让您的 ChatGPT 提示更上一层楼的 10 个技巧经过@morganmsk
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让您的 ChatGPT 提示更上一层楼的 10 个技巧

经过 Vitaly Kukharenko11m2024/01/30
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太長; 讀書

通过我们的即时工程十大技巧,释放人工智能聊天的全部潜力。学习向 ChatGPT 提出更智能的问题,将日常互动转变为动态对话。本指南是您成为人工智能耳语者的捷径,您制作的每一个提示都为更丰富、更有洞察力的交流打开了大门。准备好改变您与人工智能的沟通方式了吗?让我们深入了解吧!
featured image - 让您的 ChatGPT 提示更上一层楼的 10 个技巧
Vitaly Kukharenko HackerNoon profile picture

欢迎来到人工智能的奇妙世界,在这里,使用像 ChatGPT 这样的计算机程序聊天不仅很酷,而且还很酷。这就像解锁超能力!当我们展望 2024 年时,每个人都在谈论一项超级流行的技能:快速工程。听起来很奇特,对吧?但它基本上是关于真正擅长以一种为您提供最佳答案的方式提出 ChatGPT 问题。这就像知道秘密握手,让人工智能成为你解决问题、做作业或探索疯狂想法的最佳伙伴。

那么,“提示”有什么大不了的呢?将其视为给某人发短信时的开场白。但在这里,你的“某人”是ChatGPT,一个超级智能的人工智能。在人工智能的旧时代,你会问你的问题,无论人工智能回答什么,你都会接受它。但有了提示,这就是一场全新的球赛。您可以提出有趣的问题,调整它们,并将 ChatGPT 变成一个聊天伙伴,而不是一个万事通的机器。这就像从一个单独的玩家转变为一个团队的一员,你在游戏中发号施令。

这就是它变得史诗般的地方:这篇文章不仅仅是一堆技巧;这是成为人工智能耳语者的秘密手册。我们将深入研究 10 个令人兴奋的技巧,这些技巧将使您的 ChatGPT 聊天从“meh”变为“whoa”!您将学习如何精心设计提示,不仅能获得答案,还能引发对话、发现见解,甚至可能智胜人工智能(当然,以友好的方式)。


1. 保持简短而甜蜜

当您与 ChatGPT 等人工智能聊天时,请记住,这与礼仪无关;而是与礼仪有关。这是直奔主题。你不需要用“请”、“谢谢”或“你可以吗”来修饰你的问题。只需直接询问,您就会获得所需的信息,而无需多余的信息。


不: I was wondering if you could possibly tell me what the capital of France is?

是的: What is the capital of France?

否: Could you please provide me with some information on how photosynthesis works, if it's not too much trouble?

是的: How does photosynthesis work?

不: I would be really grateful if you could explain the Pythagorean theorem to me.

是: Explain the Pythagorean theorem.

否: If you don't mind, could you list the main characters in "Romeo and Juliet" for me?

是的: List the main characters in "Romeo and Juliet."

否: I'd appreciate it if you could kindly tell me the steps involved in the water cycle, please.

是的: What are the steps in the water cycle?




2. 逐步解决



复杂任务:求解方程 3x^2 - 12x + 9 = 0。

  • 步骤 1:方程 3x^2 - 12x + 9 = 0 中 a、b 和 c 的值是多少?
  • 步骤 2:使用 a、b 和 c 的值计算方程的判别式。
  • 步骤 3:使用判别式确定方程是否有实数解、一个解或两个解。
  • 步骤 4:使用二次公式求方程的根。


  • 第一步:什么是细胞呼吸?
  • 第 2 步:描述细胞呼吸的第一阶段及其发生位置。
  • 第三步:解释克雷布斯循环。
  • 第 4 步:详细说明电子传递链及其在细胞呼吸中的作用。
  • 步骤 5:总结细胞呼吸中 ATP 的产生方式。


  • 第一步:定义什么是素数。
  • 步骤 2:编写一个函数来检查一个数字是否可以被除 1 和它本身之外的任何数字整除。
  • 步骤 3:实现一个循环来测试该数字与所有可能的除数。
  • 步骤 4:进行最终检查,根据循环的结果确定该数字是否为素数。


  • 第一步:巴黎有哪些必去景点?
  • 第二步:推荐巴黎市中心的住宿。
  • 第 3 步:建议 7 天旅行的每日行程。
  • 第 4 步:提供对游客有用的法语短语列表。
  • 第五步:巴黎市内有哪些交通方式?


  • 第一步:谁提出了自然选择进化论?
  • 步骤 2:定义自然选择。
  • 第三步:描述物种变异是如何发生的。
  • 第四步:解释这些变异如何影响生存和繁殖。
  • 第 5 步:总结自然选择随时间推移对物种进化的影响。





任务: Explain the internet to someone from the 19th century.

提示: Describe how the internet allows instant communication across the globe as if explaining to someone from the 1800s.

任务: Discuss the impact of quantum computing on encryption, intended for high school students.

提示: Explain how quantum computing could change the way we keep information safe online, in a way that a high schooler could understand.

任务: Describe the concept of black holes to children.

提示: Imagine you're telling a story to a group of 8-year-olds. How would you explain a black hole in space?



4. 通过实例学习



任务: Convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit.

提示: Example 1: Convert 0°C to Fahrenheit. (Response: 32°F) Example 2: Convert 100°C to Fahrenheit. (Response: 212°F) Now, convert 25°C to Fahrenheit.

任务: Simplify fractions to their lowest terms.

提示: Example 1: Simplify the fraction 4/8. (Response: 1/2) Example 2: Simplify the fraction 6/9. (Response: 2/3) Now, simplify the fraction 10/15.


当您希望将模型结果无缝集成到应用程序或工作流程中时,以 JSON 指定模型输出的确切格式非常有用。

5. 扮演角色

当你 与AI聊天时,你实际上可以要求它发挥作用,就像任何领域的专家一样。通过这种方式,人工智能会调整其答案以适应该部分,为您提供见解或解释,就像它是该领域的专家一样。


任务: Explain the importance of bees in the ecosystem.

提示: If you were a biologist, how would you describe the role of bees in maintaining healthy ecosystems?

任务: Discuss the latest trends in renewable energy.

提示: As an environmental scientist, what are the cutting-edge developments in renewable energy sources?




6. 一步步思考



任务: Create a list of even numbers from 2 to 20.

提示: Let's think step by step. Start by initializing an empty list. Then, use a loop to go through numbers 2 to 20. Inside the loop, check if a number is even. If it is, add it to the list.

任务: Find the factorial of a number.

提示: Think step by step. First, define a Python function that takes a number as an input. Initialize a variable for the result inside the function. Use a loop to multiply the numbers from 1 to the input number. Return the result.



7. 互动澄清



任务: Plan a personalized diet.

提示: From now on, I would like you to ask me questions about my dietary preferences, restrictions, and goals until you have enough information to suggest a customized meal plan.

任务: Develop a study schedule.

提示: Please ask me about my current study habits, subjects I'm focusing on, and my exam dates until you can draft a personalized study timetable for me.

第 2 步:添加说明

8. 指导回应



任务: Explain how photosynthesis works in plants.

提示: Describe the process of photosynthesis in plants. Begin with: "Photosynthesis is a crucial process where plants convert..."

任务: Summarize the plot of "Romeo and Juliet."

提示: Provide a brief summary of "Romeo and Juliet." Start with: "Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale of..."

任务: Discuss the impacts of global warming.

提示:详细Elaborate on the consequences of global warming on our planet. Initiate your explanation with: "Global warming leads to a variety of impacts, including..."

任务: Outline the steps to bake a chocolate cake.

提示: List the steps involved in baking a chocolate cake. Begin your instructions with: "To bake a chocolate cake, the first step is to..."

任务: Describe the function of the heart in the human body.

提示: Explain the role of the heart in the human circulatory system. Start your explanation with: "The heart is essential in the circulatory system as it..."

通过以所需的响应开始来结束提示,您可以帮助设定 AI 答复的基调和方向,从而使所提供的信息更有可能符合您的期望。




任务: Expand on a poetic verse about the ocean.

提示: "The ocean's whispers to the moon create a melody of mysteries untold." I'm providing you with the beginning of a poem. Continue it, keeping the mystical and serene tone.

任务: Continue a suspenseful short story.

提示: "Under the cloak of night, she vanished into the shadowy alley, leaving no trace behind." I'm providing you with the start of a suspense story. Continue from here, maintaining the suspense and mystery.

任务: Elaborate on a sci-fi setting.

提示: "Beyond the stars, in a galaxy where time bends and reality shifts, lies the planet of Zentari." I'm providing you with the opening of a science fiction story. Expand on this universe, keeping the wonder and vastness of space exploration in mind.






任务: Explain the concept of supply and demand in economics.

提示: Your task is to demystify the economic principle of supply and demand. You MUST use real-world examples to illustrate how they affect prices.

任务: Discuss the benefits of regular exercise.提示: Your task is to outline the key benefits of maintaining a regular exercise routine. You MUST cover aspects such as physical health, mental well-being, and longevity.


任务: Write a summary of the novel "1984" by George Orwell.提示: Your task is to provide a concise summary of George Orwell's "1984," focusing on its dystopian themes and societal implications. You will be penalized for including spoilers or detailed plot points.

任务: Provide tips for effective public speaking.

提示: Your task is to offer five actionable tips for improving public speaking skills. You will be penalized for suggesting common clichés or unproven methods.





非常感谢您一直陪伴我直到本文结束!这是一次穿越人工智能世界的疯狂之旅,周围还流传着那些离奇的神话。听说过人工智能可以更快地赚钱吗?好吧,幕后人员声称他们已经解决了这个问题 - 但是嘿,为什么不亲自尝试一下呢?在评论中留下你的发现或任何很酷的实验;看到你的想法总是很有趣。

而且,只是为了好玩,想象一下说:“我将捐出 30 万美元以获得更好的解决方案。”听起来很疯狂,对吧?但这就是深入研究动态规划等内容的精神。这一切都是为了寻找更聪明、更灵活的方法来解决问题。如果您有绝招,请不要害羞 - 分享它!

