Can LBH Tokens Democratize Bitcoin Mining?

Written by imisioluwa13312 | Published 2024/01/17
Tech Story Tags: bitcoin-mining | gomining | lbh-tokens | liquid-bitcoin-hashrate | how-does-liquid-bitcoin-work | liquid-bitcoin-oracle | liquid-bitcoin-smart-contract | history-of-bitcoin

TLDRThis article is centered around Bitcoin mining through GoMining, but it extends beyond the traditional concept. It explores an unconventional way of mining Bitcoin—by merely possessing an NFT. The method involves the use of LBH tokens, short for Liquid Bitcoin Hashrate. Here's a breakdown of how it operates: each LBH token represents a portion of Bitcoin mining power.via the TL;DR App

This article is centered around Bitcoin mining through GoMining, but it extends beyond the traditional concept. It explores an unconventional way of mining Bitcoin—by merely possessing an NFT. That's right, an NFT. You may be curious about how this is feasible. The method involves the use of LBH tokens, short for Liquid Bitcoin Hashrate. But how does LBH actually work?

For those unfamiliar with Bitcoin mining, it's essentially a process where individuals compete to guess a 64-bit hexadecimal code, earning rewards in Bitcoin. This is done to generate a new block in the blockchain.

But before we delve into the workings of LBH tokens, let's take a look at how Bitcoin was mined in the past. Although these methods are still in use today, they're starting to be perceived as somewhat antiquated.

Background: As it Started.

Initially, Bitcoin miners utilized CPUs (central processing units), the brains of their computers, for mining. Soon after, the transition to using GPUs (graphical processing units) took place. GPUs, designed for enhancing gaming and graphics, proved more powerful and offered better hashrates compared to CPUs. As evolution unfolded, ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) emerged. Tailored exclusively for Bitcoin mining, ASIC machines surpassed GPUs in hashrates. However, the drawback lies in their considerable expense.

In addition to traditional methods, ingenious individuals have embraced an alternative approach to Bitcoin mining through the use of FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays). These devices can be programmed to execute specific tasks. FPGAs offer some advantages over ASICs, including flexibility and scalability, as they can be adapted to different mining algorithms. However, they also come with drawbacks, such as being less efficient and more expensive to acquire.

Throughout the evolution of Bitcoin miners, the concept of hashrate has been repeatedly mentioned. Hashrate serves as a measure of how quickly a miner can perform calculations to mine Bitcoin. A higher hashrate increases the likelihood of a miner receiving Bitcoin rewards and fees.

Despite their individual merits, all these methods share common and significant downsides. They demand a substantial amount of energy to operate, involve technical complexity, have environmental impacts, and are generally expensive to acquire and maintain.

Given these challenges, the question arises: What could be the solution? How can we make Bitcoin mining more accessible to everyone?

How its Going:

"Let's introduce the use of LBH Tokens" - said GoMining.

LBH Tokens? What are they and how do they work?

The LBH Token, or Liquid Bitcoin Hashrate Token, as previously mentioned in this article, introduces an innovative approach by GoMining, allowing individuals to transform the energy utilized for Bitcoin mining into unique tokens, namely NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). Here's a breakdown of how it operates: each LBH token represents a portion of Bitcoin mining power from a specific center. Each token possesses a unique code and includes details such as its origin, power capacity, efficiency, expiration date, and evidence of legitimate mining activity. The value of these tokens fluctuates in accordance with real market trends and the characteristics of the associated mining facility.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of how LBH tokens function, it's essential to grasp two additional concepts: LBH oracle and LBH smart contract.

The LBH smart contract:

The LBH smart contract serves as the backbone of this operation, facilitating users to purchase and trade transparent mining power as digital assets. It operates as the behind-the-scenes mechanism that governs the functionality of the system.

The LBH Oracle:

An LBH oracle is a service designed to furnish the LBH smart contract with reliable, real-time information regarding Bitcoin mining power. This service aggregates data from diverse sources, including mining pools, mining farms, and mining equipment manufacturers, and validates and combines them using cryptographic methods. Subsequently, the LBH oracle transmits this data to the LBH smart contract, which utilizes it to compute mining rewards and distribute them among LBH token holders. Essentially, the LBH oracle guarantees that the LBH token is substantiated by actual Bitcoin mining power and accurately reflects changes in mining difficulty and market conditions.

GoMining has introduced a groundbreaking concept to empower people with the ability to engage in Bitcoin mining, akin to the principles of democracy. They have democratized Bitcoin mining through their LBH token, known as GMT, allowing users to acquire NFTs representing a share of their Bitcoin mining hardware at the mining site. This approach enables individuals to own a Bitcoin miner, partake in Bitcoin mining without grappling with the technical intricacies, and accomplish this through a straightforward process on the GoMining platform.


In summary, LBH tokens introduce a novel and efficient approach to simplify Bitcoin mining, enhancing accessibility and tradability. These digital assets represent the hashrate responsible for generating mined BTC yield. Issued, distributed, and traded on the Ethereum and BNB blockchains, LBH tokens offer several advantages, including transparent mining power, energy efficiency stored in NFTs, cross-chain connectivity, and integration with decentralized finance (DeFi). By streamlining participation in Bitcoin mining, expanding options for trading hashing power, and optimizing energy usage, LBH tokens have the potential to bolster network decentralization and security.

Written by imisioluwa13312 | Hi I'm Dahunsi Imisioluwa, A Developer and writer.
Published by HackerNoon on 2024/01/17