DeFi Meets AI: Exclusive Interview With SingularityDAO Cofounder Mario Alberto Casiraghiby@penworth
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DeFi Meets AI: Exclusive Interview With SingularityDAO Cofounder Mario Alberto Casiraghi

by Olayimika Oyebanji September 3rd, 2024
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In this interview with Olayimika Oyebanji, SingularityDAO Co-founder Mario Alberto Casiraghi provides valuable insights into the increasing role of AI in DeFi.
featured image - DeFi Meets AI: Exclusive Interview With SingularityDAO Cofounder Mario Alberto Casiraghi
Olayimika Oyebanji  HackerNoon profile picture

SingularityDAO, a leading pioneer in AI-powered DeFi, leverages such cutting-edge technology as AI to manage digital assets and optimize investment strategies.

By training AI models to analyse market trends, identify opportunities, and make informed investment decisions for users, it seeks to bridge the gap between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi).

In this interview with Olayimika Oyebanji, SingularityDAO Co-founder Mario Alberto Casiraghi provided valuable insights into the increasing role of AI in DeFi, the workings of SingularityDAO and the aim of its recently launched Singularity Venture Hub.

Mario, briefly tell us about yourself and your route to web3?

So, my journey to web3  – I started in traditional investment banking at Merrill Lynch, RBS -  which gave me a solid grounding in financial best practices. But I've always been fascinated by emerging tech, especially AI and blockchain, as I saw the potential for these to disrupt TradFi. So I became increasingly drawn to crypto and their decentralised economies.

In 2017, I took the plunge into the crypto space and joined SingularityNET as their CFO. That's where I really saw the potential of combining AI with blockchain, particularly in DeFi. And this led me to found SingularityDAO in 2021.

I believe what we're doing at SingularityDAO is pretty unique. On one hand, we're bridging the gap between TradFi and web3, bringing the stability and trust of banking into the innovative world of crypto.

On the other hand, we want to level the playing field for retail investors, make it more inclusive. We want to create long-term sustainability, create trust in the community. In the end, it's about striking that balance – innovating with AI and blockchain, but also ensuring we have the financial soundness to back it up.

And as we know the crypto space is extremely volatile, so we aim to be that “beacon of reliability” in the space, not just chasing short-term gains; we're building for the long haul. It's about creating a platform where solid projects can launch, they can thrive, and even more so with the power of AI.

SingularityDAO is at the intersection between AI and Decentralised Finance’ can you elaborate on what that means to the layman?

SingularityDAO combines the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the principles of Decentralised Finance (DeFi).

In simple terms, this means using advanced computer algorithms to analyse financial markets, manage digital assets, and optimise strategies—all within a decentralised, blockchain-based environment.

Traditional Finance has long used AI to optimise its Alpha generation, but these advanced tools have always been a well guarded secret.

SingularityDAO places itself at the intersection of AI and DeFi by committing to bringing these systems on-chain, and making them accessible to all, ensuring that everyone can benefit from what AI in Finance has to offer.

What are the key advantages of AI-driven investment strategies compared to traditional methods? How do they outperform conventional investment techniques in today’s market?

AI-driven strategies offer several key advantages over traditional methods. Firstly, AI can process vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling it to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities that might be missed by human analysis.

This ability to quickly analyse and respond to data allows AI to make more timely and informed decisions.

Secondly, AI continuously learns and adapts to changing market conditions, improving its accuracy and effectiveness over time. This adaptability is particularly valuable in today’s fast-paced and often unpredictable market environment.

By automating complex processes and reducing the potential for human error, AI-driven strategies help level the playing field, making advanced techniques and insights accessible to a broader range of participants, not just large institutions.

This democratisation of access allows more people to benefit from sophisticated strategies that were previously out of reach.

It's worth noting that traditional finance now frequently utilises advanced AI across markets.

However, the real breakthrough lies in democratising access to these tools and integrating them into the blockchain.

Today large institutions have stepped into DeFi- do you have any concerns about this and what it means for the smaller retail investor? Where do DynaVaults stand vs. the large MMs and their smart trading algorithms?

The entry of large institutions into DeFi does introduce new dynamics, as they bring significant resources and sophisticated trading algorithms to the space. This could potentially create challenges for smaller retail participants, who might feel at a disadvantage.

However, DynaVaults are designed to address these concerns by giving retail the opportunity to leverage similar tools to those that large MMs deploy, and in doing so, create more efficient opportunities within DeFi.

DynaVaults use advanced AI models to manage and optimise portfolios, providing smaller retail users with tools that can help them navigate the market more effectively.

This AI-driven approach enables retail participants to access strategies and insights that were traditionally reserved for large institutions, helping to level the playing field.

While institutional presence in DeFi is growing, DynaVaults have been developed to ensure that all users, regardless of their size, have access to powerful, user-friendly tools that empower them to participate in the ecosystem.

The security of DeFi protocols remains a top priority in this space? How do you leverage AI for the benefit of the end users?

DeFi is an emerging space and while a lot of effort is spent on audits and testing, exploits are not unheard of. This is where AI can help in monitoring and proactively taking steps to prevent and minimise losses. The first step is to capture on-chain as well as off-chain data in real time.

This data includes operations of participating wallets, participating protocols as well as off chain feeds. Some metrics capture are a liquidity reserves, pool asset balances, asset prices, pool behaviour etc. The next step is to use specialised machine learning models, heuristics to identify potential threats or exploits and take preventive actions.

Our PV2 protocols has an AI powered risk engine baked in specifically to ensure that our user's funds are safeguarded.

Can you define the functions of Singularity DeFi Hub as an AI-driven Portolfio Management Solution?

Singularity DeFi Hub is an AI-driven portfolio management platform that optimises decentralised finance (DeFi) investment strategies through advanced algorithms and machine learning.

The platform automates portfolio management, intelligently allocates assets, and leverages predictive analytics to manage ririsk

It also identifies lucrative yield farming opportunities, provides comprehensive performance tracking, and offers AI-powered insights for portfolio improvement. Users can customise strategies, while the AI adapts to market conditions, ensuring optimal results.

With robust security, regulatory compliance, and seamless integration across DeFi protocols, Singularity DeFi Hub delivers a user-friendly and sophisticated solution for DeFi investors. Looking into the near future, the platform's expansion will also introduce larger use cases for both retail and institutional clients.

This broadening of scope is designed to extend the horizons of DeFi applications, offering more comprehensive financial solutions and increasing protocol revenue opportunities.

By addressing the diverse needs of its user base, the platform aims to foster a more inclusive and profitable ecosystem, driving greater adoption and innovation within the DeFi space.

Can you tell us about the founding of SingularityDAO?

In 2020, Ben Goertzel first pitched the idea of a project called SingularityDAO with the initial goal of creating a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) that would manage and optimise a portfolio of cryptocurrency assets using advanced artificial intelligence (AI).

The primary aim was to democratise access to sophisticated financial tools and strategies, typically available only to large institutional investors, by leveraging AI to manage diversified portfolios of crypto assets (called "DynaSets").

The broader vision was to create a financial ecosystem that could help fuel the development and deployment of beneficial artificial general intelligence (AGI) by integrating it with decentralised finance (DeFi). SingularityDAO was conceived as part of the broader SingularityNET ecosystem, which focuses on developing decentralised AGI.

Can you take us through the role of the Singularity Venture Hub?

Singularity Venture Hub (SVH) operates at the intersection of Blockchain and AI, aiming to maximise the impact of the AI and Web3 revolution, making it universally accessible and harnessing the power of the world's leading decentralised Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem.

Singularity Venture Hub divides its business into two macro-areas: Token Incubation and Acceleration and Crypto Treasury Management Services:

  • Incubator: Guiding new projects from concept to market with tailored support services, ensuring they surpass industry standards for transparency, security, and value creation.

  • Treasury Management: Optimising the handling of digital assets to effectively manage token assets to support growth and sustainability in this rapidly evolving market.

SVH is the Venture Arm of SingularityNET and a solid partner of the SingularityNET Ecosystem Spin-offs.

Can you share any of SingularityDAO’s noteworthy achievements whilst evolving the DeFi space?

We have made a series of noteworthy achievements since launch. In 2021, we introduced DynaSets, a groundbreaking AI-managed portfolio system, along with our launchpad and a suite of staking, farming, and bridging solutions.

Building on this momentum, 2022 saw our expansion into cross-chain capabilities, introducing BNB Chain support for staking, farming, and DynaSets. By 2023, we had successfully launched multiple ecosystem projects through our launchpad, further solidifying our role as a DeFi innovator.

In 2024, the project played a crucial role in the ASI Token Merger, providing on-chain merge solutions while also expanding our reach with non-ecosystem launchpads.

What is your experience navigating the intersection of AI and blockchain technology, particularly through SingularityDAO’s close involvement with SingularityNET and the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance?

Navigating the intersection of AI and blockchain technology, particularly through SingularityDAO's close involvement with SingularityNET and the Artificial Superintelligence Alliance, has been both challenging and deeply rewarding.

Being at the forefront of innovation in not just one but two cutting-edge fields requires constant adaptation and creativity. On the AI front, we've had to develop sophisticated algorithms capable of managing complex financial tasks, while on the blockchain side, we've focused on building secure, transparent, and decentralised systems.

The integration of these technologies posed significant challenges, from ensuring AI's predictive power could be effectively harnessed within the decentralised framework of blockchain, to navigating the volatile and rapidly evolving world of crypto assets.

Despite these challenges, our efforts have led to remarkable victories. We've successfully launched AI-driven financial products like DynaSets, which democratise access to advanced investment strategies, and we've pioneered new approaches to transparency and decentralisation in AI deployment.

Each obstacle pushed us to innovate further, resulting in solutions that not only advance our own capabilities but also contribute to the broader fields of AI and blockchain. The journey has been demanding, but the breakthroughs we've achieved at this unique intersection make every effort worthwhile.

For anybody who may be interested in DeFi, do you have any closing words of advice?

DeFi, and with it, the movement of decentralisation brings opportunities that have never before been available to the world. An innovative space in technology that is open for anyone with the interest to get involved. Now is the time for the visionaries and creatives among us to come together and build a better, more inclusive future.