Here's How to Never Run Out of Tweet Ideas With ChatGPTby@productiveimpact
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Here's How to Never Run Out of Tweet Ideas With ChatGPT

by productiveimpactSeptember 17th, 2024
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I use AI for writing tweets because it saves me time while maintaining quality. Posting multiple times a day can be challenging, but with ChatGPT, I just need a general topic, and it does the rest. A good tweet is short, uses 3-4 hashtags, includes a call to action, and can follow frameworks like AIDA or APP for engagement. I start with a general outline, then refine it using specific guidelines for brevity and impact. Adding a personal touch makes discussions more engaging. With AI, I can create conversation-starting tweets in under 5 minutes.
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Why use AI for tweet writing?

Well, why not?

Posting on X, like many other tasks that require consistency, is something AI tools can help you with.

Writing a tweet seems to be an easy and quick job, but done daily takes a lot of effort.

To grow a following, you should post at least a few times a day. Coming up with so much content is demanding.

I prefer to save time without compromising on the form and value given to followers.

Now, I just need a general topic for the discussion in my mind and then let ChatGPT do the writing job.

What does a ‘perfect’ attention-grabbing tweet include?

While doing my research, I found out a perfect tweet has certain requirements.

Should be short, not exploit the whole characters limit - in that case, rather posted in the form of a thread. Long-form works for certain types of write-ups, but not all.

Should have a maximum of 3 or 4 relevant hashtags. Though, I’ve seen the ones without them received as more genuine.

Should include a call to action.

There are also some copywriting techniques that help develop an attention-grabbing tweet.

The most popular is AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), but I found out that actually, APP (Awareness, Problem, Positioning) can also be efficient for sparkling up discussions.

Let’s see how to use them in ChatGPT.

Practical ChatGPT Input for Tweets on Any Topic

First, I create a general outline on a given topic. I chose ebooks.

Develop a Twitter post on the topic of: "Here put your topic" using the APP (Awareness, Problem, Positioning) framework.

Make sure the tweet aligns with APP stages.

This is what I get:

Awareness: Discover the digital reading revolution. 📚 Ebooks or paper?

Problem: Paper waste grows. Ebooks offer eco-friendly alternatives for sustainable reading.

Positioning: Make the switch. Embrace ebooks. Contribute to a greener planet. 🌱📱

#DigitalReading #Sustainability

Then, I adjust the given outline to fit into tweet requirements better and make it more digestible:

Now, adjust the given outline into a Twitter tweet following the given rules.

Don't repeat yourself. Keep the language clear and simple.

For each part follow the given rules:

"Awareness": The hook of the tweet. Not more than 7 words allowed. Either in the imperative form or a question. No hashtags allowed.

"Problem": Logically explains the situation behind "Awareness". Not more than 10 words allowed.

"Positioning": Call to action regarding the "Problem". Not more than 5 words allowed.

Make tweet informative. Assume the audience is new to the topic.

No exclamation marks, no emojis

That’s the result:

Awareness: Opt for ebooks or paper?

Problem: Paper waste grows; ebooks offer sustainable reading alternatives.

Positioning: Embrace ebooks, contribute to sustainability.

That’s not the end though. I still want to take part in the discussion I created myself.

How to include your personal perspective in the discussion?

It’s always more authentic and fun to share your personal opinion on the given topic when posting on X.

It sparkles up the discussion and makes people more prone to share their thoughts too.

I do it like this:

Now, get rid of the names of the following steps and form a final tweet.

Add my personal perspective in the fun and engaging way regarding: “here share your personal perspective/experience”

I put: Bought my first Kindle last week, love it.

And this is the final version I get:

Ebooks or paper?

Paper waste grows; ebooks offer sustainable reading alternatives.

Embrace ebooks, contribute to sustainability.

Got my first Kindle last week—total game-changer.

Come up with tweets that will make people join the conversation just under 5 minutes. Be consistent, and make your mark in the X community.

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