They didn't speak; they changed reality such that they had spoken. - Terry Pratchett
Just Dao It — S01E01 — Flying Butterfly Gods_John Baez is a Mathematical Physicist. He works at the math department at U. C. Riverside in California, and also at…
The Last of the Human Freedoms_One day, naked and alone in a small room, he began to become aware of what he later called “the last of the human…
UnicornLaunching - Hacker Noon_Read writing from UnicornLaunching in Hacker Noon. A Handbook for Mercenaries. Every day, UnicornLaunching and…
Learn Functional Programming without all that Arcane Math Jargon Nonsense SpellCasting PhD Jive…_The Principal stood there,
The Man Who Called Bullshit on AI_One day, Dr. Jerome Lettvin decided to poke JD with a stick. JD — which stood for ‘Juvenile Delinquent’ — was the name…
The Tragedy of Artificial Intelligence_With the bullies from school hot on his trail, a terrified 12 year-old Walter Pitts dashed into a silent Detroit Public…
Just Dao It — S01E01 — Flying Butterfly Gods_John Baez is a Mathematical Physicist. He works at the math department at U. C. Riverside in California, and also at…
THE GLOBAL BANKING DISRUPTION EXPLAINED_Two billion people on this planet are too poor to
Blockchains that SCALE into the BILLIONS_Investors: step back from Bitcoin for a
Why Do Humans Execute Actions?_Why Do Humans Execute Certain Actions over Other Actions?
Before You Change The World_In order to change the world, you must understand the difference between the things you can control and the things you…
How To Win A Nobel Prize_What does Through The Looking-Glass, Chess, the Nobel Prize, Business, and Creativity have to do with one another?
Michael Jagdeo | LinkedIn_Check out professional insights posted by Michael Jagdeo, Headhunter Launching