Check Out the Top Jobs of the Metaverse!

Written by dankhomenko | Published 2022/06/17
Tech Story Tags: metaverse | jobs-of-the-metaverse | building-the-metaverse | hackernoon-top-story | tech-trends | jobs | future-of-gaming | megafansesports

TLDRThe metaverse is rapidly growing in popularity as new features are being added, more users are being attracted, and more projects are appearing. This means not only the increase in the popularity and reach of metaverses but also the creation of new jobs. What jobs are possible in the future of a metaverse? I’m not going to discuss positions of developers, designers, or other specialists that are inherently required to build and operate a virtual space. Instead, I’ll focus on new positions that can be created within a metaverse.via the TL;DR App

The metaverse is rapidly growing in popularity as new features are being added, more users are being attracted, and more projects are appearing. This means not only the increase in the popularity and reach of metaverses but also the creation of new jobs.
What jobs are possible in the future of a metaverse?
I’m not going to discuss positions of developers, designers, or other specialists that are inherently required to build and operate a virtual space. Instead, I’ll focus on new positions that can be created within a metaverse.

Virtual Real Estate Agent

This position will be available to both users who have experience in the field in the real world, or for users who would like to try a new career in real estate.
In practically any metaverse it is possible to buy real estate, but to do so somebody has to find offers for you and to arrange the legal aspects (ex: nobody wants problems with tax inspection). Here, skills as a real estate agent in the real world might come in handy. 
It doesn’t matter that the plots, apartments, houses, and other real estate objects are virtual. The main point is that they are represented by non-fungible tokens, and those tokens have real value in the market just like physical real estate in the real world. But be careful, though the property is virtual, it costs real money and all deals must be performed in compliance with the rules accepted within the metaverse.
If you would like to try this job, Decentraland is one of the metaverses that you should be following.

Shuttle Commander

There are many metaverses where users can explore other planets and galaxies, but who will transport users there? Here, a new opportunity opens if you want to try your hand as a shuttle commander. Of course, you might need some basic knowledge of how a shuttle works, but we sincerely believe that the majority of processes are going to be performed automatically, so you will only be performing a controlling function.
This position is perfect for users who have been dreaming about interstellar trips and exploration of new planets. 
To make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to get this position, follow the updates of all metaverses that deal with space exploration. 

Professional Soldier

Metaverses offer users a lot of activities, and fighting is one of the most popular. Despite its popularity, not all users are good at building strategies that enable them to win battles. The majority of users, who are average at fighting, can hire a professional soldier to fight in their place. 
If you know that you are good at winning even the most complex battles, and a master of building strategies, you might become a professional soldier who rents their skills and knowledge to those who need it. You can be paid in the native metaverse’s tokens or NFTs - whatever you prefer. Of course, each battle will improve your skills which, in turn, will make your services more expensive and increase the demand for them.
Any metaverse where users can hire others to participate in battles on their behalf holds the potential for this position to emerge.


This is not a job but rather an occupation for those who love land, plants, and animals and who would like to dedicate their lives to farming activities. It doesn’t matter whether you have always lived in a city and know about farming from movies only, or if you have been into farming throughout your life. In a metaverse, you can find your niche in a new field. 
Grow crops, breed domestic animals, work on the land, sell your products - be as close to nature as you can and enjoy the simple joys of the life of a farmer. 
For those who love farming and would like to try this field, the Plato Farm is the place to be. 

Fashion Designer

If you have always dreamt about creating beautiful pieces of clothes or having your own fashion house, a metaverse will for sure offer you this opportunity. You can create attire for celebrities, millionaires, and other prominent people to earn money, or you can simply enjoy your favorite activity by inventing new styles for your friends and family members. 
Don’t forget that every effort can be paid for - make sure you get the copyright for all the pieces you create. It ensures a constant income even if your creativity is exhausted at some point, or you decide to make a career shift.
In this position, you aren’t limited to a gaming metaverse. What about participating in a metaverse fashion week? Or maybe you want to create your own metaverse fashion house? Even though metaverse technology is still limited now, in the future, it might enable you to do things just like they are done in the real world. The main benefit is that you need fewer resources to create your fashion masterpieces, and the reach is going to be immensely wider. That’s why the job of a fashion designer has immense potential.
Whatever job you select in a metaverse, the most exciting part of it is that it is not done for free. You are paid for your efforts, and the higher your skill level, the higher the payment you receive. Everything is fair and transparent, which increases the attractiveness of a metaverse for job seekers. At the end of the day, the versatility of metaverses and potential roles within them opens immense opportunities for every user to land their dream job.

Written by dankhomenko | CEO of SIDUSHEROES.COM and NFTSTARS.APP. International entrepreneur with a global vision for innovation.
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/06/17