How to Launch a Successful Startup and Keep it Blooming: 25 Great Tipsby@checkaso
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How to Launch a Successful Startup and Keep it Blooming: 25 Great Tips

by Checkaso7mDecember 28th, 2021
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It is important to choose the right tech stack in advance. Check whether it will be scalable and whether it will be easy to find an expert to support it in the future. When you start to grow and the specialists change, there may be problems. You have to focus on the team. That’s the most important thing. First, you invest in the team, then it produces results. You must not be afraid to say no to those you doubt and wait for the right experts. Hire only those who are really passionate about their work. The end consumer will feel that love. Cherish your reputation from the very beginning. You have to nurture and defend it. It’s a crucial investment. If the reputation is bad, it will be difficult to clear it. We don't have such experience, but I know projects that have dealt with it. It happens if you forget about users and think only about money. First of all, you have to focus on the users who bring you that money.  The first 2-3 years of the project are the most intense. It’s like with a baby. At first, you don't sleep at all. Then the team starts to get involved more, you delegate more tasks and get some free time. But even at the start, you have to take care of yourself to avoid burnout.  

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We create an ASO platform to grow your app's performance and make educational content for everyone to become a pro. 🚀



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