IBM 1401 Programming Systemsby@unknownauthor
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IBM 1401 Programming Systems

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When companies order an IBM 1401 Data Processing System, methods-programming staffs are given the responsibility of translating the requirements of management into finished applications. 1401 Programming Systems are helping cut the costs of getting the computer into operation by simplifying and expediting the work of these methods staffs. Modern, high-speed computers, such as the 1401, are marvelous electronic instruments, but they represent only portions of data processing systems. Well-tested programming languages for communication with computers must accompany the systems. It is through these languages that the computer itself is used to perform many of the tedious functions that the programmer would otherwise have to perform. A few minutes of computer time in translating the program can be equal to many, many hours of staff time in writing instructions coded in the language of the computer. The combination of a modern computer plus modern programming languages is the key to profitable data processing. This brochure explains modern IBM Programming Languages and their significance to management.
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Unknown Author in the Public Domain

Unknown Author in the Public Domain


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Unknown Author in the Public Domain HackerNoon profile picture
Unknown Author in the Public Domain@unknownauthor
Important texts on science, creativity and innovation by authors unknown.



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