Embedbase是一个用于构建、存储和检索嵌入的开源 API。
今天我们将为 Paul Graham 的文章构建一个搜索引擎,我们将使用 Apple Siri 快捷方式,例如向 Siri 询问有关这些文章的问题。
有许多矢量数据库和 NLP 模型用于存储和计算嵌入。还有一些额外的技巧来处理嵌入。
git clone https://github.com/another-ai/embedbase cd embedbase
前往Pinecone 网站,登录并创建索引:
我们将其命名为“paul”并使用维度“1536”(正确获取此数字很重要,在幕后,它是 OpenAI 数据结构“嵌入”的“大小”),其他设置不太重要。
您需要获取 Pinecone API 密钥,以便 Embedbase 与 Pinecone 进行通信:
现在您需要在https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys获取您的 OpenAI 配置(如果需要,请创建一个帐户)。
另外,在此处获取您的组织 ID:
现在写入并填充文件“config.yaml”中的值(在 embedbase 目录中):
# embedbase/config.yaml # https://app.pinecone.io/ pinecone_index: "my index name" # replace this with your environment pinecone_environment: "us-east1-gcp" pinecone_api_key: "" # https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys openai_api_key: "sk-xxxxxxx" # https://platform.openai.com/account/org-settings openai_organization: "org-xxxxx"
🎉 您现在可以运行Embedbase了!
现在运行 Embedbase:
docker-compose up
如果你有动力,可以将Embedbase部署到 Google Cloud Run。确保有一个谷歌云项目,并通过官方文档安装了命令行“gcloud”。
# login to gcloud gcloud auth login # Get your Google Cloud project ID PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project) # Enable container registry gcloud services enable containerregistry.googleapis.com # Enable Cloud Run gcloud services enable run.googleapis.com # Enable Secret Manager gcloud services enable secretmanager.googleapis.com # create a secret for the config gcloud secrets create EMBEDBASE_PAUL_GRAHAM --replication-policy=automatic # add a secret version based on your yaml config gcloud secrets versions add EMBEDBASE_PAUL_GRAHAM --data-file=config.yaml # Set your Docker image URL IMAGE_URL="gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/embedbase-paul-graham:0.0.1" # Build the Docker image for cloud deployment docker buildx build . --platform linux/amd64 -t ${IMAGE_URL} -f ./search/Dockerfile # Push the docker image to Google Cloud Docker registries # Make sure to be authenticated https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/advanced-authentication docker push ${IMAGE_URL} # Deploy Embedbase to Google Cloud Run gcloud run deploy embedbase-paul-graham \ --image ${IMAGE_URL} \ --region us-central1 \ --allow-unauthenticated \ --set-secrets /secrets/config.yaml=EMBEDBASE_PAUL_GRAHAM:1
git clone https://github.com/another-ai/embedbase-paul-graham cd embedbase-paul-graham npm i
让我们看看代码,如果您对 Typescript 项目所需的所有文件感到不知所措,请不要担心并忽略它们。
// src/main.ts // Here we want to start from the page that list all Paul's essays const startUrls = ['http://www.paulgraham.com/articles.html']; const crawler = new PlaywrightCrawler({ requestHandler: router, }); await crawler.run(startUrls);
// src/routes.ts router.addDefaultHandler(async ({ enqueueLinks, log }) => { log.info(`enqueueing new URLs`); await enqueueLinks({ // Here we tell the crawler to only accept pages that are under // "http://www.paulgraham.com/" domain name, // for example if we find a link on Paul's website to an url // like "https://ycombinator.com/startups" if it will ignored globs: ['http://www.paulgraham.com/**'], label: 'detail', }); }); router.addHandler('detail', async ({ request, page, log }) => { // Here we will do some logic on all pages under // "http://www.paulgraham.com/" domain name // for example, collecting the page title const title = await page.title(); // getting the essays' content const blogPost = await page.locator('body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3)').textContent(); if (!blogPost) { log.info(`no blog post found for ${title}, skipping`); return; } log.info(`${title}`, { url: request.loadedUrl }); // Remember that usually AI models and databases have some limits in input size // and thus we will split essays in chunks of paragraphs // split blog post in chunks on the \n\n const chunks = blogPost.split(/\n\n/); if (!chunks) { log.info(`no blog post found for ${title}, skipping`); return; } // If you are not familiar with Promises, don't worry for now // it's just a mean to do things faster await Promise.all(chunks.flatMap((chunk) => { const d = { url: request.loadedUrl, title: title, blogPost: chunk, }; // Here we just want to send the page interesting // content into Embedbase (don't mind Dataset, it's optional local storage) return Promise.all([Dataset.pushData(d), add(title, chunk)]); })); });
什么是add() ?
const add = (title: string, blogPost: string) => { // note "paul" in the URL, it can be anything you want // that will help you segment your data in // isolated parts const url = `${baseUrl}/v1/paul`; const data = { documents: [{ data: blogPost, }], }; // send the data to Embedbase using "node-fetch" library fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(data), }).then((response) => { return response.json(); }).then((data) => { console.log('Success:', data); }).catch((error) => { console.error('Error:', error); }); };
现在您可以运行爬虫了,下载和摄取 Embedbase 中的所有内容应该不到一分钟。
将使用 OpenAI 学分,费用低于 1 美元
npm start
如果您将 Embedbase 部署到云端,请使用
# you can get your cloud run URL like this: CLOUD_RUN_URL=$(gcloud run services list --platform managed --region us-central1 --format="value(status.url)" --filter="metadata.name=embedbase-paul-graham") npm run playground ${CLOUD_RUN_URL}
您应该在您的终端(Embedbase Docker 容器和节点进程)中看到一些活动没有错误(否则请随时寻求帮助)。
在示例存储库中,您可以注意到“ src/playground.ts ”,这是一个简单的脚本,可让您在终端中与 Embedbase 进行交互,代码非常简单:
// src/playground.ts const search = async (query: string) => { const url = `${baseUrl}/v1/paul/search`; const data = { query, }; return fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(data), }).then((response) => { return response.json(); }).then((data) => { console.log('Success:', data); }).catch((error) => { console.error('Error:', error); }); }; const p = prompt(); // this is an interactive terminal that let you search in paul graham // blog posts using semantic search // It is an infinite loop that will ask you for a query // and show you the results const start = async () => { console.log('Welcome to the Embedbase playground!'); console.log('This playground is a simple example of how to use Embedbase'); console.log('Currently using Embedbase server at', baseUrl); console.log('This is an interactive terminal that let you search in paul graham blog posts using semantic search'); console.log('Try to run some queries such as "how to get rich"'); console.log('or "how to pitch investor"'); while (true) { const query = p('Enter a semantic query:'); if (!query) { console.log('Bye!'); return; } await search(query); } }; start();
如果你在本地运行 Embedbase,你可以像这样运行它:
npm run playground
或者,像这样,如果您将 Embedbase 部署到云端:
npm run playground ${CLOUD_RUN_URL}
欢乐时光!让我们构建一个 Apple Siri 快捷方式,以便能够向 Siri 询问有关 Paul Graham 文章的问题😜
首先,让我们启动 Apple 快捷方式:
我们将把这个快捷方式命名为“Search Paul”(请注意,这将是您要求 Siri 启动快捷方式的方式,所以选择简单的东西)
用简单的英语来说,这个快捷方式向用户询问一个查询并用它调用 Embedbase,然后告诉 Siri 大声读出它找到的文章。
“Get for in”将从 Embedbase 响应中提取属性“相似性”
(可选,将在下面展示)这是一个有趣的技巧,您可以将其添加到快捷方式中以增加辣味,使用 OpenAI GPT3 将结果文本的一部分转换为在 Siri 发音时听起来更好
让 Siri 说出来
您可以使用此功能性 GPT3 快捷方式将结果转换为更好的文本
(用“Bearer [YOUR OPENAI KEY]”填写“Authorization”值)
借助 Embedbase,您可以立即构建语义驱动的产品,而无需为构建、存储和检索嵌入而头疼,同时保持低成本。
请尝试 Embedbase,提出问题,如果您不介意支持这项工作并为存储库加注星标❤️