Ripple Hit with $125 Million Fine in SEC Lawsuit

Written by secagainsttheworld | Published 2024/08/15
Tech Story Tags: sec-v.-ripple | ripple-lawsuit | securities-law | ripple-labs | ripple-securities-fraud | ripple-labs-lawsuit | federal-securities-law | pecuniary-harm

TLDR The SEC has won its lawsuit against Ripple Labs. The court has ordered Ripple to pay a $125 million fine and has issued a permanent injunction prohibiting the company from future securities law violations.via the TL;DR App

SEC v. Ripple Labs, Inc., Court Filing, retrieved on August 05, 2024, is part of HackerNoon’s Legal PDF Series. You can jump to any part of this filing here. This part is 5 of 5.


The SEC’s motion for remedies and the entry of final judgment is GRANTED IN PART and DENIED IN PART. The Court shall enter a final judgment enjoining Ripple from further violations of the securities laws and imposing a civil penalty of $125,035,150. The Clerk of Court is directed to terminate the motions at ECF Nos. 943, 948, and 951.


Dated: August 7, 2024

New York, New York

About HackerNoon Legal PDF Series: We bring you the most important technical and insightful public domain court case filings.

This court case retrieved on August 07, 2024, is part of the public domain. The court-created documents are works of the federal government, and under copyright law, are automatically placed in the public domain and may be shared without legal restriction.

Written by secagainsttheworld | A collection of public domain court case filings, by/against the US SEC, retrieved by HackerNoon
Published by HackerNoon on 2024/08/15