My post will help you to start work from home by teaching you to become a Software Development.
I am from Brazil. I now live in Canada. I am a former Forensic Officer and now in the process of becoming a Web Software Development.
First of all, if you want to work from home I highly recommend you start your preparation from home as well. After all, it will be your home office soon.
Why start your preparation from home?
Starting to study from home has many benefits: low cost, comfort, best suited to your schedule. In fact, I guess those are the reasons why you want to work from home, and of course allowing you to live anywhere.
I tried to take a course at a college, but the content was general, a lot of theory, very tiring and not very stimulating.
So then I decided to study online.
How start your preparation from home?
There is a lot available on the internet. Then I had to deal with the first problem of studying by yourself: among so many options, which one should I choose? how to start ? which subject to choose? Here's a tip to start: studying web development is an excellent option for those who want to work from home. For this, your first step must be learning about HTML and CSS.
where to find the course you need?
After searching a lot, going through several courses and getting lost in that path, I found the course called The Odin Project.
My experience with HTML and CSS was zero. But as soon as I started my first step in this course, I could see the results: My first web page (google page clone). It kept me focused and very proud of myself, my desire to learn more and more grew.
Everything you need to start your journey is there. They have compiled everything you need in this course, which makes your journey so much easier. Instead of you having to search to find everthing what you need, they have already done this and gathered everything for you in one place.
After completing the web development course, which took about two months, I felt confident in following my journey and signed up to study at Microverse. I was accepted as A Web Development Student at Microverse, which is a global school for remote software developers where students learn through remote pair programming and don't pay anything until they get a job. yes, this school exists for real and you pay $0 until you land a life-changing job in software development.
Another challenge in studying independently is the procrastination. But that the creators of Microverse have already thought and sought the solution for you. The platform, the content and the education system are designed to avoid procrastination and make you develop faster than if you were alone on that journey.
In the first week as a student I was able, working in pairs, to build my first two real projects using HTML and CSS. Much faster than the two months I mentioned studying alone.
Two more important things to mention in this life planning:
In conclusion, after years of hitting obstacles and without results (you don't have to go through this like I had to do), here is my recipe on how to change your life by working from home. It was the cheapest and fastest way I found - worth it!