Director of Sales @ Preciate Formerly Co-Founder @ Cosmic JS Y Combinator W19 Batch
In this blog I will demonstrate how to Install a Mobile Product Catalog App using Cosmic JS. This simple product catalog mobile app is built with Angular JS, Ionic and Cosmic JS. Add / edit products and sort by category.
Mobile Product Catalog App in action.
Cosmic JS
I’ll be using Cosmic JS for this deploy process. Cosmic JS is an API-first CMS that makes managing and building websites and applications faster and more intuitive. By decoupling content from code, Cosmic JS empowers developer flexibility while ensuring content editors can plan and deploy content as it best suits them. Cosmic JS lets developers use the tools they love, like Node.js, GitHub, Docker and more.
App Screenshots.
Cosmic JS Home Page Demo.
Get started by Signing Up for Cosmic JS. Helpful resources are provided below.
How to Build a Mobile Product Catalog App Using AngularJS, Ionic & CosmicJSProduct Catalog AppProduct Catalog App Codebase on GitHub
I named my bucket “Product Catalog App”.
Cosmic JS lets you filter by utility as well as programming language. App installation options pictured above.
Cosmic JS gives you the ability to filter between utilities and programming languages.
Product Catalog App Thumbnail.
Installation Confirmation
Bucket Dashboard after Installation.
It’s as easy as signing up, creating a new bucket, installing the web application(s), edit objects and deploy! I get my confirmation email to access my web application and also see my options for bucket upgrades like custom domains, one-click SSL, webhooks and localization.
Cosmic JS is an API-first cloud-based content management platform that makes it easy to manage applications and content. If you have questions about the Cosmic JS API, please reach out to the founders on Twitter or Slack.
Carson Gibbons is the Co-Founder & CMO of Cosmic JS, an API-first Cloud-based Content Management Platform that decouples content from code, allowing devs to build slick apps and websites in any programming language they want.