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Imagine a scenario when we need to enable certain spring boot auto-configuration on a subset of environments only. The reason for that may be that i.e. our new feature will use new database (mongo) which hasn’t been setup on all environments yet for some reason, but we don’t want this issue to stop us from deploying new version of the application.
Not all spring boot auto-configurations support disabling them using property. We could try to exclude auto-configurations by declaring them in exclusions
property of @SpringBootApplication
and later import these auto-configurations using @Import
or @ImportAutoConfiguration
in profile specific configuration. Unfortunately this approach often does not work. Basically mixing auto-configuration and manual imports often leads to hard to diagnose configuration errors. Fortunately there is a better way which is purely based on auto-configuration.
Spring boot 2.4 introduced concept of 'profile groups' which allows expanding single profile into multiple sub-profiles. We can use profile groups to map a single profile identifying environment where application is running (dev
/ stage
/ prod
) to set of features which are enabled at each environment. In order to use profile groups we need to define
section in application.yml
Such setup will result in having active profiles: dev
, bravo
, halo
on dev
environment. On prod
environment only prod
and bravo
profiles will be active.
In our case we will be building a feature based on mongoDb. When feature is disabled, the application should not require mongo database to exist nor utilize any mongo auto-configurations, since it’s the only feature using mongodb in our app. Apart from that all services, controllers and other application spring beans related with this feature should be created only when feature is enabled.
For start, we need to define annotation which will allow binding feature specific components & configurations with a dedicated spring profile.
Next thing is to add auto-configuration’s condition which will allow enabling feature specific auto-configurations when feature profile is active:
There are three mongo related auto-configurations used by our application. They need to be made conditional. Let’s create new auto-configuration classes which are subclasses of original auto-configurations and annotate them with @Conditional
utilizing feature condition:
Unfortunately this is not sufficient since spring boot conditional rules are not being inherited by subclasses. Hence, conditional rules has to be copied from MongoAutoConfiguration
, MongoDataAutoConfiguration
and MongoRepositoriesAutoConfiguration
to their subclasses.
The other thing is that dependencies declared in @AutoConfigureAfter
/ @AutoConfigureBefore
should refer to auto-configuration classes, not their subclasses. Otherwise, they won’t work. That’s why these annotations has to be copied from superclass to subclasses, but this time values inside annotations has to be replaced with corresponding Halo*AutoConfiguration
Other spring’s annotations used in auto-configuration subclasses like i.e. @Import
or @EnableConfigurationProperties
will work as if they were part of subclass auto-configuration, so there is no need to copy them from subclass.
After applying these changes we get following auto-configuration classes:
New auto-configurations have to be registered in META-INF/spring.factories
Now let’s exclude original mongo auto-configurations:
Having conditional mongo setup in place we can add simple mongo dependant feature called halo
. The feature consists of single document, mongo repository and a service. Repository and service beans are created only if the halo
feature is enabled.
There is also spring configuration which enables mongock framework for document migration and explicitly defines mongo repositories package:
Now let’s test how this feature works assuming it’s enabled only on dev and mongo database is present there only.
Test is very simple. It creates mongo database using testcontainers, starts spring context and tests haloService
in such environment. The test is green when executed.
Test for prod env shows that application context starts successfully, despite the fact that there is no mongo database configured. None mongo or halo related spring been is constructed.
The same test, but with halo
feature enabled fails on spring context creation, due to connectivity issues to mongo database when instantiating mongock’s beans.
The full source code of the examples is available here.
Also published here.