jest enzyme test unit component
How do you mock a react component with Jest?
We got a component which is included another external components **InstallCom**
and **UserCom**
import { InstallCom } from 'installComponent'import UserCom from 'userComponent'
export class ShareCom extends Component {render() {return (<div><InstallCom para1='title1'/><UserCom para2='title2' /></div>)}}
In unit test, what we care about is the functionality of <ShareCom />, but not other dependent components **InstallCom**
and **UserCom**
, for mock purpose , jest is a good helper.
import {ShareCom} from '../somewhere/ShareCom'
jest.mock('../somewhere/UserCom', () => ()=> <div id="mockUserCom">mockUserCom</div>)
jest.mock('installComponent', () => ({InstallCom: 'mockInstallCom'}))
describe('ShareCom', () => {it('should return correct component', () => {const wrapper = mount(<ShareComsomething={something}/>)
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