Charging Up Your Debugging Skills

Written by offcode | Published 2023/03/24
Tech Story Tags: debugging | computer-problems | computer | technical-problems | troubleshooting | storytelling | computers | experience

TLDRLaptop is finicky, sometimes charging just fine, but other times making me fidget and fiddle with the charger like a magician with a deck of cards. To identify the source of a problem, test each component separately. Don't ignore the signs: When your device starts acting up, notice and investigate the problem before it gets worse.via the TL;DR App

It all started with my trusty laptop, my faithful companion through thick and thin. But one day, it decided to play a little game with me. It refused to charge! Can you believe it? I had to twist and turn the charger, like a Rubik's cube, just to get it to work.

I thought I had won, but oh no, this was just the beginning.

The next day, I strutted into the office, ready to conquer the world. But lo and behold, my laptop had a surprise waiting for me. It was charging just fine, with no complaints whatsoever! I shrugged it off, thinking maybe my laptop was just having a bad day yesterday.

But oh no, my friends, this was just the beginning of the chaos. I worked from home the next day, and guess what? The same problem popped up again. I played the charger-twisting game once more, and voila, it worked like a charm. But the real kicker was yet to come.

I was all set to go on a well-deserved vacation, but my laptop was not on board with the plan. It decided to be extra finicky, sometimes charging just fine, but other times making me fidget and fiddle with the charger like a magician with a deck of cards.

I even blew air into the USB-C port, like some sort of laptop exorcism, but to no avail.

Desperate for a solution, I turned to a colleague for help. He kindly lent me a new charger, and I thought I had struck gold! The new charger worked like a charm throughout my entire vacation.

But as soon as I came back, the laptop decided to be a total diva. The borrowed charger refused to charge my laptop at all, while the old charger worked only after some coaxing and pleading.

At this point, I was ready to throw in the towel and send my laptop back to the manufacturer. But then I had a stroke of genius, or at least I thought so. I marched into the laptop store and begged them to measure my devices, like some sort of laptop doctor.

Maybe they could figure out which one had the problem, I thought.

You know that pesky, intermittent problem that only happens sometimes, like a mischievous fairy playing games. It comes when you're alone at home, but decides to work fine and dandy when the repairman looks at it.

As the woman in the laptop store took my laptop and charger, I felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this frustrating saga would finally come to an end.

With a patient smile, the woman listened to my tale of woe and took a closer look at my laptop and charger. She plugged in my charger to my laptop, and...nothing. The darn thing still wouldn't charge! At least the problem was consistent, I thought to myself.

But instead of playing the same old game with the charger, the woman had a different approach. She took the charger apart into two parts, the charger itself and the cable. From a shelf behind her, she produced a different cable and plugged it into my charger. No luck.

Then, she tried her own charger with my cable, and it worked like a charm.

She looked up at me with a knowing smile. "Your charger is the culprit," she said. "The cable is fine, but the charger part is faulty."

I was equal parts relieved and annoyed. Relieved because there was finally an answer to my problem, but annoyed because it had taken so long to figure out. I couldn't help but wonder why my laptop had been so finicky with the charger all this time.

Had it been trying to tell me something?

But at least now I knew what to do. I thanked the woman profusely and bought a new charger right then and there.

On the way back to the office, I summarized the lessons I had just learned:

  • Don't ignore the warning signs: When your device starts acting up, take notice and investigate the problem before it gets worse.

  • Break it down: When faced with a complex issue, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts to find the root cause.

  • Distrust the unpredictable: When a component of your device behaves unpredictably, it's best to assume it's faulty.

  • Test separately: To identify the source of a problem, test each component separately to isolate the issue and find a solution.

As a note to myself, I can learn a valuable lesson from even the most annoying incidents, whether they happen in my personal life or in my work as a software developer. I will keep these lessons in mind the next time I encounter a bug in my code that needs to be debugged.

Published by HackerNoon on 2023/03/24