Done is better than perfect — even for software development

Written by jeffochoa | Published 2018/03/04
Tech Story Tags: software-development | personal-development | entrepreneurship | productivity-hacks | better-than-perfect

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Probabbly I have heard this a lot before, but for some reason this video reminded me how important this advice is

Let’s talk about software development

Why is so difficult, even for really good developers, to create and publish their own projects?

I know how difficult is to find inspiration to make to think about new projects and build useful tools to share with the com

Let’s talk about software development

Why is so difficult, even for outstanding developers, to create and publish their projects?I know how difficult is to find inspiration to create new projects and build useful tools to share with the community.

I’ve been there for a long time.

Create something today even if it sucks.

How often do you have an idea, you start to put the work on it, you create a project and then, nothing else happens? You think, “is not good enough” then you say “Ok, at least I learned something

Yes! of course, learning and trying new tools is always fun, especially if you are trying to master your craft, but, from a business standard, if you don’t share it, it doesn’t matter.

Let me explain

That doesn’t mean that the amount of projects you share makes you a good or a bad developer, what that means is that you’ll be in a better position to succeed if you put your work out there.

Stop looking for perfection, make something that is just good enough, something that solves a single problem and you are good to go.

Then if there’s room for improvement you can do it, if not, well, at least you tried.munity.

How to do it?

Identify a struggle, fixed it in the most straightforward way you can do it, publish it.That’s it. Then you can keep adding features, updates, accept contributions, etc.

Do it for yourself first.

I just built this silly extension yesterday

Make the audio-player box always visible on Medium.com_Last night I found a fantastic article about the Dark Web, it was fascinating, and as a strategy to improve my English…

Not all the time is going to be something big, but you can start small, and then grow.

Jeff Ochoa (@Jeffer_8a) | Twitter_The latest Tweets from Jeff Ochoa (@Jeffer_8a). 🕶️#Web #Developer at @square1_io. #teacher at @StydeNet #writer on…

Published by HackerNoon on 2018/03/04