Javascript File Handling Writing Contest by Filestack & HackerNoon

Written by hackernooncontests | Published 2023/03/29
Tech Story Tags: javascript-file-handling | filestack | hackernoon | hackernoon-writing-contests | javascript | programming | hackernoon-contests-updates | hackernoon-top-story

TLDRHackerNoon is partnering with Filestack to host the Javascript File Handling Writing Contest. Share a kick-ass story on #javascript-file-handling to win $1000. You can use your real name on your HN profile, a fake name, or even create a persona to write under.via the TL;DR App

This one’s for Javascript enthusiasts - HackerNoon is super excited to partner with Filestack to host the Javascript File Handling Writing Contest! Here’s your chance to win $1000 by sharing a kick-ass story on #javascript-file-handling.

About Filestack

Filestack is an API designed to simplify file uploads and management in web and mobile applications. Its drag-and-drop file uploading feature makes it a powerful tool for developers working with JavaScript applications, making file handling easier than ever.

Need ideas to write on? We’ve got you covered. You can write different methods, guidelines, best practices, worst practices, and obstacles you face in managing your javascript files. You can also try out the Filestack API and share how it worked for you.

Javascript File Handling Writing Contest Rules & Guidelines

Who Can Enter the Contest?

Anyone above 18! There are no location restrictions. You have to make a profile on HackerNoon to enter the contest.

Can I Write Under a Pen Name?

Yes! You can use your real name on your HN profile, a fake name, or even create a persona to write under.

How Long Will the Contest Run?

  • Round 1: April 1 - April 30, 2023

Can I Submit More than One Entry to the Contest?

Of course, you can! Each story submission shall be considered a new entry into the writing contest.

How Are the Winners Selected?

  • We’ll take the top story submissions that generated the most traffic.
  • Those top stories will be voted on by HackerNoon staff, and the highest-voted story will win.

Share your #javascript-file-handling story today to win $1000! Visit today to check new and upcoming writing contests.

Written by hackernooncontests | Official account for all the writing contests powered by HackerNoon.
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/03/29