Monopoles technologiques et contrôleurs d'accès à Internet Transcription de Last Week Tonight de John Oliverpar@videoman
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Monopoles technologiques et contrôleurs d'accès à Internet Transcription de Last Week Tonight de John Oliver

par Video Man
Video Man HackerNoon profile picture

Video Man


i'm a man i'm a man i'm a video man...

1 min read2024/03/23
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John Oliver discute des monopoles technologiques et de la manière de remédier aux dommages cachés qu'ils peuvent causer.
featured image - Monopoles technologiques et contrôleurs d'accès à Internet Transcription de Last Week Tonight de John Oliver
Video Man HackerNoon profile picture
Video Man

Video Man


i'm a man i'm a man i'm a video man

moving on our main story tonight

[00:00:00] : [00:00:08]

concerns the internet a world-changing

[00:00:08] : [00:00:10]

resource that was initially sold to us

[00:00:10] : [00:00:11]

like this

[00:00:11] : [00:00:13]

we installed the internet on our

[00:00:13] : [00:00:15]

computer just a short time ago and i

[00:00:15] : [00:00:16]

haven't been able to get the kids off it

[00:00:16] : [00:00:18]

ever since not only do they play the

[00:00:18] : [00:00:20]

typical computer games that all the kids

[00:00:20] : [00:00:22]

enjoy but their curiosity for learning

[00:00:22] : [00:00:24]

has skyrocketed peter is constantly

[00:00:24] : [00:00:26]

quoting sports statistics and he can

[00:00:26] : [00:00:28]

tell you the best surfing spots around

[00:00:28] : [00:00:30]

the globe not to mention the improvement

[00:00:30] : [00:00:33]

in peter's grades and dashes too

[00:00:33] : [00:00:34]


[00:00:34] : [00:00:35]


[00:00:35] : [00:00:36]

peter was not checking surfing spots or

[00:00:36] : [00:00:39]

sports statistics peter was masturbating

[00:00:39] : [00:00:41]

that is what peter was doing but also

[00:00:41] : [00:00:43]

spare a thought for dasha there who just

[00:00:43] : [00:00:46]

gets also good grades you deserve better

[00:00:46] : [00:00:47]

dash i hope you grew up to be an early

[00:00:47] : [00:00:49]

investor in cell phones made millions of

[00:00:49] : [00:00:50]

dollars and never spoke to your weird

[00:00:50] : [00:00:52]

family ever again

[00:00:52] : [00:00:53]

specifically we're going to talk about

[00:00:53] : [00:00:55]

the fact that our experiences on the

[00:00:55] : [00:00:57]

internet are now dominated by a very

[00:00:57] : [00:00:58]

small handful of companies who are

[00:00:58] : [00:01:00]

getting pretty used to throwing their

[00:01:00] : [00:01:02]

weight around in 2020 the house

[00:01:02] : [00:01:03]

judiciary subcommittee on antitrust

[00:01:03] : [00:01:06]

released a massive 450 page report

[00:01:06] : [00:01:08]

detailing anti-competitive conduct by

[00:01:08] : [00:01:11]

apple amazon facebook and alphabet

[00:01:11] : [00:01:13]

that's the parent company of google and

[00:01:13] : [00:01:15]

the findings couldn't have been clearer

[00:01:15] : [00:01:17]

each platform serves as a gatekeeper

[00:01:17] : [00:01:19]

over a key channel of distribution

[00:01:19] : [00:01:21]

allowing these giants to pick winners

[00:01:21] : [00:01:23]

and losers throughout our economy and i

[00:01:23] : [00:01:24]

know for some

[00:01:24] : [00:01:26]

that's part of the appeal

[00:01:26] : [00:01:28]

apple's the empire of the smartphone

[00:01:28] : [00:01:29]

with all its attendant services

[00:01:29] : [00:01:31]

facebook's a repository of your identity

[00:01:31] : [00:01:33]

amazon's the online wall backed by cloud

[00:01:33] : [00:01:35]

infrastructure and alphabet is all

[00:01:35] : [00:01:36]

things search

[00:01:36] : [00:01:38]

now these companies have all created

[00:01:38] : [00:01:39]

incredible products that we can't live

[00:01:39] : [00:01:41]

without they're gargantuan businesses

[00:01:41] : [00:01:43]

that are for the most part loved and

[00:01:43] : [00:01:45]

respected by the most important people

[00:01:45] : [00:01:47]

they're customers are they a monopolist

[00:01:47] : [00:01:49]

i honestly don't care

[00:01:49] : [00:01:51]

i don't wake me up when someone else can

[00:01:51] : [00:01:53]

do it better

[00:01:53] : [00:01:54]

okay so there's a few problems with that

[00:01:54] : [00:01:56]

first in order to be woken up at some

[00:01:56] : [00:01:59]

point you do need to go to sleep

[00:01:59] : [00:02:00]

something that i feel jim cramer a man

[00:02:00] : [00:02:02]

who constantly exudes big running late

[00:02:02] : [00:02:05]

to my child's thing energy hasn't done

[00:02:05] : [00:02:07]

in the last decade but second a big

[00:02:07] : [00:02:08]

thing these companies are accused of

[00:02:08] : [00:02:10]

doing is suppressing their competition

[00:02:10] : [00:02:12]

so completely that we never actually

[00:02:12] : [00:02:14]

know if someone else could do it better

[00:02:14] : [00:02:16]

because they'll never get a fair chance

[00:02:16] : [00:02:19]

to try that is the problem here it's not

[00:02:19] : [00:02:21]

that tech companies are inherently bad

[00:02:21] : [00:02:22]

because they are big is that they're

[00:02:22] : [00:02:24]

engaging in anti-competitive behavior

[00:02:24] : [00:02:26]

here's where unusually i actually might

[00:02:26] : [00:02:28]

have some good news because there are

[00:02:28] : [00:02:30]

two bills before congress right now with

[00:02:30] : [00:02:33]

bipartisan support that could curtail at

[00:02:33] : [00:02:35]

least some of big tech successes but for

[00:02:35] : [00:02:37]

reasons that we will get into later if

[00:02:37] : [00:02:39]

they don't pass in the next month or so

[00:02:39] : [00:02:41]

they're not likely to pass at all so

[00:02:41] : [00:02:44]

tonight let's talk about tech monopolies

[00:02:44] : [00:02:46]

the hidden harm that they can do and how

[00:02:46] : [00:02:48]

best to address that let's start with a

[00:02:48] : [00:02:50]

tiny bit of history because in the past

[00:02:50] : [00:02:52]

the us has actually taken strong action

[00:02:52] : [00:02:54]

to break up harmful monopolies in the

[00:02:54] : [00:02:56]

early 20th century we broke up standard

[00:02:56] : [00:02:58]

oil and as recently as 40 years ago the

[00:02:58] : [00:03:00]

government took action against who else

[00:03:00] : [00:03:03]

but a t and t our business daddy who

[00:03:03] : [00:03:06]

left for cigarettes and never came home

[00:03:06] : [00:03:08]

they were actually the largest firm on

[00:03:08] : [00:03:10]

the planet back then and broadly well

[00:03:10] : [00:03:12]

respected and considered good which is

[00:03:12] : [00:03:14]

to say completely unrecognizable from

[00:03:14] : [00:03:16]

the a t and t of today

[00:03:16] : [00:03:19]

but crucially that popularity may well

[00:03:19] : [00:03:20]

have been because people had no

[00:03:20] : [00:03:23]

alternatives you had to rent your phone

[00:03:23] : [00:03:25]

from a t and they were in charge of both

[00:03:25] : [00:03:27]

local and long distance services which

[00:03:27] : [00:03:30]

as we now know were wildly overpriced

[00:03:30] : [00:03:33]

and when mci a much smaller company

[00:03:33] : [00:03:35]

tried to offer long distance phone

[00:03:35] : [00:03:38]

service at a lower rate at t was not

[00:03:38] : [00:03:39]

having it

[00:03:39] : [00:03:41]

mci which charges up to 50 percent less

[00:03:41] : [00:03:44]

than bill argued that a t tried to put

[00:03:44] : [00:03:46]

it out of business by refusing to

[00:03:46] : [00:03:48]

provide equipment needed for long

[00:03:48] : [00:03:50]

distance transmission a key exhibit

[00:03:50] : [00:03:53]

att's own notes of a 1972 florida

[00:03:53] : [00:03:55]

meeting by company executives in which

[00:03:55] : [00:03:58]

one said let's choke them off before

[00:03:58] : [00:04:01]

they get started now obviously at t

[00:04:01] : [00:04:04]

now and forever but

[00:04:04] : [00:04:05]

is that what that said

[00:04:05] : [00:04:07]

because the only bit of squiggle that i

[00:04:07] : [00:04:09]

can decode there are the words dangerous

[00:04:09] : [00:04:11]

to samantha's a dollar sign something

[00:04:11] : [00:04:13]

that weirdly might be covered and then

[00:04:13] : [00:04:15]

there is something that's definitely no

[00:04:15] : [00:04:18]

question capital b balls

[00:04:18] : [00:04:20]

the doj then actually filed an

[00:04:20] : [00:04:22]

anti-trust lawsuit which 18t fought

[00:04:22] : [00:04:25]

vigorously for a decade and when in 1984

[00:04:25] : [00:04:26]

it was formally broken up by the

[00:04:26] : [00:04:28]

government att's chairman warned the

[00:04:28] : [00:04:31]

public that we would come to regret what

[00:04:31] : [00:04:32]

had just happened

[00:04:32] : [00:04:34]


[00:04:34] : [00:04:35]

had the conviction and taken the

[00:04:35] : [00:04:39]

position in more than one forum that

[00:04:39] : [00:04:40]

the country in the long run will be

[00:04:40] : [00:04:42]

sorry i find it difficult to believe

[00:04:42] : [00:04:44]

that difficult to believe that things

[00:04:44] : [00:04:46]

will work as well

[00:04:46] : [00:04:48]

uh in the in the future as they have

[00:04:48] : [00:04:50]

worked in the past yeah but he was wrong

[00:04:50] : [00:04:52]

things actually worked better because it

[00:04:52] : [00:04:54]

turns out ending a monopoly is almost

[00:04:54] : [00:04:57]

always a good thing whether it's att or

[00:04:57] : [00:05:00]

standard oil or literally any game of

[00:05:00] : [00:05:01]


[00:05:01] : [00:05:04]

we didn't know it at the time but att's

[00:05:04] : [00:05:05]

dominance was seriously holding back

[00:05:05] : [00:05:07]

innovation but as soon as it wasn't

[00:05:07] : [00:05:09]

controlling the phone lines and what you

[00:05:09] : [00:05:12]

could attach to its network many new

[00:05:12] : [00:05:13]

products started proliferating from the

[00:05:13] : [00:05:15]

answering machine to the modem the

[00:05:15] : [00:05:18]

breakup of atm t was actually a key step

[00:05:18] : [00:05:20]

in producing the internet revolution

[00:05:20] : [00:05:23]

giving us the web as we now know it and

[00:05:23] : [00:05:25]

peter the ability to look up sports

[00:05:25] : [00:05:27]

stats surfing spots and what we all know

[00:05:27] : [00:05:29]

he was really doing there

[00:05:29] : [00:05:33]

the point is when harmful monopolies end

[00:05:33] : [00:05:35]

innovation flourishes and i want you to

[00:05:35] : [00:05:37]

bear that in mind as we talk about the

[00:05:37] : [00:05:40]

monopolies of today tech companies and

[00:05:40] : [00:05:42]

tonight we're going to focus on just one

[00:05:42] : [00:05:43]

way that they use their monopoly power

[00:05:43] : [00:05:45]

something called self-preferencing it's

[00:05:45] : [00:05:48]

when companies unfairly favor their own

[00:05:48] : [00:05:50]

products on their own platforms which

[00:05:50] : [00:05:51]

have now become so big that most of us

[00:05:51] : [00:05:54]

have no choice but to use them this is a

[00:05:54] : [00:05:56]

particularly big problem with these

[00:05:56] : [00:05:57]

three companies and we're going to start

[00:05:57] : [00:06:00]

with apple specifically its app store

[00:06:00] : [00:06:01]

which is basically the only place to

[00:06:01] : [00:06:03]

download software for your iphone which

[00:06:03] : [00:06:06]

is already a little bit weird when you

[00:06:06] : [00:06:08]

think about it right you can download

[00:06:08] : [00:06:10]

any software you like to your desktop

[00:06:10] : [00:06:12]

computer but if you have an iphone apple

[00:06:12] : [00:06:14]

has set it up so that its app store is

[00:06:14] : [00:06:17]

the only game in town and apple has been

[00:06:17] : [00:06:19]

accused of unfairly pushing its own apps

[00:06:19] : [00:06:21]

to the top of search results now the

[00:06:21] : [00:06:22]

company denies doing this but the wall

[00:06:22] : [00:06:24]

street journal found apple apps that

[00:06:24] : [00:06:26]

generate revenue through subscriptions

[00:06:26] : [00:06:28]

or sales like music or books showed up

[00:06:28] : [00:06:31]

first in 95 percent of searches related

[00:06:31] : [00:06:34]

to those apps but regardless perhaps

[00:06:34] : [00:06:37]

more important is the stranglehold that

[00:06:37] : [00:06:38]

apple has on developers who want to get

[00:06:38] : [00:06:41]

their apps onto your phone because they

[00:06:41] : [00:06:43]

are required to use apple's payment

[00:06:43] : [00:06:45]

processor which takes a huge piece of

[00:06:45] : [00:06:47]

every dollar that customers spend on

[00:06:47] : [00:06:50]

those apps and any digital purchases

[00:06:50] : [00:06:51]

within them

[00:06:51] : [00:06:54]

apple takes a 30 commission on sales of

[00:06:54] : [00:06:56]

apps and in-app purchases

[00:06:56] : [00:06:59]

so if an app costs 4.99 upfront apple

[00:06:59] : [00:07:01]

collects a dollar fifty same goes for if

[00:07:01] : [00:07:03]

you use an app to buy digital goods like

[00:07:03] : [00:07:06]

virtual weapons or sign up for a

[00:07:06] : [00:07:08]

subscription to a monthly service it's

[00:07:08] : [00:07:10]

true and that was pretty shocking to me

[00:07:10] : [00:07:11]

because it means that every time someone

[00:07:11] : [00:07:13]

spent money on the jeremy renner app

[00:07:13] : [00:07:16]

something real people actually did to

[00:07:16] : [00:07:17]

boost their post about him so they could

[00:07:17] : [00:07:20]

hashtag be seen by jeremy renner again

[00:07:20] : [00:07:22]

something human beings wanted in amounts

[00:07:22] : [00:07:25]

ranging from 199 to nearly 100 actual

[00:07:25] : [00:07:27]

dollars apple got a cut of that and that

[00:07:27] : [00:07:30]

is blood money right there apple makes

[00:07:30] : [00:07:33]

literally billions and billions every

[00:07:33] : [00:07:36]

year just on commissions on app store

[00:07:36] : [00:07:37]

purchases and some app developers have

[00:07:37] : [00:07:39]

tried to find ways around this tinder

[00:07:39] : [00:07:41]

for instance charges a higher price if

[00:07:41] : [00:07:43]

you subscribe through the app than if

[00:07:43] : [00:07:45]

you do it on their website and if you

[00:07:45] : [00:07:47]

open netflix on your iphone and you

[00:07:47] : [00:07:48]

don't have an account you get a message

[00:07:48] : [00:07:50]

reading trying to join netflix you can't

[00:07:50] : [00:07:52]

sign up for netflix in the app we know

[00:07:52] : [00:07:55]

it's a hassle after you remember you can

[00:07:55] : [00:07:57]

start watching in the app and you can

[00:07:57] : [00:08:00]

see why netflix would do that it doesn't

[00:08:00] : [00:08:02]

want to lose a third of its subscription

[00:08:02] : [00:08:04]

revenue to apple because it needs that

[00:08:04] : [00:08:06]

money to promote its netflix pride month

[00:08:06] : [00:08:08]

collection which is absolutely great

[00:08:08] : [00:08:10]

simply scroll by the dozen stand-up

[00:08:10] : [00:08:12]

specials mocking the trans community and

[00:08:12] : [00:08:13]

it's right there

[00:08:13] : [00:08:16]

shine with pride guys

[00:08:16] : [00:08:18]

and while apple will say that it's

[00:08:18] : [00:08:19]

lowered its commissions for certain

[00:08:19] : [00:08:21]

small app developers and and now even

[00:08:21] : [00:08:24]

allows some apps to link to an external

[00:08:24] : [00:08:27]

website and bypass commissions a key

[00:08:27] : [00:08:28]

reason that happened is that they were

[00:08:28] : [00:08:31]

put under extreme pressure from lawsuits

[00:08:31] : [00:08:33]

and from regulators overseas and if you

[00:08:33] : [00:08:35]

are thinking well apple is not the only

[00:08:35] : [00:08:37]

game in town right what about google's

[00:08:37] : [00:08:39]

app store they charge similarly high

[00:08:39] : [00:08:41]

commissions to developers and the fact

[00:08:41] : [00:08:43]

is over 99

[00:08:43] : [00:08:45]

of smartphones are part of either

[00:08:45] : [00:08:49]

google's or apple's app ecosystem let's

[00:08:49] : [00:08:50]

actually talk a bit about google now

[00:08:50] : [00:08:52]

because their app store is clearly only

[00:08:52] : [00:08:54]

a small part of their story as i'm sure

[00:08:54] : [00:08:57]

you know they absolutely dominate online

[00:08:57] : [00:08:58]


[00:08:58] : [00:09:01]

last year google conducted 90 of the

[00:09:01] : [00:09:03]

world's internet searches when billions

[00:09:03] : [00:09:06]

of people asked trillions of questions

[00:09:06] : [00:09:08]

it was google that provided the answers

[00:09:08] : [00:09:11]

using computer algorithms known only to

[00:09:11] : [00:09:14]

google they have this phrase they use

[00:09:14] : [00:09:17]

competition is just a click away

[00:09:17] : [00:09:19]

they have no competition

[00:09:19] : [00:09:20]


[00:09:20] : [00:09:22]

their competition has two percent of the

[00:09:22] : [00:09:23]


[00:09:23] : [00:09:25]

they have 90

[00:09:25] : [00:09:27]

exactly people use google to the extent

[00:09:27] : [00:09:30]

that googling something is now a verb

[00:09:30] : [00:09:33]

you can't say that for any other search

[00:09:33] : [00:09:36]

engine no one has ever said i'm going to

[00:09:36] : [00:09:37]

bring it except

[00:09:37] : [00:09:39]

for maybe bing crosby announcing he's

[00:09:39] : [00:09:42]

about to masturbate but that's it

[00:09:42] : [00:09:44]

and google has exploited their market

[00:09:44] : [00:09:46]

dominance in subtle ways having to do

[00:09:46] : [00:09:47]

with the search results that it shows

[00:09:47] : [00:09:49]

you because it used to be when you

[00:09:49] : [00:09:50]

googled something you got a page that

[00:09:50] : [00:09:52]

looked like this a series of blue links

[00:09:52] : [00:09:54]

to various pages across the internet

[00:09:54] : [00:09:56]

that google's algorithm had determined

[00:09:56] : [00:09:58]

to be the most relevant and that was the

[00:09:58] : [00:09:59]

company's goal at the time as its

[00:09:59] : [00:10:02]

co-founder larry page said in 2004 most

[00:10:02] : [00:10:04]

portals show their own content above

[00:10:04] : [00:10:06]

content elsewhere on the web we feel

[00:10:06] : [00:10:08]

that's a conflict of interest we want to

[00:10:08] : [00:10:11]

get you out of google and to the right

[00:10:11] : [00:10:14]

place as fast as possible but

[00:10:14] : [00:10:16]

when you search for something today you

[00:10:16] : [00:10:18]

get a lot of google content before

[00:10:18] : [00:10:20]

anything else appears in fact the markup

[00:10:20] : [00:10:23]

found google devotes 41 of the first

[00:10:23] : [00:10:25]

page of its results on mobile devices to

[00:10:25] : [00:10:27]

its own properties and what it calls

[00:10:27] : [00:10:29]

direct answers meaning that a user would

[00:10:29] : [00:10:31]

have to scroll nearly halfway down the

[00:10:31] : [00:10:33]

page before reaching the first organic

[00:10:33] : [00:10:35]

result in that search now google

[00:10:35] : [00:10:37]

disputes their methodology but think

[00:10:37] : [00:10:39]

about what it is like when you search

[00:10:39] : [00:10:41]

for something let's say you want to look

[00:10:41] : [00:10:44]

up dolphins so you google dolphin animal

[00:10:44] : [00:10:46]

and you get this a bunch of pictures of

[00:10:46] : [00:10:48]

dolphins on google images a bunch of

[00:10:48] : [00:10:50]

buttons up top like sounds that mostly

[00:10:50] : [00:10:52]

lead you to videos on youtube also owned

[00:10:52] : [00:10:54]

by google by the way a section on the

[00:10:54] : [00:10:55]

right side that's mostly links to

[00:10:55] : [00:10:57]

related google searches like orca or

[00:10:57] : [00:11:00]

amazon river dolphin and a box of direct

[00:11:00] : [00:11:01]

answers to questions that people have

[00:11:01] : [00:11:03]

asked about dolphins like what are five

[00:11:03] : [00:11:05]

interesting facts about dolphins or is

[00:11:05] : [00:11:08]

dolphin a friendly animal or can a

[00:11:08] : [00:11:10]

dolphin love you and while you you've

[00:11:10] : [00:11:11]

never even thought of that as a

[00:11:11] : [00:11:12]

possibility suddenly you're curious

[00:11:12] : [00:11:14]

alright so you click on it and it says

[00:11:14] : [00:11:16]

dolphins have also shown loving emotions

[00:11:16] : [00:11:17]

towards humans and your heart kind of

[00:11:17] : [00:11:20]

flutters for a moment because who knew

[00:11:20] : [00:11:21]

there was room in a dolphin's heart for

[00:11:21] : [00:11:23]

love maybe there is room in one for you

[00:11:23] : [00:11:24]

and then you see more questions like do

[00:11:24] : [00:11:26]

dolphins protect humans which they must

[00:11:26] : [00:11:28]

write after all we now learned they can

[00:11:28] : [00:11:30]

love us but the answer is there just

[00:11:30] : [00:11:32]

isn't any reliable evidence that it's

[00:11:32] : [00:11:33]

true what the does that mean

[00:11:33] : [00:11:35]

that they're willing to love but not

[00:11:35] : [00:11:36]

protect us they're just gonna throw our

[00:11:36] : [00:11:38]

love away and as the feeling of

[00:11:38] : [00:11:40]

betrayal starts to creep in you see that

[00:11:40] : [00:11:42]

others have searched are dolphins evil

[00:11:42] : [00:11:44]

and the answer is dolphins have a huge

[00:11:44] : [00:11:46]

capacity for evil which of course they

[00:11:46] : [00:11:48]

do they're monsters with no

[00:11:48] : [00:11:50]

understanding you might have opened up

[00:11:50] : [00:11:51]

to them for the first time in a long

[00:11:51] : [00:11:52]

time and they'd abandon you like you're

[00:11:52] : [00:11:54]

nothing and then you see what do

[00:11:54] : [00:11:56]

dolphins think of humans and you can

[00:11:56] : [00:11:58]

barely even breathe as you open this one

[00:11:58] : [00:12:00]

but you know the truth before it even

[00:12:00] : [00:12:02]

appears dolphins are essentially bribed

[00:12:02] : [00:12:04]

with fish to interact with humans

[00:12:04] : [00:12:06]

and even though you hurt at least you

[00:12:06] : [00:12:07]

can accept that it's not actually you it

[00:12:07] : [00:12:10]

was never you it was the dolphin

[00:12:10] : [00:12:12]

and the point is throughout that whole

[00:12:12] : [00:12:15]

emotional rollercoaster you never even

[00:12:15] : [00:12:17]

left google

[00:12:17] : [00:12:18]

in fact one analysis found that

[00:12:18] : [00:12:21]

two-thirds of searches on google ended

[00:12:21] : [00:12:23]

without ever clicking to another web

[00:12:23] : [00:12:25]

property and the thing is information

[00:12:25] : [00:12:26]

that google feeds you in searches like

[00:12:26] : [00:12:28]

that may have been copied from other

[00:12:28] : [00:12:30]

sources sometimes without their

[00:12:30] : [00:12:31]

knowledge or consent and if thinking

[00:12:31] : [00:12:33]

well you know it's free information why

[00:12:33] : [00:12:35]

does it matter if i read it on google or

[00:12:35] : [00:12:37]

on the site that they took it from site

[00:12:37] : [00:12:39]

traffic is one of the major tools that

[00:12:39] : [00:12:42]

many websites especially free ones use

[00:12:42] : [00:12:44]

to sell ad space so taking away visitors

[00:12:44] : [00:12:47]

to their site is essentially taking

[00:12:47] : [00:12:50]

money out of their pocket and when yelp

[00:12:50] : [00:12:52]

explicitly refused to have their data

[00:12:52] : [00:12:54]

scraped google told them the only way to

[00:12:54] : [00:12:56]

have their site's content removed was

[00:12:56] : [00:12:57]

for it to be removed from google's

[00:12:57] : [00:13:00]

general results entirely and as the ceo

[00:13:00] : [00:13:03]

of yelp explains that is basically a

[00:13:03] : [00:13:04]

death sentence

[00:13:04] : [00:13:06]

how important is that first page

[00:13:06] : [00:13:08]

it's not even just the first page it's

[00:13:08] : [00:13:10]

the first few links on the page is the

[00:13:10] : [00:13:13]

vast majority of where user attention

[00:13:13] : [00:13:16]

goes and where the traffic flows so if

[00:13:16] : [00:13:17]

you're not at the top of the page or the

[00:13:17] : [00:13:19]

bottom of the first page or on the

[00:13:19] : [00:13:21]

second page that's going to affect your

[00:13:21] : [00:13:22]


[00:13:22] : [00:13:23]

yeah if you're on the second page forget

[00:13:23] : [00:13:25]

it you're not a real business

[00:13:25] : [00:13:28]

exactly i'm putting the merits of yelp

[00:13:28] : [00:13:30]

aside google's algorithm shouldn't

[00:13:30] : [00:13:32]

determine whether or not someone's

[00:13:32] : [00:13:34]

business is real frankly that

[00:13:34] : [00:13:35]

distinction should only be withheld if

[00:13:35] : [00:13:37]

someone's business includes the words

[00:13:37] : [00:13:39]

instagram influencer because that is not

[00:13:39] : [00:13:41]

a job you're not a business you're just

[00:13:41] : [00:13:43]

attractive independently wealthy and

[00:13:43] : [00:13:45]

it's sunny outside that is all that is

[00:13:45] : [00:13:47]

happening there

[00:13:47] : [00:13:49]

and before jim cramer says who cares

[00:13:49] : [00:13:51]

build a better product and you'll land

[00:13:51] : [00:13:53]

on the front page the top results google

[00:13:53] : [00:13:57]

feeds you may not be the best ones take

[00:13:57] : [00:13:59]

google flights it used to be that if you

[00:13:59] : [00:14:01]

googled nyc to boise your top results

[00:14:01] : [00:14:03]

will be links to sites like these but

[00:14:03] : [00:14:06]

now you'll almost always get this google

[00:14:06] : [00:14:08]

flights widgets at the top of the page

[00:14:08] : [00:14:10]

already set up so that you can stay on

[00:14:10] : [00:14:12]

google and find a flight without

[00:14:12] : [00:14:13]

clicking anywhere else and while you

[00:14:13] : [00:14:16]

personally might scroll down past that

[00:14:16] : [00:14:19]

many don't and the industry has felt

[00:14:19] : [00:14:21]

this as one travel analyst wrote the

[00:14:21] : [00:14:22]

fact that google is leveraging its

[00:14:22] : [00:14:25]

dominance as a search engine into taking

[00:14:25] : [00:14:26]

market share away from travel

[00:14:26] : [00:14:29]

competitors is no longer even debatable

[00:14:29] : [00:14:31]

and google might say that it's at the

[00:14:31] : [00:14:33]

top because it is the best but the

[00:14:33] : [00:14:34]

markup found that google flights did not

[00:14:34] : [00:14:38]

always display the cheapest fares or all

[00:14:38] : [00:14:39]

available flights so i guess that does

[00:14:39] : [00:14:41]

kind of explain why google fights banner

[00:14:41] : [00:14:43]

image is a woman and a child hiking

[00:14:43] : [00:14:46]

somewhere while pointing at an airplane

[00:14:46] : [00:14:48]

that they are not on seemingly saying

[00:14:48] : [00:14:52]

what the there are flights here

[00:14:52] : [00:14:54]

google told us our best option was to

[00:14:54] : [00:14:56]

walk to denver

[00:14:56] : [00:14:59]

now google like apple will quibble with

[00:14:59] : [00:15:01]

a lot of what i have just told you they

[00:15:01] : [00:15:03]

will tell you that they send billions of

[00:15:03] : [00:15:04]

clicks outside of google every day and

[00:15:04] : [00:15:06]

that they don't preference google

[00:15:06] : [00:15:08]

flights in searches which

[00:15:08] : [00:15:09]


[00:15:09] : [00:15:11]

okay google

[00:15:11] : [00:15:13]

they will also tell you that yelp and

[00:15:13] : [00:15:14]

other companies now have tools to

[00:15:14] : [00:15:16]

specify what information gets scraped

[00:15:16] : [00:15:18]

although that only happened after

[00:15:18] : [00:15:20]

serious pressure from the ftc and if

[00:15:20] : [00:15:22]

you're noticing a theme here that these

[00:15:22] : [00:15:24]

companies only do the right thing when

[00:15:24] : [00:15:26]

they're pushed up against the wall

[00:15:26] : [00:15:29]

that's a little bit the point

[00:15:29] : [00:15:31]

but arguably the company most guilty of

[00:15:31] : [00:15:33]

self-preferencing is amazon founded of

[00:15:33] : [00:15:35]

course by a man rich enough to buy

[00:15:35] : [00:15:37]

absolutely anything including seemingly

[00:15:37] : [00:15:40]

the rights to pitbull's identity

[00:15:40] : [00:15:44]

amazon reportedly controls 65 to 70

[00:15:44] : [00:15:46]

percent of all u.s online marketplace

[00:15:46] : [00:15:49]

sales it hosts about 2.3 million active

[00:15:49] : [00:15:51]

third-party sellers from all around the

[00:15:51] : [00:15:53]

world and to those sellers like this man

[00:15:53] : [00:15:55]

who sold sporting goods it is close to

[00:15:55] : [00:15:58]

the only game in town you've got to be

[00:15:58] : [00:15:59]

on amazon

[00:15:59] : [00:16:00]

you have to be there because that's

[00:16:00] : [00:16:02]

where everyone is

[00:16:02] : [00:16:05]

that's 100 million prime subscribers

[00:16:05] : [00:16:08]

amazon executives have told us

[00:16:08] : [00:16:10]

that there are many other options out

[00:16:10] : [00:16:13]

there there is walmart there's alibaba

[00:16:13] : [00:16:16]

as a seller you've got options

[00:16:16] : [00:16:18]

i've heard that response from amazon

[00:16:18] : [00:16:20]

executives before

[00:16:20] : [00:16:22]

and we did that we were listed we listed

[00:16:22] : [00:16:24]

all of our products on every other

[00:16:24] : [00:16:27]

online marketplace all of the others

[00:16:27] : [00:16:30]

that were non-amazon combined did about

[00:16:30] : [00:16:31]


[00:16:31] : [00:16:33]

of what we were doing on amazon exactly

[00:16:33] : [00:16:36]

amazon basically is the marketplace it's

[00:16:36] : [00:16:37]

essentially the only place to sell

[00:16:37] : [00:16:39]

anything on the internet unless that is

[00:16:39] : [00:16:40]

you're looking to offload some human

[00:16:40] : [00:16:43]

teeth because then it's craigslist all

[00:16:43] : [00:16:45]

the way baby

[00:16:45] : [00:16:48]

and for a third-party seller the most

[00:16:48] : [00:16:49]

important thing in the world is

[00:16:49] : [00:16:51]

something called the buy box it's that

[00:16:51] : [00:16:53]

little box that shows up on any amazon

[00:16:53] : [00:16:54]

product page where you can instantly

[00:16:54] : [00:16:56]

click to buy so when we search for

[00:16:56] : [00:16:58]

duracell aaa batteries we got this page

[00:16:58] : [00:17:00]

and here is the buy box right here where

[00:17:00] : [00:17:02]

with just one click we could buy a pack

[00:17:02] : [00:17:04]

for fourteen dollars you might assume

[00:17:04] : [00:17:05]

that that is the best deal but if you

[00:17:05] : [00:17:08]

click on this little box below you can

[00:17:08] : [00:17:09]

see multiple other sellers who are

[00:17:09] : [00:17:11]

offering the same products many at a

[00:17:11] : [00:17:14]

lower price the problem is most people

[00:17:14] : [00:17:15]

aren't going to see that because an

[00:17:15] : [00:17:19]

estimated 80 percent of amazon sales go

[00:17:19] : [00:17:21]

through that first buy box and it's even

[00:17:21] : [00:17:23]

more for mobile purchases because if

[00:17:23] : [00:17:25]

we've learned anything so far tonight

[00:17:25] : [00:17:28]

it's that nobody ever ever wants to

[00:17:28] : [00:17:29]

scroll down

[00:17:29] : [00:17:32]

so only one seller gets to be in that

[00:17:32] : [00:17:35]

box and nobody except amazon knows how

[00:17:35] : [00:17:36]

its algorithm picks the winner but it

[00:17:36] : [00:17:39]

sure seems to consistently favor amazon

[00:17:39] : [00:17:40]

with one analysis finding that the

[00:17:40] : [00:17:42]

company chose itself for the buy box for

[00:17:42] : [00:17:45]

about 40 percent off products while the

[00:17:45] : [00:17:47]

next highest seller got in just half of

[00:17:47] : [00:17:50]

one percent of popular products and even

[00:17:50] : [00:17:52]

when the buy box did go to a third party

[00:17:52] : [00:17:55]

seller nine out of ten times it went to

[00:17:55] : [00:17:57]

those that used amazon's shipping

[00:17:57] : [00:18:00]

service fulfilled by amazon basically it

[00:18:00] : [00:18:02]

is amazon's playground they make the

[00:18:02] : [00:18:05]

rules and they do seem to win a lot of

[00:18:05] : [00:18:07]

the time and as this expert points out

[00:18:07] : [00:18:09]

if they are competing with you you're

[00:18:09] : [00:18:10]

basically dead

[00:18:10] : [00:18:12]

third-party sellers have told me that

[00:18:12] : [00:18:14]

once they see that amazon is telling

[00:18:14] : [00:18:15]

selling the same good that they're

[00:18:15] : [00:18:16]


[00:18:16] : [00:18:18]

they liquidate their inventory they know

[00:18:18] : [00:18:20]

it's impossible to compete against

[00:18:20] : [00:18:23]

amazon on amazon's own platform of

[00:18:23] : [00:18:23]


[00:18:23] : [00:18:25]

think about it of course it is you don't

[00:18:25] : [00:18:27]

stand a chance amazon is to retailers

[00:18:27] : [00:18:30]

what dolphins are to the human heart if

[00:18:30] : [00:18:31]

they take an interest in you you are

[00:18:31] : [00:18:35]

going to wind up absolutely devastated

[00:18:35] : [00:18:37]

you flipper

[00:18:37] : [00:18:39]

and the thing is

[00:18:39] : [00:18:41]

amazon isn't just a marketplace or

[00:18:41] : [00:18:43]

indeed a shipping company it's also

[00:18:43] : [00:18:44]

started coming up with its own products

[00:18:44] : [00:18:46]

now because it currently has

[00:18:46] : [00:18:49]

approximately 158 000 private label

[00:18:49] : [00:18:52]

products across 45 in-house brands and

[00:18:52] : [00:18:54]

it has been accused of preferencing them

[00:18:54] : [00:18:56]

over its competitors or even worse

[00:18:56] : [00:18:58]

making clear knock-offs of products that

[00:18:58] : [00:18:59]

have been successfully sold on its

[00:18:59] : [00:19:02]

website take a small company called peak

[00:19:02] : [00:19:04]

design it made this camera bag and when

[00:19:04] : [00:19:06]

it noticed a suspiciously similar bag

[00:19:06] : [00:19:10]

being sold by amazon it made this pretty

[00:19:10] : [00:19:12]

decent snarky video in response

[00:19:12] : [00:19:15]

this is the everyday sling by peak

[00:19:15] : [00:19:18]

design and this is the everyday sling by

[00:19:18] : [00:19:21]

amazon basics it looks suspiciously like

[00:19:21] : [00:19:23]

the peak design everyday sling but you

[00:19:23] : [00:19:25]

don't have to pay for all those needless

[00:19:25] : [00:19:27]

bells and whistles like years of

[00:19:27] : [00:19:29]

research and development recycled blue

[00:19:29] : [00:19:31]

sign approved materials a lifetime

[00:19:31] : [00:19:33]

warranty fairly paid factory workers and

[00:19:33] : [00:19:36]

total carbon neutrality instead you just

[00:19:36] : [00:19:39]

get a bag designed by the crack team at

[00:19:39] : [00:19:42]

the amazon basics department

[00:19:42] : [00:19:43]


[00:19:43] : [00:19:45]

and it does sure seem that amazon is

[00:19:45] : [00:19:47]

putting out a cheap copy with

[00:19:47] : [00:19:49]

essentially the same name and design and

[00:19:49] : [00:19:51]

it's pretty weird that one of the

[00:19:51] : [00:19:53]

biggest companies in the world seems to

[00:19:53] : [00:19:54]

be using the same strategy as knockoff

[00:19:54] : [00:19:57]

dvds designed to confuse parents hey

[00:19:57] : [00:19:59]

kids we got you the movies that you

[00:19:59] : [00:20:01]

asked for ratatouille transmorphers and

[00:20:01] : [00:20:04]

chop kick panda why are you crying it's

[00:20:04] : [00:20:06]

what you wanted

[00:20:06] : [00:20:08]

and amazon has a huge advantage over its

[00:20:08] : [00:20:10]

competitors because it runs the

[00:20:10] : [00:20:13]

marketplace and has access to all the

[00:20:13] : [00:20:14]

independent seller data like

[00:20:14] : [00:20:17]

hypothetically what bag is proving

[00:20:17] : [00:20:19]

popular and look amazon denies that they

[00:20:19] : [00:20:22]

prefer themselves their own products or

[00:20:22] : [00:20:24]

sellers that pay for their logistics

[00:20:24] : [00:20:26]

services and they also deny ripping off

[00:20:26] : [00:20:28]

products based on internal data though

[00:20:28] : [00:20:30]

when jeff bezos was asked about that

[00:20:30] : [00:20:33]

directly his answer wasn't great let me

[00:20:33] : [00:20:36]

ask you mr bezos does amazon ever access

[00:20:36] : [00:20:39]

and use third-party seller data when

[00:20:39] : [00:20:41]

making business decisions and just a yes

[00:20:41] : [00:20:43]

or no will suffice her i can't answer

[00:20:43] : [00:20:45]

that question yes or no what i can tell

[00:20:45] : [00:20:48]

you is we have a policy against using

[00:20:48] : [00:20:50]

seller specific data

[00:20:50] : [00:20:52]

to aid our private label business

[00:20:52] : [00:20:55]

but i can't guarantee you that that

[00:20:55] : [00:20:58]

policy has never been violated

[00:20:58] : [00:20:59]

not great jeff

[00:20:59] : [00:21:01]

we have a policy but i can't guarantee

[00:21:01] : [00:21:02]

you it hasn't been violated it has got

[00:21:02] : [00:21:04]

to be one of the more incriminating ways

[00:21:04] : [00:21:06]

to answer a question it's right up there

[00:21:06] : [00:21:08]

with answering did you break the law

[00:21:08] : [00:21:10]

with which law look

[00:21:10] : [00:21:12]

it is pretty clear self-preferencing

[00:21:12] : [00:21:14]

stifles competition hurts small business

[00:21:14] : [00:21:16]

and often results in serving consumers

[00:21:16] : [00:21:19]

and inferior products so what can we do

[00:21:19] : [00:21:20]

here well that brings me back to the

[00:21:20] : [00:21:22]

good news that i mentioned earlier

[00:21:22] : [00:21:24]

because these two bills are currently

[00:21:24] : [00:21:26]

before congress and would address some

[00:21:26] : [00:21:28]

of the problems that you've seen tonight

[00:21:28] : [00:21:29]

among other things they'd stop massive

[00:21:29] : [00:21:31]

companies that operate app stores like

[00:21:31] : [00:21:33]

apple and google from requiring

[00:21:33] : [00:21:35]

developers use the company's own in-app

[00:21:35] : [00:21:37]

payment processor and they ban

[00:21:37] : [00:21:39]

advantaging a platform's own products

[00:21:39] : [00:21:42]

services or lines of business over those

[00:21:42] : [00:21:44]

of arrival and unsurprisingly tech

[00:21:44] : [00:21:46]

companies are fighting these bills hard

[00:21:46] : [00:21:48]

making basically the same arguments that

[00:21:48] : [00:21:51]

att made 40 years ago that if you tamper

[00:21:51] : [00:21:52]

with them things just won't work as well

[00:21:52] : [00:21:54]

in the future as they did in the past

[00:21:54] : [00:21:56]

although this time they also have trade

[00:21:56] : [00:21:59]

groups running ridiculous ads like this

[00:21:59] : [00:22:02]

washington is full of problems not

[00:22:02] : [00:22:04]


[00:22:04] : [00:22:04]

every time they get involved in a new

[00:22:04] : [00:22:09]

area of our lives they just seem to make

[00:22:09] : [00:22:10]

things worse

[00:22:10] : [00:22:12]

and now politicians are boasting about a

[00:22:12] : [00:22:14]

plan to control my devices and how i use

[00:22:14] : [00:22:16]


[00:22:16] : [00:22:16]

their silly ideas could ruin some of the

[00:22:16] : [00:22:21]

services i rely on

[00:22:21] : [00:22:23]

if i need directions i simply click one

[00:22:23] : [00:22:24]

button and it gets me straight to where

[00:22:24] : [00:22:26]

i need to go in their search for

[00:22:26] : [00:22:28]

popularity and power dc doesn't care

[00:22:28] : [00:22:30]

whether they mess up what i need from

[00:22:30] : [00:22:32]

the internet

[00:22:32] : [00:22:32]

my message to washington

[00:22:32] : [00:22:39]

focus on fixing america's real problems

[00:22:39] : [00:22:39]

and leave my phone alone

[00:22:39] : [00:22:44]

what is going on with that unsettling

[00:22:44] : [00:22:45]


[00:22:45] : [00:22:47]

focus on america's real problems like me

[00:22:47] : [00:22:50]

and whatever my deal is because what is

[00:22:50] : [00:22:52]

going on with me what's that thing in my

[00:22:52] : [00:22:54]

truck is it a trash can taped to a desk

[00:22:54] : [00:22:56]

a jab with a hot barge taped to a

[00:22:56] : [00:22:58]

chimney also what did i just do to it

[00:22:58] : [00:22:59]

and why

[00:22:59] : [00:23:00]

my broader point seems to be that i'd

[00:23:00] : [00:23:02]

like government to pay less attention to

[00:23:02] : [00:23:04]

whatever weird that i am definitely

[00:23:04] : [00:23:06]

up to basically to leave my phone and

[00:23:06] : [00:23:08]

whatever obviously incriminating is

[00:23:08] : [00:23:10]

on there alone or i will lunge at you i

[00:23:10] : [00:23:14]

will lunge right at you washington

[00:23:14] : [00:23:16]

these companies have pushed some wild

[00:23:16] : [00:23:18]

arguments from claiming the bills will

[00:23:18] : [00:23:20]

help china to say they'll somehow hurt

[00:23:20] : [00:23:22]

people of color and we don't have time

[00:23:22] : [00:23:24]

to go through every boogeyman

[00:23:24] : [00:23:25]

that they have come up with but none of

[00:23:25] : [00:23:27]

them really stand up and some have

[00:23:27] : [00:23:30]

fallen apart spectacularly apple for

[00:23:30] : [00:23:32]

instance claims that they have to have

[00:23:32] : [00:23:34]

exclusive control of the apps you can

[00:23:34] : [00:23:37]

download otherwise it would expose users

[00:23:37] : [00:23:39]

to serious security risks ignoring the

[00:23:39] : [00:23:41]

fact that these bills have explicit

[00:23:41] : [00:23:44]

carve-outs for that if apple can prove

[00:23:44] : [00:23:46]

that those risks genuinely exist now as

[00:23:46] : [00:23:48]

for amazon and google they've been

[00:23:48] : [00:23:50]

arguing that small businesses would be

[00:23:50] : [00:23:52]

harmed by these bills funding lobbying

[00:23:52] : [00:23:54]

groups like this one the connected

[00:23:54] : [00:23:56]

commerce council which supposedly

[00:23:56] : [00:23:58]

represents 5 000 small businesses who

[00:23:58] : [00:24:01]

all oppose antitrust regulation but when

[00:24:01] : [00:24:02]

politico reached out to its members

[00:24:02] : [00:24:04]

nearly all of the businesses that they

[00:24:04] : [00:24:06]

contacted said they'd never heard of the

[00:24:06] : [00:24:09]

connected commerce council and i do get

[00:24:09] : [00:24:12]

why amazon in particular wouldn't have

[00:24:12] : [00:24:14]

filled them in about it because when it

[00:24:14] : [00:24:15]

directly asked its third party sellers

[00:24:15] : [00:24:17]

to oppose these bills one of them wrote

[00:24:17] : [00:24:20]

back any informed seller is going to

[00:24:20] : [00:24:22]

support massive action taken against

[00:24:22] : [00:24:24]

amazon in the antitrust arena we are not

[00:24:24] : [00:24:27]

morons and know how to read and think

[00:24:27] : [00:24:28]

for ourselves which is basically a

[00:24:28] : [00:24:31]

polite way of saying you and the

[00:24:31] : [00:24:34]

spaceship that you rode in on

[00:24:34] : [00:24:36]

the truth is these bills are narrow

[00:24:36] : [00:24:38]

arguably too narrow but that is probably

[00:24:38] : [00:24:41]

why they do have broad bipartisan

[00:24:41] : [00:24:43]

support both bernie sanders and josh

[00:24:43] : [00:24:46]

hawley want to pass these bills that's

[00:24:46] : [00:24:48]

basically the only thing they have in

[00:24:48] : [00:24:50]

common apart from the fact that both

[00:24:50] : [00:24:52]

their smiles are exclusively upper teeth

[00:24:52] : [00:24:53]

no lip

[00:24:53] : [00:24:56]

so why haven't the bills move forward

[00:24:56] : [00:24:57]

well some believe that it doesn't help

[00:24:57] : [00:24:59]

that at least 17 members of congress

[00:24:59] : [00:25:01]

currently have children who work or have

[00:25:01] : [00:25:03]

recently worked for four of the biggest

[00:25:03] : [00:25:06]

tech companies including crucially chuck

[00:25:06] : [00:25:08]

schumer's daughters one of whom works as

[00:25:08] : [00:25:10]

a marketing manager at meta and one of

[00:25:10] : [00:25:12]

whom is a literal registered lobbyist

[00:25:12] : [00:25:15]

for amazon and the reason that is

[00:25:15] : [00:25:17]

interesting is because chuck schumer is

[00:25:17] : [00:25:19]

the person who needs to call these bills

[00:25:19] : [00:25:20]

to a vote and while he has certainly

[00:25:20] : [00:25:23]

said that he will do that he also hasn't

[00:25:23] : [00:25:25]

done it yet and if he doesn't do it

[00:25:25] : [00:25:27]

before congress leaves for his august

[00:25:27] : [00:25:29]

recess the bills are probably dead

[00:25:29] : [00:25:31]

because in the fall everyone's going to

[00:25:31] : [00:25:33]

have moved on to focusing on the midterm

[00:25:33] : [00:25:34]

elections where as we all know the

[00:25:34] : [00:25:37]

democrats will be absolutely annihilated

[00:25:37] : [00:25:40]

so we have a very small window right now

[00:25:40] : [00:25:42]

to actually do something about this and

[00:25:42] : [00:25:44]

if any part of you is thinking who cares

[00:25:44] : [00:25:46]

things basically work fine for me right

[00:25:46] : [00:25:49]

now it's just worth remembering people

[00:25:49] : [00:25:51]

thought that things worked fine with att

[00:25:51] : [00:25:53]

before they were broken up because they

[00:25:53] : [00:25:55]

literally did not know what they were

[00:25:55] : [00:25:57]

missing the problem with letting a few

[00:25:57] : [00:25:59]

companies control whole sectors of the

[00:25:59] : [00:26:01]

economy is that it limits what is

[00:26:01] : [00:26:03]

possible for startups by and if i may

[00:26:03] : [00:26:07]

quote att's incoherent memo choking them

[00:26:07] : [00:26:10]

before they can even get started an

[00:26:10] : [00:26:11]

innovative app or website or product

[00:26:11] : [00:26:13]

might never get off the ground because

[00:26:13] : [00:26:15]

it could be surcharged to death buried

[00:26:15] : [00:26:17]

in search results or ripped off

[00:26:17] : [00:26:20]

completely these bills would crack the

[00:26:20] : [00:26:22]

door back open for innovation and nudge

[00:26:22] : [00:26:24]

the internet back towards what it was

[00:26:24] : [00:26:26]

supposed to be from the start a

[00:26:26] : [00:26:28]

revolutionary tool that expands global

[00:26:28] : [00:26:31]

access to information and the absolute

[00:26:31] : [00:26:34]

best place to research surfing spots

[00:26:34] : [00:26:39]

get yours peter get yours

[00:26:39] : [00:26:39]

. . . comments & more!

About Author

Video Man HackerNoon profile picture
Video Man@videoman
i'm a man i'm a man i'm a video man



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