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RunWhen is a platform for troubleshooting complex tech stacks. It helps engineers identify when issues they are chasing lie in their app, their cloud-native platform or their vendors by answering the question: “What do I run and when?” With a few minutes of training, the platform scans cloud-native clusters and combines the results with community know-how and the power of generative AI to build Digital Assistants that help app developers and new engineers navigate health metrics and troubleshooting commands before escalating to service owners. With a Stack Overflow style prompt for guidance, it can suggest and run hundreds of commands across a platform and applications. Digital Assistants find issues worthy of deeper attention, building a path forward that the teams involved can review and adjust along the way. With RunWhen, application developers and platform engineers can move quickly from problem identification to problem resolution. Visit to find out more and to sign up for our beta! Don't forget to follow us on Youtube for demos:




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