A Comprehensive Guide to the Difference Between Git vs GitHub

Written by sarrahpitaliya | Published 2023/07/17
Tech Story Tags: git | github | github-actions | software-development | coding | programming | software-engineering | git-workflow

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What comes to your mind when you hear the words; Git and GitHub? Well, you’ll probably consider them the most powerful innovation, right? As a developer, you must come across several queries, such as what distinguishes GitHub from Git! And at most, "version control" is undoubtedly the first concept that must have popped into your head!
Moreover, you must be well-versed in the importance of version control. It is crucial to have the means to track changes to ensure that everyone works from the exact version of the code when multiple people contribute to a codebase. Though you find it daunting to get started with these innovations, you can consider hiring a professional for DevOps services and get help from crafting a repository to releasing code onto the production environment.
This blog will walk you through Git vs. GitHub and analyze why it is so popular among DevOps developers. Without delay, let's get started.
What is Git?
Simply defined, Git is a distributed version control system that is free, open-source, and made to manage any size project quickly and effectively. Moreover, it is easy to learn and has tiny footprints with lightning-fast performance.
It has a flexible design and is one of the most widely used VCSs today, making it simple to integrate into your workflow. Git, for instance, can be used to manage your project's files or only the most important ones. The majority of you must now be wondering why to continue using Git. Therefore, let's comprehend the same.
Git gives developers a thorough overview of their choices, modifications, and advancement on any project. By giving them all the background information, they require to comprehend and begin contributing to the project. Developers can observe the whole history of the project from the moment they gain access to it.
Git facilitates distributed development, which benefits developers by giving them a comprehensive history of their local code modifications. It is another vital component you must overlook. Not bad, huh? We're not done yet; the icing on the cake is that Git enables developers to work concurrently on several code branches and merge them when they are complete.

Common Commands of Git

Git commands are text strings that tell Git what to do. Each Git command is recognized to carry out an utterly distinct task. Once more, they all work closely together to handle their code modifications. Are you curious about the Git commands? Let's let each one go free.
git init
– It is the first command that you should run, especially when you are getting started with a new project. Plus, it is a relatively new Git repository.
git clone
– You can create a local replica of the remote repository with this command; Clone is an existing git repository.
git add
– With the help of this command, you can add new files or changes to the existing files to simply get the repository.
git commit
– The command helps you in the best possible ways to save the changes you have made to the git history.
git pull
– Changes can be easily pulled from a remote git repository. The command works uniquely to pull down any minor modifications and incorporate them into your local git repository.
git status
– You may now quickly visit your git repository and check its status. It will merely inform you of the files that have been edited and those that Git is monitoring.
git log
– The command is helpful, especially when determining when the specific changes were made and who made those changes.
git reset
– You may quickly reset your git repository to a specific commit. You can reset your git history or undo the best way possible the modifications you made to a file with the command.
What is GitHub?
When it comes to GitHub, then you need to understand that it is a web-based hosting service for the Git repository. It helps in the best possible ways to make Git a little more user-friendly and provides a platform for the developers to share the code with others.
Other people can contribute to the projects quickly and easily thanks to GitHub. Thanks to its feature-rich API, it makes it easy for developers to incorporate GitHub into their applications and workflows.
Users can choose between a premium and a free subscription on GitHub. Users can easily create public repositories with a free subscription. These can simply be copied or forked by anyone and are visible to everyone.
On the other side, creating private repositories necessitates a premium subscription. Additionally, only people granted access by repository owners can view these repositories.
The best task, project, and bug-tracking options are available on GitHub. GitHub is well known for offering a place for developers to discuss code bugs, snippets, and documentation in addition to the Git repositories. Using GitHub, developers can easily monitor the status of their projects. As you understand the code management platforms, ensure that you also look into vs. GitLab, as it’ll give you an in-depth insight into the best development platform for your team.

Similarities: Git vs GitHub

  • As we have understood code management innovations adequately, let us look at their similarities before drawing out the differences.
  • Developers can manage and share their code repositories using both GitHub and Git.
  • Both inventions use version control systems, enabling developers to keep track of the changes they make to their code.
  • Git and GitHub offer the feature of online code collaboration that enables the developers to work together quickly on the code project.
  • Although they provide paid plans for private repositories, both technologies are free from open-source projects.
  • Both have an extensive user community with active development communities.

How They’re Used: Git vs GitHub

To better understand Git, you must be aware that it is a distributed version control system that tracks file changes made by several users. Git may be used to track changes to any combination of files and is designed for collaborative software development.
Let us now demonstrate how to use GitHub. Well, GitHub is a web-based service that hosts Git repositories. It not only provides all of Git's functions, but it also streamlines collaboration amongst collaborators.

Price Variation: Git vs GitHub

You should be aware that these innovations have somewhat different cost-pricing structures. The coders can utilize Git locally on their computers without spending money.
On the other hand, if you look at GitHub, you should be aware that it is a paid site known for hosting Git repositories and offering other tools for collaboration. Additionally, it provides various price options, including a free program and many paying ones with additional features.
The free plan comes with unlimited public and private repositories, and all required collaboration tools, and access to GitHub's developer community. Additional capabilities available through the premium program include advanced project management tools, code review tools, and the capacity to host bigger repositories. It provides subsidized prices for businesses, academic institutions, and open-source initiatives.

Which Should You Use: Git or GitHub?

However, the response to this question depends entirely on your demands. Well, if you are looking forward to working on a personal project, then Git would be the most appropriate choice that you can make, as you will not require a lot of features, right?
On the other hand, if you are working on a project involving other people, GitHub would be the ideal choice in this case scenario. With the help of its ultimate features and user-friendly interface, you can simply make it one of the best platforms for collaboration.
Both innovations are great, especially when you are looking forward to working on any coding project. Before picking between the two, make sure you take your project's requirements into account.
Key Takeaways
Now let us walk you through the key takeaways of Git and GitHub.
  • It's important to keep in mind that Git is a source management (SCM) tool used to track changes to files and organize collaboration on those files among numerous people.
  • GitHub is a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. Plus, it offers all the features of Git and several other features, such as code review, collaboration, and issue tracking.
  • Teams may collaborate on coding projects from any location using Git and GitHub.


Now that you are well versed with both the innovations, i.e., Git and GitHub, you’ll know which one to choose for your next project, right? Git is a wonderful option if you're working on a personal project or don't need all of GitHub's services. Conversely, GitHub is a fantastic option if you work on a project with others. Because of its strong functionality and straightforward UI, it's one of the greatest platforms for collaboration.
You may quickly access your code from any computer using Git and GitHub. Not to overlook that if your local machine was to get stolen or damaged, for instance, you’ll probably lose all your code with absolutely no way to retrieve it. Again, you won't ever have to worry or stress about losing your code if you keep it on the cloud-based site GitHub.
In a nutshell, when working on any coding project, Git and GitHub are excellent innovations. But make sure you carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks of each to select the option that will work best for you and your project.

Written by sarrahpitaliya | Avid reader and technology writer www.radixweb.com
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/07/17