Challenging Product Hunt's Monopoly With Our Own Platform

Written by johnrush | Published 2023/09/18
Tech Story Tags: product-launch | product-hunt | open-source | devtools | marsx | devhunt | product-hunt-alternatives | startup-stories

TLDRWe decided to take matters into our own hands and build DevHunt - a platform that showcases developer tools exclusively.via the TL;DR App

As a software developer, you've probably come across Product Hunt - one of the most popular platforms for launching products.

But have you ever tried to launch your dev tool there?

If so, you know how challenging it can be to gain visibility among non-dev products.

That's why we decided to take matters into our own hands and build DevHunt - a platform that showcases developer tools exclusively.

But let me ask you something: what better place is there to launch DevHunt than...Product Hunt itself?

Yes! We went ahead and launched our project on Product Hunt.

You might think we're crazy – but hear us out!

We knew that if we could get enough support from fellow developers who shared our vision for fairer product launches tailored towards devs only, then together we could make it happen.

So, did it work?

Did DevHunt really stand a chance against industry giants like Product Hunt?

The answer is YES! And here's why:

  • Firstly, being entirely focused on dev tools gave us an edge in attracting like-minded people who were passionate about creating innovative solutions within the development community.
  • Secondly - word-of-mouth marketing between devs helped spread awareness of our platform beyond just those who found us through PH.
  • Finally (and perhaps most importantly), since open-source was at the heart of this project; all contributors had skin in the game by sharing their knowledge and skills with each other thus making sure everyone involved had equal ownership over its success or failure!

In conclusion

If there’s anything we learned about building alternate platforms- It's not easy!

But if enough people believe in something worthwhile & are willing to put time/effort into making it work regardless of challenges- they can achieve anything!

So don’t be afraid to challenge monopolies even when they seem too big or powerful because sometimes little guys win big battles too 😉

And hey—when life gives you lemons make lemonade—or as programmers would say create another tool ;)

And one more thing: We’re live on Product Hunt right now and would really appreciate your support

Also, if you’ve got a dev tool, feel free to launch it on DevHunt to showcase to thousands of our users.

Written by johnrush | Founder of MarsX & 20 more projects
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/09/18