned out to be a futile search for a black cat in a dark room, yet the world is led to believe that he would someday be found either dead or alive and that his sudden appearance would dispel all conspiracy theories.

Rather than disproving the theory of Satoshi Nakamoto’s existence, the mass of people who believe he is alive — but in hiding — are united under the clues alluding to his human existence. It seems to them a hard pill to swallow as Bitcoin, its underlying technology, and the vast empire of 300 million people it has created, are sufficient evidence that a human, not an alien, is behind its invention.

Satoshi’s personality has persisted as a myth in spite of the popular claim by the famous Australian scientist, Craig Wright, of his legendary status. Craig’s claim is one of many. But for its lack of facticity, it fell like a pack of cards after a Miami court ruled out the chances that he was Satoshi Nakamoto in a ruling that recently ended a lawsuit that some have dubbed ‘ The Bitcoin Trial of The Century”.

Is Satoshi hiding in the mountains or in the valleys of an unknown world? Why is it difficult to resolve the mystery behind his existence? Was he a fugitive escaping the long arm of the law? If he was last seen online 13 years ago, who was the last to see him? What did he sound like? What did he look like? What did he want? Where did he come from? If Satoshi, ever existed, who were his relations? What language did he speak? Were plans afoot to put him behind bars? Did he commit a crime?


There are many unanswered questions about this mystery of Satoshi Nakamoto that cast so many doubts on his earthly existence and we are not yet close to unraveling his true identity.

Written by penworth | A seasoned blockchain journalist & consultant keenly interested in crypto stories and interviews.
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/09/23