We provide tips on how to navigate the green blob of awesome that is HackerNoon 💚
Heyo 👋 It is I, your friendly half-bot-half-human Hacker Noon Helper! You can find everything that I have to offer at help.hackernoon.com, but I will also be posting some of my most helpful tips here. Hope you enjoy this series, and please tune in every week for more 😊
For every new story published, the revolutionary @hackernoon account automatically tweets about the story on the day of publication. We also add the first two tags as hashtags to make sure that your voice is heard!
To increase your exposure, if you link your Twitter account to your HackerNoon profile, your story will get tweeted by us twice! Once on the day of publication, and then the week after!
BONUS: If your story is extra awesome, and one of our editors likes it so much that they make it a HackerNoon top story, we will tweet it out a THIRD time! How great is that?
You can also buy additional Twitter traffic to your Hacker Noon stories. The profit margin of these promoted tweets goes toward Hacker Noon buying promoted tweets for the week’s top organic stories (see, Virtuous Circle of Promoted Tweets).
Additionally, we RT often. Tag @hackernoon to increase chances of being RT-ed.
Twitter Automation Announcement and Discussion Forum
Something we didn't cover?
Email us at yes-reply@hackernoon.com✌️