10 Best UI/UX Project Ideas to Improve Your Frontend Skills 🎨🧙‍♂️

Written by madzadev | Published 2022/02/25
Tech Story Tags: inspiration | ui | ux | html | css | javascript | web-development | coding

TLDRRecruiters looking for frontend developers usually love to see UI/UX projects in your portfolio. In this article, I have handpicked some awesome UI and UX projects that might give you some inspiration to create your own projects. I tried to include a variety of projects from video platforms, project management dashboards, task managers, file sharing apps, and more. I will embed the live previews of the projects as well as credit all the awesome authors so you can check them out. Hopefully, you will find these useful.via the TL;DR App

Recruiters looking for frontend devs usually love to see UI/UX projects in your portfolio, since they demonstrate your eye for the design and your competency with layouts.

In this article, I have handpicked some awesome UI/UX projects that might give you some inspiration to create your own projects.

I tried to include a variety of projects from video platforms, project management dashboards, task managers, file sharing apps, and more.

I will embed the live previews of the projects as well as credit all the awesome authors so you can check them out. Hopefully, you will find these useful!

1. Skateboard Video Platform 📺

By: Aysenur Turk


2. Glassmorphism Cloud App 🎨

By: Aysenur Turk


3. Responsive React Dashboard 📈

By: Dilum Sanjaya


4. Project Management Dashboard UI 💼

By: Aybüke Ceylan


5. Responsive Social Platform UI 👪

By: Aysenur Turk


6. Customer Management UI 💰

By: Aysenur Turk


7. Task Management UI 📝

By: AaronMcGuire


8. Task Manager UI with CSS Grid 📜

By: Aysenur Turk


9. Job Search Platform UI 🔍

By: Aybüke Ceylan


10. File Sharing Web App 📂

By: Aybüke Ceylan


Writing has always been my passion and it gives me pleasure to help and inspire people. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

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Written by madzadev | Sharing the latest AI insights, essential tools, and productivity secrets to fuel your career growth!
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/02/25