How I become Blockchain developer and Smart contract hackerby@ilkadyrov
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How I become Blockchain developer and Smart contract hacker

by Il Kadyrov4mJuly 6th, 2018
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For about two years I were a freelance Android developer and studied Machine Learning and Neural Networks. At the end of 2017 I decided to become Data Scientist or Blockchain Developer and put my CV on some hiring services and continued working as Android developer. At the same time I started learning blockchain and trading, so we created telegram channel with my friend where we shared review of blockchain projects with some score and predict(like a lot of rating agencies now). I had a goal to finish my Android project at the end of December and to start searching some Blockchain related work at the beginning of 2018. However, at the first week of December I got a call from <a href="" target="_blank"><strong><em>Sberbank Technologies</em></strong></a> for an interview and agreed. I understood that I know nothing about Ethereum, Neo, Bitcoin, details of their blockchains, about smart contracts etc. I had a couple of days at my disposal and started preparing for interview. During three days i passed a <a href=";list=PL16WqdAj66SCOdL6XIFbke-XQg2GW_Avg" target="_blank"><strong><em>course about developing Ethereum smart contracts</em></strong></a>, read Ethereum docs, wrote few smart contracts, deployed them on testnet, developed for them UI and connect with web3js, read a lot of info about Ethereum and Neo, about their blockchains comparison and went to the interview. Of course, I failed this interview because of having no experience in blockchain. But it was very important for me to try my hands. After this failing I decided to finish my Android project as soon as possible and to start learning Blockchain. At the end of December Android app was finished.

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Il Kadyrov


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