How to Install Aseprite on Arch Linux

Written by dubeholden | Published 2023/10/23
Tech Story Tags: linux-tips | pixel-art | arch-linux | linux | install-aseprite-on-arch-linux | aseprite-on-linux | aseprite-guide-for-linux | aseprite-install-guide

TLDRtype the following commands into your terminal git clone cd aseprite makepkg -sivia the TL;DR App

Important Note Before Installing

Once you have successfully compiled and installed Aseprite you may ***not ***distribute it as it violates the Aseprite EULA. Also I’d recommend reading the EULA real quick if you plan on doing anything else with the application as its only 42 lines of text.


Installing aseprite is a fairly straight forward process with the help of the AUR package. Simply type the following commands into your terminal

git clone 
cd aseprite
makepkg -si

Desktop Environment

To create a desktop entry for your respective desktop environment you must simply create a file at ~/.local/share/applications/aseprite.desktop and write the following contents in it

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/aseprite # use `which aseprite` to find the file for this
Terminal=false # set the app to not run in a terminal
Icon=/home/user/pathtoiconfile # replace with the path to you icon file
Comment=Useful pixel art editor # tooltip

**I have not personally tested this as I use the i3 window manager instead of a desktop environment please let me know if this does not work


To uninstall aseprite simply type sudo pacman -Rsn aseprite this should remove all files relating to asperite. Also remove the ~/.local/share/applications/aseprite.desktop file if you created that.

Written by dubeholden | The man
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/10/23