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If you are new to ChatGPT or Prompt Engineering then this article will help you.
PI Prompts is a versatile and user-friendly free Chrome extension designed to enhance and simplify the user experience for those utilizing AI platforms like ChatGPT,, and Google Bard. It allows users to manage, edit, and quickly access their frequently used prompts, ensuring a more streamlined communication process with AI platforms.
You can add new prompts to your prompt library anytime, just write your prompt into the input field as normal and click on the “+” button on the right hand side of the input field instead of clicking send or enter which would send the message to AI Platform.
You may want to download generic prompt lists if you are new to prompt engineering. Or maybe you already have a prompt library in JSON format.
Click Upload
Select the Prompt Library JSON file
Select prompt library
Finally Prompts will appear in PI Prompts panel
PI Prompts Panel
With “Download” button you can simply export your current library into a new file on your local computer.
If you scroll in your prompt library you can select any of the prompts by clicking on them.
Selecting Your Prompt
This will write the prompt into your input field.
Writing a Prompt Into Your Input Field
But the trick is that you can filter your prompts just by starting to enter a text like “Inst…” which refers to Instagram-related prompts. This will filter down your Prompt Library instantly, so you could find the right prompt and click it to populate the input field.
Populating the input field
After you click the right prompt, PI Prompts will focus back on the input field. Since most of the prompts require context or arguments, it jumps at the very end of the prompt; this way, you could fine-tune your prompt for the actual task.
Finetuning your prompts
You could edit each prompt's text, or either remove it from your library.
If you are browsing on the internet and you find a good prompt, just select the text on the website, right-click to get Chrome's context menu, and you will find an “Add to Your Prompt Library” which will instantly add the new prompt at the very end of your prompt library where you can further refine it:
Adding to your prompt library
In the case of this Prompt Library Extension, the creator focused on being lightweight and useable for everyone.
Read more about PI Prompts in the following connecting article.