Appendix A. Appendix to Section 2 & Appendix B. Appendix to Section 3
Appendix C. Appendix to Section 4 & Appendix D. Appendix to Section 5
We defined temporal hierarchies using the unary temporal logic operator C 7→ TL(C). We looked at the bases G and G + when G is a group prevariety. In this case, we proved that the corresponding hierarchies are always strict and we compared them with the corresponding concatenation hierarchies. Moreover, we proved that if G has decidable separation, then membership is decidable for levels one and two in both hierarchies. Our main theorem yields a stronger result for the particular bases ST and DD = ST+. Indeed, it implies that level two in both hierarchies has decidable covering. In turn, this implies that level three has decidable membership.
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(1) Thomas Place;
(2) Marc Zaitoun.