The HackerNoon Newsletter: This New Prompting Technique Makes AI Outputs Actually Usable (12/4/2024)

Written by noonification | Published 2024/12/04
Tech Story Tags: hackernoon-newsletter | noonification | latest-tect-stories | tron | aritificial-intelligence | react | reinforcement-learning

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How are you, hacker?

🪐 What’s happening in tech today, December 4, 2024?

The HackerNoon Newsletter brings the HackerNoon homepage straight to your inbox. On this day, The Montreal Canadiens Hockey Team Founded in 1909, Charlemagne Became King of the Franks in 771, George H.W. Bush Deployed Troops to Somalia in 1992, and we present you with these top quality stories. From Justin Suns $6 Million Banana Purchase Pales In Comparison to the $30 Million Trump Investment to Playwright and Chrome Browser Testing in Heroku: A Beginners Guide, let’s dive right in.

Justin Suns $6 Million Banana Purchase Pales In Comparison to the $30 Million Trump Investment

By @jabrilgoodner [ 2 Min read ] Tech billionaire Justin Suns $6M banana purchase and $30M investment in Trump-linked crypto project blend absurdity, pop culture, and blockchain innovation. Read More.

This New Prompting Technique Makes AI Outputs Actually Usable

By @abhic137 [ 15 Min read ] Structured meta-prompting is a technique that dynamically generates JSON schemas for solutions before performing tasks. Read More.

Playwright and Chrome Browser Testing in Heroku: A Beginners Guide

By @alvinslee [ 12 Min read ] This blog will show you how to run automated end-to-end Playwright tests for your React app with Headless Chrome on Heroku. Read More.

Human Preferences Help Scientists Train AI 30x Faster Than Before

By @languagemodels [ 1 Min read ] Read More.

🧑‍💻 What happened in your world this week?

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We hope you enjoy this worth of free reading material. Feel free to forward this email to a nerdy friend who'll love you for it.See you on Planet Internet! With love, The HackerNoon Team ✌️

Published by HackerNoon on 2024/12/04