Insights from a DeepMind Researcher Turned Startup Founder

Written by whatsai | Published 2023/07/13
Tech Story Tags: ai | podcast | artificial-intelligence | deep-learning | deepmind | data-science | research | youtubers

TLDRAleksa Gordić is an ex-research scientist at DeepMind who ventured into creating his own startup called Ortus. He discusses the challenges he faced, the unique value proposition of Ortus, and how his technical expertise aided in the creation of the platform. Throughout the discussion, Aleksa shares valuable insights and personal experiences, providing inspiration and guidance for individuals interested in pursuing a career in AI.via the TL;DR App

In this captivating podcast episode, I had the opportunity to interview Aleksa Gordić, an ex-research engineer at DeepMind who ventured into creating his own startup called Ortus. The interview spans a range of topics, shedding light on Aleksa's current priorities, his work at DeepMind, and his decision to leave academia and pursue his own entrepreneurial path.

The podcast begins with a discussion about Aleksa's current focus and his commitment to both Ortus and his YouTube channel, AI Epiphany. Despite managing multiple projects, Aleksa expresses his dedication to continue creating content and potentially delve back into academic research. The conversation then shifts to his experience at DeepMind, where he worked as a research engineer in machine learning, primarily in the field of computer vision.

Addressing Aleksa's educational background, we explore his decision to drop out of his master's program and the reasons behind it. He explains how he recognized the need for a more practical and hands-on approach, which led him to pursue software engineering roles. Surprisingly, Aleksa successfully landed a software engineer position at Microsoft without an official degree in machine learning, showcasing the significance of practical skills and experience in the field.

Throughout the interview, Aleksa provides valuable insights into the process of securing AI-related jobs at renowned companies like DeepMind and Microsoft. He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, engaging in competitions such as Kaggle, and building a strong portfolio through projects and open-source contributions.

The conversation then transitions to Aleksa's decision to leave DeepMind and embark on his entrepreneurial journey with Ortus. He discusses the challenges he faced, the unique value proposition of Ortus—a Google Chrome extension that uses large language models to answer specific video-related questions—and how his technical expertise aided in the creation of the platform (basically allowing you to discuss with YouTube videos, including mine!).

The interview touches on various other topics, including the future of AI in content creation, productivity-enhancing resources and tips, and the benefits of physical training. Throughout the discussion, Aleksa shares valuable insights and personal experiences, providing inspiration and guidance for individuals interested in pursuing a career in AI.

I highly recommend listening to the complete podcast episode on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts to learn from Aleksa's experiences, challenges, and vision for the future of AI. Don't miss out on this opportunity to explore the dynamic world of AI research and entrepreneurship firsthand. Tune in now and be part of the AI revolution!

Written by whatsai | I explain Artificial Intelligence terms and news to non-experts.
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/07/13