How to Choose the Right Virtual Event Software for Your Event?by@kayleejohnson

How to Choose the Right Virtual Event Software for Your Event?

by Kaylee JohnsonMarch 12th, 2022
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Virtual Events have become every organization’s preferred method of hosting events. The number of virtual events has significantly increased in the last two years, and now even people have adapted to this method of attending events. 

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Virtual events have become every organization’s preferred method of hosting events. The number of virtual events has significantly increased in the last two years, and now even people have adapted to this method of attending events. 

Even after this much popularity, one thing that still remains prevalent is the organizers struggling to choose the right virtual event platform for their events. Keeping this in mind, we have come up with a guide that will help you pick the best virtual event platform for your upcoming event.

Here is how you can pick the right virtual event software for your event: 

Customization Ability: 

The first and most important thing you should look for in an online event hosting software is its customization ability. Like physical events, virtual events have to have a particular theme, layout, and other arrangements. All these elements directly affect the marketing of your brand as well as the success of your virtual event. Personalizing your virtual event will help you expand your brand awareness and involvement with your attendees. Hence, you need to keep this factor in mind and select a customizable event platform that will help you host a personalized virtual event.  

Easy to Access: 

Another factor you should keep in mind while choosing your virtual event platform is its accessibility. One thing you need to consider is that you are organizing the event for your audience, not you. Hence, you need to ensure that all the elements of your online event are according to them. One such factor is accessibility; make sure the platform you pick is easy to access. Not all your attendees will be technically sound; moreover, no one has got all the time in the world. Hence, choose a platform that can be accessed easily. 

Audience Engagement: 

The next feature you should look for in a platform is the audience engagement tools. Virtual events come with several distractions, and the audience finds it difficult to concentrate on the event. So, if your event is not engaging enough, your attendees will probably start using their phones and won’t even bother to pay attention to your event. Therefore, you need to ensure that your event is engaging enough. You can do that by selecting an online event hosting platform that has enough audience engagement features. These features will help you keep your audience hooked to the event and boost two-way communication. 

Networking Opportunities: 

Even if it's been two years since we are hosting virtual events, there is still a majority of the audience that feels virtual events are not a bit inefficient. It is because they feel online events lack the feeling of personal connection. However, there are several platforms that come with efficient networking opportunities and tools that allow you to connect with your fellow attendees, speakers, sponsors, etc. While you are on your hunt for the virtual event platform, make sure you pick a platform that comes with high-end networking tools. 


As you are organizing your own virtual event, we assume you know how important it is to ensure the security of your platform. As an event host, you would never want your personal information and confidential data leaked. When hundreds of thousands of people are trusting you with their information such as names, mobile numbers, email addresses, it becomes your responsibility to keep the data safe from online threats. Look for platforms that are end-to-end encrypted and have a full-proof security system. Having a highly secure platform will enable you to keep your data safe, and you won’t have to worry about data breaches and other security threats. 

Sponsors Engagement: 

One of the biggest challenges that the organizers face while hosting virtual events is monetizing the event. It is easier for the hosts to monetize a physical event as compared to a virtual event. A few ways trusted by the organizers to monetize events are sponsorships, registration fees, and at times exhibitors. Though there isn’t much difference between sponsoring a virtual event and a physical event, people are more likely to sponsor a physical event. However, it also depends on the virtual event platform you are picking up for your online event. Several virtual event softwares come with attractive and out-of-the-box sponsorship opportunities that will help you get more sponsors for your event. You should get one such platform that comes with several sponsorship opportunities that will help your sponsors expand their brand reach. 

Data Management and Analytics: 

One factor where online events will always have the upper hand over physical events is tracking the attendee’s activity. You can never track every aspect of your event if it is a physical event. However, you can do that in the case of virtual events. How? There is a feature called a real-time analytics tracker; it will help you track every activity of your attendees during the event. Organizers prefer having this feature because it enables them to track what their attendees are up to in the event. Also, with this feature, they can analyze their strategies and measure the success of their virtual event. So, ensure you pick the platform that allows you to track your attendees’ activities. 


Another feature that makes virtual events so popular among event organizers is recording. The event organizers can record the entire virtual event. All they need is a virtual event platform that comes with the recording feature, which you should also consider having in a platform. The reason we insist on having this feature is that it will help you record the entire event, which you can later use at your convenience. 

Since there are a plethora of options available, it gets challenging for the event organizers to pick the right platform. The intent behind this blog was to help you and make it easier for you to pick the best platform. We hope you found it helpful. So, next time you are planning an online event, we are sure that you will keep these points in mind. Select an online event platform that comes with all the features as mentioned above.