Disruption, Fear and Slippery Slopes: Baby Steps in Building a Better Internetby@nturkewitz_56674
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Disruption, Fear and Slippery Slopes: Baby Steps in Building a Better Internet

by Neil Turkewitz5mJanuary 5th, 2018
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The biggest story of 2017? To my mind, there is no contest — the broad emergence of an awareness that the irresponsibility masquerading as Internet freedom represented a threat to global societies and to cherished aspects of our humanity, and that a course correction was badly needed. While recognition of the fact that rewarding lack of accountability would likely incentivize anti-social and illegal conduct took longer than it should have, such an awareness came to fruition throughout 2017. Whether motivated by concerns about sex trafficking or the prevalence of other internet-enabled crimes, fake news, foreign government interference in elections, monopoly or monopsony power, or the perceived political or cultural biases of platforms, the question at the end of 2017 wasn’t whether the current legal framework for platform responsibility should be amended, but how. It became clear that the twin pillars upholding the current lack of accountability in the internet ecosystem — Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and Section 512 of the DMCA, each of which was adopted at the dawn of the commercial internet, would need to be reexamined and a new framework established. Ideas ranged from minor course corrections such as amending Section 230 to address issues related to sex trafficking (SESTA) and changes to the DMCA to require greater use of technical tools to prevent infringement going beyond mere takedown, to proposals to broadly regulate the operation of platforms given perceived monopoly power over the last mile (access to, and influence over, users). In short, there appeared to be universal acknowledgement that the status quo wasn’t working, and some — as yet unspecified — change was needed.

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