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Software Engineer
We can build labels using TSPL commands like TEXT
, and BITMAP
. You can read the previous article first to learn more about printing labels using TSPL commands. Today we are going to overview only one command (BITMAP
) to understand how to print labels with images.
We can add an image to the label with the command BITMAP
BITMAP X,Y,width,height,mode,data
Parameter |
Description |
x, y |
x and y-coordinate |
width |
Image width (in bytes) |
height |
Image height (in dots) |
mode |
data |
Bitmap data |
In short, if we want to add an image to the label we need to
Let’s say we want to print a simple arrow with the size of 16x16 dots:
For every dot, we have only two options: “painted“ or “not painted“. So we can mark every dot as “one“-not painted or “zero“-painted like this:
As we can see, a single bit can hold information about a dot. One byte is equivalent to eight bits, so we need to convert every eight dots into a byte.
The converted data of our image looks like this:
y-axis ---- |
1.byte ---------- |
2.byte ---------- |
Result ---- |
1 |
00000000 |
00000000 |
0, 0, |
The width must be given in bytes, in our case, it is two bytes. Height is a number of dots on the y-axis, in our case, it is 16 dots. And our bitmap data is [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 255, 3, 255, 17…]. Now according to these data, we can build the command:
BITMAP 0,0,2,16,0,”bitmap data”
Creating a label with our image using JavaScript:
Buffer.from('SIZE 48 mm,25 mm\r\n'),
Buffer.from(`BITMAP 10,10,2,16,0,`),
Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 255, 3, 255, 17 ...]),
Buffer.from('PRINT 1\r\n'),
Generated commands can be sent to the printer over Serial or Bluetooth. To demonstrate how to print an image, I created a simple code using Node.js. I used the ‘usb’ package to connect and send the commands (On Windows, you may need to install a driver, to learn more visit the package’s page).
I also used the ‘jimp‘ package to read the color of every pixel of the image. I used a simple condition like if the pixel is not transparent then it must be painted. But you may need to check the color and alpha value to determine if the pixel is visible enough to be painted.
const usb = require('usb');
const Jimp = require('jimp');
function getImageData(path, cb) {, (err, img) => {
const widthInBytes = Math.ceil(img.getWidth() / 8);
const data = new Array(img.getHeight());
for (let y = 0; y < img.getHeight(); y++) {
const row = new Array(widthInBytes);
for (let b = 0; b < widthInBytes; b++) {
let byte = 0;
let mask = 128;
for (let x = b*8; x < (b+1)*8; x++) {
const color = Jimp.intToRGBA(img.getPixelColor(x, y));
if (color.a < 65) byte = byte ^ mask; // empty dot (1)
mask = mask >> 1;
row[b] = byte;
data[y] = row;
function print(buffer) {
// you can get all available devices with usb.getDeviceList()
let device = usb.findByIds(/*vid*/8137, /*pid*/8214);;
const outEndpoint = device.interfaces[0].endpoints.find(e => e.direction === 'out');
outEndpoint.transferType = 2;
outEndpoint.transfer(buffer, (err) => {
getImageData('hn-logo.png', (data) => {
const widthInBytes = data[0].length;
const heightInDots = data.length;
const buffer = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from('SIZE 48 mm,25 mm\r\n'),
Buffer.from(`BITMAP 10,20,${widthInBytes},${heightInDots},0,`),
Buffer.from('BARCODE 10,100,"128",50,1,0,2,2,""\r\n'),
Buffer.from('PRINT 1\r\n'),
And the result:
I had to gather information piece by piece when I implement the printing labels feature on Alto's POS & Inventory project. So I wrote this and the previous article in hope that it will be the starting point for someone in a similar situation.
You can find the code here.
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