How to Share Rust Types With TypeScript for WebAssembly in 30 Seconds: A Quick Guide

Written by dawchihliou | Published 2023/05/29
Tech Story Tags: programming | software-engineering | rust | typescript | webassembly | how-to | guide | hackernoon-top-story | hackernoon-es | hackernoon-hi | hackernoon-zh | hackernoon-vi | hackernoon-fr | hackernoon-pt | hackernoon-ja | hackernoon-tr | hackernoon-ko | hackernoon-de | hackernoon-bn

TLDR💡 We'll learn why the official Rust and WebAssembly toolchain is not sufficient for TypeScript. 🤹 I'll show you how to auto-generate TypeScript definition with minimum change in your Rust code. 🧪 We'll refactor a real world WebAssembly library on npm together.via the TL;DR App

Discover the most seamless developer experience with Rust and WebAssembly. This is the fastest way to auto-generate TypeScript definitions from your Rust code.

In This Article

  • 💡 We'll learn why the official Rust and WebAssembly toolchain is not sufficient for TypeScript.

  • 🤹 I'll show you how to auto-generate the TypeScript definition with minimum change in your Rust code.

  • 🧪 We'll refactor a real-world WebAssembly library on npm together.

Let's go.

The Typing Problem With wasm-bindgen

Generating TypeScript types for WebAssembly(Wasm) modules in Rust is not straightforward.

I ran into the problem when I was working on a vector similarity search engine in Wasm called Voy. I built the Wasm engine in Rust to provide JavaScript and TypeScript engineers with a Swiss knife for semantic search. Here's a demo for the web:

You can find the Voy's repository on GitHub! Feel free to try it out.

The repository includes examples that you can see how to use Voy in different frameworks.

I used wasm-pack and wasm-bindgen to build and compile the Rust code to Wasm. The generated TypeScript definitions look like this:

/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
 * @param {any} input
 * @returns {string}
export function index(resource: any): string
 * @param {string} index
 * @param {any} query
 * @param {number} k
 * @returns {any}
export function search(index: string, query: any, k: number): any

As you can see, there's a lot of "any" type, which is not very helpful for the developer experience. Let's look into the Rust code to find out what happened.

type NumberOfResult = usize;
type Embeddings = Vec<f32>;
type SerializedIndex = String;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct EmbeddedResource {
    id: String,
    title: String,
    url: String,
    embeddings: Embeddings,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct Resource {
    pub embeddings: Vec<EmbeddedResource>,

pub fn index(resource: JsValue) -> SerializedIndex { /* snip */ }

pub fn search(index: &str, query: JsValue, k: NumberOfResult) -> JsValue {
    // snip

The string, slice, and unsigned integer generated the correct types in TypeScript, but the "wasm_bindgen::JsValue" didn't. JsValue is wasm-bindgen's representation of a JavaScript object.

We serialize and deserialize the JsValue to pass it back and forth between JavaScript and Rust through Wasm.

pub fn index(resource: JsValue) -> String {
    // 💡 Deserialize JsValue in to Resource struct in Rust
    let resource: Resource = serde_wasm_bindgen:from_value(input).unwrap();
    // snip

pub fn search(index: &str, query: JsValue, k: usize) -> JsValue {
    // snip
    // 💡 Serialize search result into JsValue and pass it to WebAssembly
    let result = engine::search(&index, &query, k).unwrap();

It's the official approach to convert data types, but evidently, we need to go the extra mile to support TypeScript.

Auto-Generate TypeScript Binding With Tsify

Converting data types from one language to another is actually a common pattern called Foreign function interface (FFI). I explored FFI tools like Typeshare to auto-generate TypeScript definitions from Rust structs, but it was only half of the solution.

What we need is a way to tap into the Wasm compilation and generate the type definition for the API of the Wasm module. Like this:

pub fn index(resource: Resource) -> SerializedIndex { /* snip */ }

pub fn search(index: SerializedIndex, query: Embeddings, k: NumberOfResult) -> SearchResult {
    // snip

Luckily, Tsify is an amazing open-source library for the use case. All we need to do is to derive from the "Tsify" trait, and add a #[tsify] macro to the structs:

type NumberOfResult = usize;
type Embeddings = Vec<f32>;
type SerializedIndex = String;

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Tsify)]
pub struct EmbeddedResource {
    pub id: String,
    pub title: String,
    pub url: String,
    pub embeddings: Embeddings,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Tsify)]
pub struct Resource {
    pub embeddings: Vec<EmbeddedResource>,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Tsify)]
pub struct Neighbor {
    pub id: String,
    pub title: String,
    pub url: String,

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Tsify)]
pub struct SearchResult {
    neighbors: Vec<Neighbor>,

pub fn index(resource: Resource) -> SerializedIndex { /* snip */ }

pub fn search(index: SerializedIndex, query: Embeddings, k: NumberOfResult) -> SearchResult {
    // snip

That's it! Let's take a look at the attributes "from_wasm_abi" and "into_wasm_abi".

Both of the attributes convert Rust data type to TypeScript definition. What they do differently is the direction of the data flow with Wasm's Application Binary Interface(ABI).

  • into_wasm_abi: The data flows from Rust to JavaScript. Used for the return type.

  • from_wasm_abi: The data flows from JavaScript to Rust. Used for parameters.

Both of the attributes use serde-wasm-bindgen to implement the data conversion between Rust and JavaScript.

We're ready to build the Wasm module. Once you run "wasm-pack build", the auto-generated TypeScript definition:

/* tslint:disable */
/* eslint-disable */
 * @param {Resource} resource
 * @returns {string}
export function index(resource: Resource): string
 * @param {string} index
 * @param {Float32Array} query
 * @param {number} k
 * @returns {SearchResult}
export function search(
  index: string,
  query: Float32Array,
  k: number
): SearchResult

export interface EmbeddedResource {
  id: string
  title: string
  url: string
  embeddings: number[]

export interface Resource {
  embeddings: EmbeddedResource[]

export interface Neighbor {
  id: string
  title: string
  url: string

export interface SearchResult {
  neighbors: Neighbor[]

All the "any" types are replaced with the interfaces that we defined in the Rust code✨

Final Thoughts

The generated types look good, but there are some inconsistencies. If you look closely, you'll notice the query parameter in the search function is defined as a Float32Array.

The query parameter is defined as the same type as "embeddings" in EmbeddedResource, so I expect them to have the same type in TypeScript.

If you know why they're converted to different types, please don't hesitate to reach out or open a pull request in Voy on GitHub.

Voy is an open-source semantic search engine in WebAssembly. I created it to empower more projects to build semantic features and create better user experiences for people around the world. Voy follows several design principles:

  • 🤏 Tiny: Reduce overhead for limited devices, such as mobile browsers with slow networks or IoT.

  • 🚀 Fast: Create the best search experience for the users.

  • 🌳 Tree Shakable: Optimize bundle size and enable asynchronous capabilities for modern Web API, such as Web Workers.

  • 🔋 Resumable: Generate portable embeddings index anywhere, anytime.

  • ☁️ Worldwide: Run a semantic search on CDN edge servers.

It's available on npm. You can simply install it with your favorite package manager, and you're ready to go.

# with npm
npm i voy-search

# with Yarn
yarn add voy-search

# with pnpm
pnpm add voy-search

Give it a try, and I'm happy to hear from you!


Want to Connect?

This article was originally posted on Daw-Chih’s Website.

Written by dawchihliou | I write for engineers. I write about web technology, coding patterns, and best practices from my learnings.
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/05/29