FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis: Quantitative resultby@kinetograph

FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis: Quantitative result

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This paper proposes a consistent V2V synthesis framework by jointly leveraging spatial conditions and temporal optical flow clues within the source video.
featured image - FlowVid: Taming Imperfect Optical Flows for Consistent Video-to-Video Synthesis: Quantitative result
Kinetograph: The Video Editing Technology Publication HackerNoon profile picture

(1) Feng Liang, The University of Texas at Austin and Work partially done during an internship at Meta GenAI (Email: [email protected]);

(2) Bichen Wu, Meta GenAI and Corresponding author;

(3) Jialiang Wang, Meta GenAI;

(4) Licheng Yu, Meta GenAI;

(5) Kunpeng Li, Meta GenAI;

(6) Yinan Zhao, Meta GenAI;

(7) Ishan Misra, Meta GenAI;

(8) Jia-Bin Huang, Meta GenAI;

(9) Peizhao Zhang, Meta GenAI (Email: [email protected]);

(10) Peter Vajda, Meta GenAI (Email: [email protected]);

(11) Diana Marculescu, The University of Texas at Austin (Email: [email protected]).

5.3. Quantitative results

User study We conducted a human evaluation to compare our method with three notable works: CoDeF [32], Rerender [49], and TokenFlow [13]. The user study involves 25 DAVIS videos and 115 manually designed prompts. Participants are shown four videos and asked to identify which one has the best quality, considering both temporal consistency and text alignment. The results, including the average preference rate and standard deviation from five participants for all methods, are detailed in Table 1. Our method achieved a preference rate of 45.7%, outperforming CoDeF (3.5%), Rerender (10.2%), and TokenFlow (40.4%). During the evaluation, we observed that CoDeF struggles with significant motion in videos. The blurry constructed canonical images would always lead to unsatisfactory results. Rerender occasionally experiences color shifts and bright flickering. TokenFlow sometimes fails to sufficiently alter the video according to the prompt, resulting in an output similar to the original video.

Pipeline runtime We also compare runtime efficiency with existing methods in Table 1. Video lengths can vary, resulting in different processing times. Here, we use a video containing 120 frames (4 seconds video with FPS of 30). The resolution is set to 512 × 512. Both our FlowVid model and Rerender [49] use a key frame interval of 4. We generate 31 keyframes by applying autoregressive evaluation twice, followed by RIFE [21] for interpolating the non-key frames.

The total runtime, including image processing, model operation, and frame interpolation, is approximately 1.5 minutes. This is significantly faster than CoDeF (4.6 minutes), Rerender (10.8 minutes) and TokenFlow (15.8 minutes), being 3.1×, 7.2×, and 10.5 × faster, respectively. CoDeF requires per-video optimization to construct the canonical image. While Rerender adopts a sequential method, generating each frame one after the other, our model utilizes batch processing, allowing for more efficient handling of multiple frames simultaneously. In the case of TokenFlow, it requires a large number of DDIM inversion steps (typically around 500) for all frames to obtain the inverted latent, which is a resource-intensive process. We further report the runtime breakdown (Figure 10) in the Appendix.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.