Rails Developer
Posted originally October 25, 2014 on my old blog. A lot has changed since that time but I am still working in industry :)
I loved the computers and technology since I was a kid but never thought I would be one of this guys crunching code and doing all things that were for me amazing powers that could be used for creative expression.
Like rest of population I assumed you need to finish college with degree in computer science or at least be good at math. So I settled for studying sociology and maybe someday getting to work as advertising creative, I always loved the concept of working by making things.
I loved techcrunch and was spending way too much time on their website, one day I came around this article. So the foursquare founder learned to code by himself, I didn’t know that. That was inspiring.
So here is my list, what I have done to get my first job as programmer, no degree required:
I did not know answer to every question at job interviews but asked a lot questions and was really engaged and curious about software development.
Finally codequest hired me. I don’t work there anymore but there is still my picture on team section [EDIT: Not true at all. They have taken it years ago :)]. Check them out, they are now responsible for codebeat project.
Only after year I learned why my boss hired me. He thought I am really passionate and fast learner.
Passion and hunger for knowledge is what counts at the end of the day.
7. One last point — don’t wear suit if you are going to company that develops Ruby on Rails applications, you will look stupid.[EDIT: I changed perspective. Wear whatever you want, they will look at your skills and passion, not clothes.]
Find me on twitter and follow. I have a project coming up. Stay tuned :)
Przemysław Mroczek (@przemekmroczek) | Twitter_The latest Tweets from Przemysław Mroczek (@przemekmroczek). Humanist turned Developer. Startup enthusiast. Warsaw_twitter.com