Custom Controller Annotation with Spring Boot

Written by wirtzleg | Published 2022/10/24
Tech Story Tags: spring-boot | java | kotlin | spring-framework | routing | mvc | java-top-story | programming

TLDRThis article will describe how to create your custom annotation for request routing. To implement this, we need to create an annotation. Then a custom BeanPostProcessor should register all methods with the annotation. QueryRouter implementation helps with object mapping and routing requests to target controllers. The usage of the annotation looks like casual Spring MVC.via the TL;DR App

Sometimes it becomes necessary to write your implementation of controllers using Spring Boot. For example, if you are not using REST, requests come to you from a non-standard communication channel.
This article will describe how to create your custom annotation for request routing. I will be using Kotlin to demonstrate the use of
functions in controllers. But nothing prevents you from using exactly the same approach in Java.

Creating an annotation

annotation class Route(
    val value: RouteCommand,
You can use an Enum or a REST-like string as a value, then use
for parsing.

Methods registration

To register methods, we need to implement
and scan all beans containing our annotation. Then put the parsed methods into a map.
class RouteMethodRegistry : BeanPostProcessor {

    private val registry: MutableMap<RouteCommand, RouteMethod> = ConcurrentHashMap()

    fun resolveMethod(command: RouteCommand): RouteMethod =
        registry[command] ?: throw IllegalStateException("No registered method for $command command")

    override fun postProcessAfterInitialization(bean: Any, beanName: String): Any {
        val targetClass = AopProxyUtils.ultimateTargetClass(bean)

        if (AnnotationUtils.isCandidateClass(targetClass, {
            val methodAnnotations: Map<Method, Route> = getMethodsWithRouteAnnotation(targetClass)

            for ((method, annotation) in methodAnnotations) {

                val function = method.kotlinFunction
                    ?: throw IllegalStateException("Kotlin function for ${} method is null")
                val (inputType, returnType) = parseTypes(function)

                registry[annotation.value] = RouteMethod(
                    instance = bean,
                    function = function,
                    inputType = inputType,
                    returnType = returnType,

        return bean

    private fun parseTypes(function: KFunction<*>): Pair<KClass<*>?, KClass<*>> {
        // The first element is the instance itself
        val inputParams = function.parameters.drop(1)

        if (inputParams.size > 1)
            throw IllegalStateException("Found ${inputParams.size} parameters for function $function. Please use 1 parameter")

        val inputType = { it.type.classifier as KClass<*>}.firstOrNull()
        val returnType = function.returnType.classifier!! as KClass<*>

        return inputType to returnType

    private fun getMethodsWithRouteAnnotation(targetType: Class<*>): Map<Method, Route> =
        MethodIntrospector.selectMethods<Route>(targetType) {
                method -> AnnotatedElementUtils.getMergedAnnotation(method,

    private fun validateNoRegisteredMethods(command: RouteCommand) {
        if (registry.containsKey(command))
            throw IllegalStateException("More than 1 methods use the same route ${}")

data class RouteMethod(
    val instance: Any,
    val function: KFunction<*>,
    val inputType: KClass<*>?,
    val returnType: KClass<*>,
In the
method, the input and output parameters are extracted to then convert the data into them using the
method will be used later for routing requests.

Requests routing

Then we need to implement the routing itself. In this example, when the method completes, we invoke the callback function.
class QueryRouter(
    private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper,
    private val routeMethodRegistry: RouteMethodRegistry,
) {

    fun route(query: String, callback: Callback) = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
        try {
            val output = route(query)

        } catch (e: Exception) {
            callback.failure(500, e.message)

    private suspend fun route(query: String): String {
        val (command, input) = parseRouteParams(query)
        val method = routeMethodRegistry.resolveMethod(command)

        val output = if (method.inputType == null)
            method.function.callSuspend(method.instance, input)

        return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(output)

    private fun parseRouteParams(query: String): Pair<RouteCommand, Any?> {
        TODO("Implement according to your data format")
In order for controller methods to be marked with the suspend keyword, we call functions via
You can use the standard
to convert input and output data. The implementation of the
method depends on the data format used.

Using annotations in controllers

class TestController {

    suspend fun someMethod(request: MyRequest): MyResponse {
        return MyResponse(
Now we can freely create methods in controllers that accept usable classes as input and return a response. All routing work will be done by our

Written by wirtzleg | Senior Software Engineer
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/10/24