Exploring the Potential of Bioinformatics with C#

Written by aygun1987 | Published 2023/03/16
Tech Story Tags: bioinformatics | .net | dotnet | dotnet-core | c-sharp | programming | functional-programming | technology-trends

TLDRBioinformatics is an exciting area merging biology, computer science, and IT. It contributes to interpreting and managing biological data, particularly in genomics, proteomics, and drug research. In this article, we'll examine how to apply bioinformics and C# coding for effectively dealing with biological information.via the TL;DR App

Bioinformatics, an exciting area merging biology, computer science, and IT, significantly contributes to interpreting and managing biological data, particularly in genomics, proteomics, and drug research. In this article, we'll examine how to apply bioinformatics and C# coding to effectively deal with biological information.
Getting started
Start by verifying that your computer has the .NET Core SDK installed and download it from the official site if needed.
Developing a Console Application
Access your terminal or command prompt and go to the location where you want to establish your project. Input the following command:
dotnet new console -n BioinformaticsApp
This command creates a new C# console application called "BioinformaticsApp." Now, navigate to the project folder:
cd BioinformaticsApp
Importing a DNA Sequence
We'll begin by importing a DNA sequence from a file. Create a text file containing a DNA sequence and name it "sequence.txt." Place it in the project directory.
Next, open the "Program.cs" file and replace the existing content with the following code:
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace BioinformaticsApp
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string filePath = "sequence.txt";
            string dnaSequence = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

            Console.WriteLine($"DNA Sequence: {dnaSequence}");
Inside your main function. This code retrieves the DNA sequence from the file and shows it in the console. Launch you application by typing below command:
dotnet run
You should see the DNA sequence printed on the console.
Analyzing the DNA Sequence
Now, let's create a function to analyse the DNA sequence by counting the occurrences of each nucleotide. They are names as A, C, G, and T. Add the following check (for each nucleotide in the sequence) to the "Program" class:
static void AnalyseSequence(string sequence)
    int countA = 0, countC = 0, countG = 0, countT = 0;

    foreach (char nucleotide in sequence)
        switch (nucleotide)
            case 'A':
            case 'C':
            case 'G':
            case 'T':
                Console.WriteLine($"Invalid character: {nucleotide}");

    Console.WriteLine($"Nucleotide Count - A: {countA}, C: {countC}, G: {countG}, T: {countT}");
Now, call this function within the "Main" method, right after printing the DNA sequence:
It was a short introduction, or "ice-breaker" before deep diving into bioinformatic applications in everyday life and healthcare. It is a very interesting area to explore further and deep dive into.

Written by aygun1987 | Engineer, mom :) I love coding!
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/03/16