Hey Hackers! I’m Tigerchops and I’m the CEO of me.
First of all, a huge thank you to the HackerNoon community and staff for nominating me for a 2021 Noonies award! I’ve nominated in the following categories please do check out these award pages and vote:
Contributor of the Year - GAME DEVELOPMENT : https://noonies.tech/award/2021-hackernoon-contributor-of-the-year-game-development
As a someone in the Blockchain industry, I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is the metaverse because it’s an exciting advancement that’s been brought into the mainstream by Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft even Nike and Disney have announced metaverse projects. Learn more about my thoughts and opinions on the metaverse and blockchain tech and my journey in the tech industry via the interview below.
What’s my part in all this metaverse blockchain thing? Well, my day job is that of a Cloud solutions Architect which in itself is a start to decentralisation moving beyond the physical datacentres, albeit within an organisation. My extra-curricular interests have for a while now revolved around the blockchain and metaverse tech. I also own a few parcels of Land in the Sandbox and I spend time in Decentraland and Somnium space at various events. Also I am working on creating experiences on my Lands and helping out projects with their metaverse journey.
I mostly concentrate on blockchain and the metaverse. I’m very interested in what is capable with these technologies going forward. I have written about my experience and what I have learned so far through creating in the metaverse. I also currently have a few projects ongoing with The Sandbox Game land parcels I own and how these can be used. I’m also working on a few ideas for assets to be utilised with The Sandbox Game and hopefully other metaverse platforms.
I started my working life as a tool maker, didn’t like it so went into auto work as I’d grown up around cars with my father being a mechanic, bodywork and painter by trade so I’d learnt a lot about it. I enjoyed the auto trade a lot more buy realised I’m not going to get rich repairing cars and I didn’t want spend every day lying under car engines into my 40’s and beyond. I still enjoy it as a hobby but doing it for a living takes the fun out of it. That is why I quit and went back to education and learned all about Information Technology.
Those technologies that are going to enable the metaverse. Web 3.0 is bringing in the capabilities of what we can do with decentralisation and how Non-Fungible Tokens, (NFT) are changing the future for the creative people, those that can produce art, avatars, digital wearables and metaverse assets. They can now automatically collect royalties for their work. We are only just scratching the surface of what can be done with NFTs. Imagine concert tickets as NFTs, a well-crafted Smart Contract would make things difficult for scalpers. It’ll also bring in advancement in real life smart glass/ VR tech which will advance and it will get cheaper and have a real impact on areas of society who currently struggle with learning or even visiting a medical practitioner.
AI, you’ve seen terminator? Seriously AI technology is coming along massively and if we’re not careful it could well take over our lives. Not in a kill all humans or use them as batteries kind of way but we may end up relying on them too much. Image using AI to write your resume and then then the recruiter uses AI to judge those resumes. Who’s actually applying. This isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds, we already use AI to improve our photos, or correct our grammar whilst writing. Why bother leaning how to construct a sentence properly when AI can do it for us.
Blockchain and metaverse technology of course! And maybe a jpeg of an ape.
I’m learning all the time a have a thirst for knowledge. I’ll read about all sorts of subjects, everything is interesting once you delve into a subject. Also, with my day job technology moves so fast I’m constantly have to update my skill set. And in my spare time I’ve done everything from renovating a house learning as I go from plumbing to hands on remodelling a kitchen and reroofing. That was definitely a learning experience.
The same advice my father gave me, ‘I if can go wrong it will, so evaluate all possibilities first and account for them’ in other words DYOR.
See previous answer.
Twitter: @ant_trader
The annual Noonie Awards celebrate the best and brightest of the tech industry, bringing together all who are making the Internet and the world of tech what it is today. Please be sure to check out our award categories, nominate, and vote for the people and companies who you think are making the biggest impact on the tech industry today.
The 2021 Noonies are sponsored by: bybit, Dottech Domains, and Avast. Thank you so much to these sponsors who are helping us celebrate the accomplishments of all our nominees.