How To Become a Data Scientist Without CS Degreeby@moimaere
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How To Become a Data Scientist Without CS Degree

by Muammer Hüseyinoğlu5mJanuary 10th, 2019
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<span>L</span>ast year of the university, quite hard days you might imagine. Every second pass with the anxiety of future when you turned off the screen of any device and moved away from social media or anything else that killing your time. I was in one of these times. Nausea had begun. But it wasn’t a physical sickness as you thought. I’m about nausea of existence that Jean-Paul Sartre describes very well in <a href="" target="_blank">his book</a>s. I felt like I must find a job directly after graduation and I mustn’t delay it because I’m already in my last year. You often feel that kind of moments if you live in a country which struggles with unemployment. I turned on my pc and started searching about departments I can apply for work after graduation. But there were lots of business departments I can apply to. So better to understand which is belongs to you and make a search on the internet. Then I saw an article titled “The sexiest job of the century”. The title seems like click bait enough and it got me. That is how I met with data science. I felt like this is the right way to go on but how could it be possible with a business administration degree? Here is the progress which brought me to the achievement.

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Muammer Hüseyinoğlu


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