Enhance Sentiment Analysis with Role-Flipping Multi-LLM Negotiationby@textmodels
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Enhance Sentiment Analysis with Role-Flipping Multi-LLM Negotiation

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Our role-flipping multi-LLM negotiation method improves sentiment analysis accuracy and interpretability, outperforming traditional methods across various benchmarks.
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(1) Xiaofei Sun, Zhejiang University;

(2) Xiaoya Li, Shannon.AI and Bytedance;

(3) Shengyu Zhang, Zhejiang University;

(4) Shuhe Wang, Peking University;

(5) Fei Wu, Zhejiang University;

(6) Jiwei Li, Zhejiang University;

(7) Tianwei Zhang, Nanyang Technological University;

(8) Guoyin Wang, Shannon.AI and Bytedance.

Abstract and Intro

Related Work

LLM Negotiation for Sentiment Analysis


Ablation Studies

Conclusion and References

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we investigate the limitations of singular LLM-based sentiment analysis methods and introduce a novel role-flipping multi-LLM negotiation method to enhance both the accuracy and interpretability of sentiment categorizations. Empirical findings on multiple benchmarks show the superiority of our approach compared to traditional ICL and many supervised methods. Future work could explore optimizing the framework for speed and resource consumption, adapting the underlying principles to other NLP tasks, and designing explicit negotiation modules that identify and mitigate the impact of biases and decoding errors present in individual LLMs.


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