How to Start a Technology Business That Can Attract Clients From the Fortune 500 Listby@rickyrathore
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How to Start a Technology Business That Can Attract Clients From the Fortune 500 List

by Ricky RathoreMarch 8th, 2024
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Dmytro Nikolaenko, Founder and CEO of Devart, talks to us about variety of productivity solutions to Fortune 500 companies. The preparation for the digital transformation, connected to the arrival of AI and other newest technologies. We spoke to Dmytro to understand what factors helped the company stay competitive for over two decades.
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Today’s business climate is one where you only need one opportunity to turn things around. We’ve all seen it repeatedly - several companies never really believed that they had what it takes, but they got one killer idea that changed things for them.

In an increasingly opportunistic environment, being able to spot the right chances to take your business to the next level is rare. But, the companies that can recognize opportunities and seize upon them easily become the next big thing.

At the moment, one of the most impressive opportunities facing companies today is tech transformation. Organizations are constantly in search of the next wave that can help them become better and improve their operations. And as the past few years have shown, optimizing your tech stack as much as possible can easily be the key to your expansion as a company.

This is the reason why Devart is here: the firm has been providing a variety of productivity solutions to Fortune 500 companies, providing them with assistance in enhancing their operations and the communication that occurs within their technology teams.

We spoke to Dmytro Nikolaenko, Founder and CEO of Devart, to understand what factors helped the company stay competitive in the exponentially developing technology market for over two decades and how they are preparing for the digital transformation, connected to the arrival of AI and other newest technologies.

1. What is the vision behind Devart? How did you choose the niche for your business?

Data is one of the keys to the modern world, no doubt about that. It's a cornerstone of sorts that will never lose any of its relevance. As long as there is software, it has to interact with data. And this is where our solutions come into play.

They empower users to manage data with maximum convenience and minimum effort. They provide users with multiple tools that effectively augment their capabilities in daily work. They help reduce manual routine, automate it where possible, and focus on things that really matter.

To achieve that, the whole team has to work a lot. We have to evolve our tools non-stop. We have to keep them powerful and intuitive for users of different backgrounds and skill sets. To top it off, we're committed to providing our clients with exceptional, highly responsive support.

More or less, this sums up the vision behind Devart. And I was lucky to gather together a team of skilled and talented people who proved capable of making it all work.

2. What is the role of database management in today's fast-paced software development landscape?

It's a vital part of that landscape. A database's main functions are information storage, retrieval, and updating. Data about every facet of company operations may be kept in a database, and database administration is essential for creating software that is dependable, strong, and efficient.

Imagine that you're in charge of a software product, and you release updates under a standard development cycle. The release of each update is a chance to keep up-to-date with the demands of your customers, to prove the relevance of your product. Basically, it's a chance to sell.

Naturally, you want to make the road to each release as short and painless as possible. And when it comes to database development and management, database management tools can offer a true shortcut.

For example, dbForge tools for SQL Server can help you unify database development, management, testing, and deployment into a single DevOps cycle, perfectly automated and integrated into your general workflow. And if your workflow changes, these tools are flexible enough to catch up with it.

3. What are the best strategies for the software project teams to adopt to break the cycle of misaligned goals, fragmented tech stack, workflows, or output that come with a siloed team?

Proper clarification of goals and well-aligned teamwork is a matter of good management. To avoid teams becoming fixated on increasingly specific, narrow objectives that often lead to misalignment between departments and duplication of efforts, tech leaders should provide a broad, holistic vision for the entire organization to aspire to and set clear priorities.

The subject of fragmented tech stacks and workflows is one of the most common problems faced by our clients. In many use cases, a rapidly growing company needed to reshape its database development and management workflows to keep up with the pace of changes.

And in each case, our tools helped them make it possible. When performing everyday routine work and coding, users of Devart database administration and development tools consistently report a considerable gain in productivity of 20–30%. We're really proud to be part of their success.

4. How do you plan to accommodate the growing trend for AI, decentralized data, or decentralized database management solutions?

The primary incentive for us is the market demand which is why we are focused on the traditional relational databases. This market blooms and doesn't show any signs of decline. In addition, we are very interested in AI utilization in the forthcoming perspective and keep an eye on the rapid developments in this particular area and use cases.

As soon as there are proven cases for AI-enabled tools for software or database development, we will expand our offering - our team has enough talent and perseverance to make it happen.


Tech transformation is one of the most critical parts of business operations in our world. At the end of the day, tech is everywhere - being able to manipulate and control it, while also gaining the right insights from your use of technology, will be one of the areas to focus on as a business looking to grow.