Prompts for Solving Comprehension Questions in CAT Examination

Written by beardedowl1357 | Published 2023/08/24
Tech Story Tags: ai | chatgpt | english | exam | llm | prompts | writing-prompts | mba

TLDRUsing ChatGPT to better solve Reading Comprehension questions commonly asked in MBA entrance examinations such as CAT (Common Admission Test).via the TL;DR App

Hi. This story gives an overview of how students can use ChatGPT to augment their learning. For this story, I will be focusing on an exam called "CAT". CAT stands for Common Admission Test and is an important exam for those who plan to pursue MBA in India.

This can also be used for preparation of other exams such as GRE and GMAT.

The examination consists of 3 phases

  • VARC : It stands for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. (Basically, your english exam on steroids)

  • Quant : It is a short form of Quantitative Aptitude (basically, the maths you study in your high school minus the calculus)

  • DILR : It stands for Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning and is one of the trickier sections as it does not have a predefined syllabus.

In this article, I will be demonstrating some prompts which will allow one to prepare for the RC (Reading Comprehension) section of CAT exam. It is an important part of the exam and with the use of ChatGPT, aspiring students will be able to better prepare themselves

Table of Contents

  • Generating A Reading Comprehension Passage
    • Combining Topics
    • Choosing Any of The Topic
  • Generate from Passage
    • Questions
    • Provide Summary and Words based on each paragraph

Generating A Reading Comprehension Passage

This section contains the prompts which can be used to generate reading passages for CAT exam. There are a few options which can be modified by you to generate the passage as per your need

  • Word Count: Based on your reading capability, you can modify the word count

  • Topics: There are a few variations when we talk about including topics in our prompt:

    1. Including only a single topic: This is pretty easy. Just mention the topic which you like
    2. Including multiple topics: You can include in your prompt that you want to generate an article which talks about two topics (for example, business and culture). Refer to Combining Topics
    3. Giving a range of topics and letting ChatGPT decide: Just include a list of topics in the prompt and ChatGPT will choose one at random. Refer to Choosing Any of The Topic

Combining Topics

Generate a 600 word passage matching CAT exam difficulty. Ensure output fits fully, even if details are reduced. Use paragraph separation. Content should focus on <topic_1> and <topic_2>.

Replace <topic_1> and <topic_2> with the topics that you wish to include. This prompt generates a passage based on a topic, which is the intersection of <topic_1> and <topic_2>.

You can add more topics as needed. However, note that if various unrelated topics are added, ChatGPT might hallucinate.

Choosing Any of The Topic

Generate a 600 word passage matching CAT exam difficulty. Ensure output fits fully, even if details are reduced. Content can be in any of the categories as defined: <topics>

You can provide topics as per your own preference. For inspiration, I am including some of the topics which you can use

1. Technology
2. Biology
3. Social Media
4. History
5. Future

Generate from Passage

From the passage generated in the above steps, we can create questions based on it and use a few prompts to later analyze the passage.


Generate <number_of_questions> MCQ questions from the passage generated above. I want the questions to be any of the following type: <question_types>

A sample for <question_types> is as follows. Feel free to add more question types as needed. Be sure to give mocks for CAT and determine question types.

1. Word Synonyms
2. General Idea of Passage
3. Author's view and tone
4. Inference from passage
5. Word Antonym
6. Fill in the blanks
7. Negative Inference : What cannot be inferenced from above passage

Provide a Summary and Words based on each paragraph

Provide number of paragraphs in above. Generate a response, indicating the summary and 1-3 most difficult words based. Do this for all paragraphs. Must ensure that all paragraphs are covered in the response and the output is in a human-readable format.

This will be helpful for analysing the above generated question after attempting it. More info such as the author's tone and possible inferences can also be generated

This is my first article and I sincerely hope that it has been helpful to you. All the best

Written by beardedowl1357 | The type of guy who will use ChatGPT to write a bio and still get confused.
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/08/24