Future Directions for Exploiting Behavioral Biases in Gamesby@algorithmicbias
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Future Directions for Exploiting Behavioral Biases in Games

by Algorithmic Bias (dot tech)January 24th, 2025
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Future research will focus on characterizing which behaviorally-biased strategies can be exploited without payoff observation, particularly in probabilistic settings where strategies like regret minimization challenge consistent wins. Additional avenues include performance benchmarking relative to full-information strategies and exploring complex game types, such as extensive-form games.
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(1) Avrim Blum, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, IL, USA;

(2) Melissa Dutz, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, IL, USA.

Abstract and 1 Introduction

2 Setting and 2.1 Models of behaviorally-biased opponents

3 Preliminaries and Intuition

4.1 Myopic Best Responder and 4.2 Gambler’s Fallacy Opponent

4.3 Win-Stay, Lose-Shift Opponent

4.4 Follow-the-Leader Opponent and 4.5 Highest Average Payoff Opponent

5 Generalizing

5.1 Other Behaviorally-Biased Strategies

5.2 Exploiting an Unknown Strategy from a Known Set of Strategies

6 Future Work and References

A Appendix

A.1 Win-Stay Lose-Shift Variant: Tie-Stay

A.2 Follow-the-Leader Variant: Limited History

A.3 Ellipsoid Mistake Bounds

A.4 Highest Average Payoff Opponent

6. Future Work

In future work, it would be interesting to further characterize which behaviorally-biased strategies can be exploited to win nearly every round without observing payoffs. In that vein, one clear next step would be to explore the exploitability of behaviorally-motivated probabilistic strategies. In the probabilistic setting it may not be possible to win even most of the time; for example, probabilistic strategies could be regret-minimizing, in which case the best we can hope to achieve is the minimax value of the game. However, we could aim to get bounds on our performance relative to the best possible strategy given full information about the game matrix, payoffs, and the opponent’s strategy. Another direction would be considering more complex games, for example exploring extensive-form games.


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