There seem to be 2 reasons to do a convertible. First, low legal cost. Fine. Second, your valuation is postponed till the next round. Wait, what? Why would you want to postpone your valuation? Don’t you want to know how many shares you have to give away? Don’t you want to compare issuing equity against doing a convertible?
Why would you want to know your valuation? So you know how many shares you have to give away when raising money with an investor.
Assume you want to raise 400,000. Assume your valuation is 2,224,991. Then you have to give away 400,000 / 2,224,991 = 18.0% of your shares to the investor.
You can raise this 400,000 either with equity or a convertible.
Assume you raise money by doing a convertible. [Read this if you issue equity]
Isn’t a convertible all about discounts and/or caps? Yes. But you can also calculate the (implied) valuation.
To simplify only the first 6 months are shown. Assumptions are in blue. Calculations are in black.
How many products will you sell each month? To simplify rounded numbers are shown. Calculations use the unrounded numbers.
What is the price per product?
Products/month in month 1 is 1. Price/product in month 1 is 2,000. So cash in/month in month 1 equals 1.1 * 2,000 = 2,000.
What is the cash out each month?
Cash in/month in month 1 is 2,000. Cash out/month in month 1 is -24,219. So cashflow in month 1 equals 2,000 + -24,219 = -22,219.
Cash end in month 0 is 0. So cash begin in month 1 equals 0. Cashflow in month 1 is -22,219. Equity in month 1 is 0. So cash end in month 1 equals 0 + -22,219 + 0 = -22,219.
When is your startup significantly de-risked? Assume with each 10x in products/month.
A very crude rule of thumb: 10x for software and 5x for hardware. Products/month in month 0 is 0. So the first milestone would equal 0 * 10 = 0 products/month. That doesn’t work. Therefore, if products/month in month 0 is 0, temporarily assume it is 1 when you define milestones. So milestones are:
Look up each milestone in your cashflow planning.
You have 3 milestones:
Before investment, you have a negative cash balance.
How much money do you need to achieve each milestone?
_Milestone 1_To get from 0 products/month in month 0 to 10 products/month in month 24, you need to raise a Series Seed of 400,000 in month 0. This keeps your cash balance at 0 or more.
_Milestone 2_To get from 10 products/month in month 24 to 100 products/month in month 48, you need to raise a Series A of 1,000,000 in month 24.
_Milestone 3_To get from 100.0 products/month in month 48 to 316 products/month in month 60, you don’t need to raise any more money in month 48. Your cash balance is already 0 or more.
Which instrument will you use for your Series Seed: equity or a convertible?Assume you raise your Series Seed with a convertible. [Read this if you issue equity]
Assume your raise your Series A with equity.
Map out the rounds identified in the previous step. Include the exit.
Cash in/month in month 60 is 632,000 (from cashflow planning). So revenue/year @exit equals 12 * 632,000 = 7,584,000.
How much are investors willing to pay for a company in your region and industry, with a revenue/year of 7,584,000? Assume 4.0x revenue/year (market data).
So enterprise value @exit equals 7,58400 * 4.0 = 30,336,000.
Cash end in month 60 is 3,684,194 (from cashflow planning). So equity value @exit equals 30,336,000 + 3,684,194 = 34,020,194.
How much does the Series A investor want to make on his portfolio? Assume the IRR/year on his portfolio is 20.0% (market data).
The Series A investor exits after (60–24) / 12 = 3.0 years.
So the Series A investor wants a money multiple on his portfolio of (1 + 20.0%) ^ 3.0 = 1.7.
How many milestones does the investor have till exit? The Series A investor invests at 10 products/month in month 24 (from cashflow planning). So he has 2 milestones till exit:
What’s the probability to get from one milestone to the next? Either you get there, or you don’t. So 50/50.
Assume a 50.0% probability to get from 10 products/month in month 24 to 100 products/month in month 48. And assume a 50.0% probability to get from 100 products/month in month 48 to 316 products/month in month 60.
So the probability to get from 10 products/month in month 24 to 316 products/month in month 60 is 50.0% * 50.0% = 25.0%.
So the Series A investor has a sub (for lack of a better word) of 1.7 / 25.0% = 6.9.
Because there are no more shares issued after the Series A, the investor retains 100.0% of his initial share percentage.
So the Series A investor wants a money multiple on your startup of 6.9 / 100.0% = 6.9.
So your startup has a post-money valuation @Series A of 34,020,194 / 6.9 = 4,921,903.
Investment @Series A is 1,000,000 (from cashflow planning). So you have to give away 1,000,000 / 4,921,903 = 20.3% of the shares to the Series A investor.
How much interest/year does the Series Seed investor get till conversion? Assume he gets 6.0% interest/year (market data).
The Series Seed investor converts after (24–0) / 12 = 2.0 years.
What is the discount on the Series A valuation when the Series Seed investor converts his debt into shares? Assume his discount is 30.0% (market data).
So the Series Seed investor can choose to get a multiple of 1 / (1–30.0%) = 1.4 times as many shares as the Series A investor.
What is the cap for the Series Seed investor on the Series A pre-money valuation? Assume his cap is 2,500,000.
Post-money valuation @Series A is 4,921,903. Investment @Series A is 1,000,000. So the pre-money valuation @Series A equals 4,921,903–1,000,000 = 3,921,903.
So the Series Seed investor can also choose to get a multiple of 3,921,903 / 2,500,000 = 1.6 times as many shares as the Series A investor.
Investment @Series Seed is 400,000 (from cashflow planning). So the Series Seed investor converts 400,000 * (1 + 6.0%) ^ 2.0 * 1.6 = 705.064 into shares.
So you have to give away 705.064 / 4,921,903 = 14.3% of the shares to the Series Seed investor.
When you raise money, you issue new shares. How many shares does the founder have? Assume he (still) has 1,000 shares @Series A.
So the Series Seed investor has 1,000 / (1–14.3% — 20.3%) * 14.3% = 219 shares.
So the Series A investor has 1,000 / (1–14.3% — 20.3%) * 20.3% = 311 shares.
The founder has 1,000 shares @Series A. So the founder also has 1,000 shares @Series Seed.
The Series Seed investor has 219 shares @Series A.
Time for a trick. Assume, like the founder, the Series Seed investor would therefore also have 219 shares @Series Seed.
So the Series Seed investor would have 219 / (1,000 + 219) = 18.0% of the shares @Series Seed.
Investment @Series Seed is 400,000 (from cashflow planning). So your startup has a post-money valuation @Series Seed of 400,000 / 18.0% = 2,224,991.
That’s how you value your startup when raising money with a convertible. Now you know how many shares you have to give away. And now you can compare issuing equity against doing a convertible.
Thanks to Chretien Herben.
Joachim Blazer is the author of The #1 Guide to Startup Valuation.